green lawns
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green lawns
Is there a reason for so many dead lawns in American Canyon. I cant believe people are blaming it on high water bills. If it was that bad you could at least put in a smaller lawn to water, or rock. Are the residents of American Canyon that poor they cannot afford to water their lawns. I believe they just dont care and do not take pride in their yards, the city or themselves. C'mon American Canyon, water your lawns!
dead lawns & poorly maintained properties
It is unfortunate and disheartening to see so many homes that are eyesores, and in most cases it is because the property owner does not care and can get away with it in Am Can. Most of these same residents use the property rights crutch to justify their lack of basic property care.
While some of these same residents may feel that code enforcement is overzealous, the fact of the matter is that our property maintenance requirements are very lax when compared to other cities. Property owners are also given too much latitude with regards to vehicle & RV parking in both their front and back yards.
Please be considerate of your neighbors & community and recognize that most property owners want to maintain their property values and care about how their neighborhood looks!
While some of these same residents may feel that code enforcement is overzealous, the fact of the matter is that our property maintenance requirements are very lax when compared to other cities. Property owners are also given too much latitude with regards to vehicle & RV parking in both their front and back yards.
Please be considerate of your neighbors & community and recognize that most property owners want to maintain their property values and care about how their neighborhood looks!
Neighborhood eyesores!
Thank you. This has been a source of frustration & embarassment for us for a very long time.
Please register complaints with our local code enforcement officer. Code enforcement does not have the authority to pursue a violation unless a citizen registers a complaint. This can be done anonymously via email or phone. Even though I believe that our code enforcement should be much stricter than what it is, it is all we have at this point in time.
We can also notify the fire dept. for yards with overgrown and/or dry weeds that present a fire hazard. The police dept. will respond to calls regarding any kind of vehicle (including any type of RV) that is parked on the street longer than 3 days.
I am hoping that in the near future we will finally have a city council whose majority will support and pass stricter code enforcement or property maintenace guidelines.
Please register complaints with our local code enforcement officer. Code enforcement does not have the authority to pursue a violation unless a citizen registers a complaint. This can be done anonymously via email or phone. Even though I believe that our code enforcement should be much stricter than what it is, it is all we have at this point in time.
We can also notify the fire dept. for yards with overgrown and/or dry weeds that present a fire hazard. The police dept. will respond to calls regarding any kind of vehicle (including any type of RV) that is parked on the street longer than 3 days.
I am hoping that in the near future we will finally have a city council whose majority will support and pass stricter code enforcement or property maintenace guidelines.
just a reminder
Ahhhh its that time of year again when 80 percent of lawns in american canyon turn brown. They dont call it the golden state for nothing. Drive down any street in Rancho and youll find maybe two or three homes on a street with a green lawn. The rest, are a rich golden brown. Maybe the city could have a program where they donate green paint and have the boy scouts do the painting.
Green Lawns
For years I have fought to keep my lawn green...Besides the quantity of water that is needed, as soon as the water hits the grass the WIND dries it up.
rude comment
That was a rude comment to the Rancho resident. The truth is public works needs to have classes on how to make your lawns better. Either using low water plants, or xeroscaping. Also lawns need to be aerated (sp) and thatched regularily also if you use Scott's Turf builder with weed killer every two weeks and water ever other day at 3am your lawn will come back and look great. Additionally don't cut it so short during the summer then the wind can't dry out the roots. It will also save money by cutting twice a month. Help out thy neighbor, don't critisize.
Advice / Criticism
I would like to thank the previous poster for their advice on how to help me keep my lawn green. I can say that as a property owner in Rancho, my home is one of the two that is kept up year round. ( 2 per block is an exaggeration ) I've also seen where McKnight Acres and Napa Square have the same problems as Rancho. Homeowners that don't seem to care what their property looks like. Until code enforcement becomes a priority with the city, things will most likely not change.
Green Lawns
It's not just Rancho or McKnight Acres it's Montevino and even LaVigne,
If you do not like what a neighbor's lawn looks like, the first thing you ought to do is SPEAK TO THEM IN PERSON about it; tell them that it DOES make the neighborhoor appear rundown, and would they maintain it - or even offer your assistance as a good neighbor. They may be so embarrassed, that they would thank you for your concern. It COULD also be that perhaps they are just too busy earning money to pay their mortgage to have noticed.
Running to the Code Enforecement is not the first option; you only create rightful hostility on the part of that neighbor. It is THEIR home. THEY are paying through the nose for THEIR mortgage. If they want a brown lawn, so be it. It is THEIR "castle."
Code enforecement is just a throwback to those who were employed by the KGB to spy on their neighbors and report back to the state. Do you REALLY want that HERE?
What next? Cant use my gas guzzling 6.5 HP Mower, as it is not earth friendly? Mandate all we pesants use push mowers? I LIKE running that 6.5 monster ON Earth Day, just for spite; THEN I get into my Evil SUV and run IT TOO... Heh heh heh.
As for MY lawn, it is currently on life support and a battle for it's life; half of it is dead from weeds and chemicals, and the other is a mosaic of crab grass and other unidentifyable types of green lawn flora. I recently contracted with Clark Pest Control to kill the weeds, which they DID. Now, I have to deal with the dead areas. It is MY lawn, and MY problem.](./images/smilies/eusa_wall.gif)
Running to the Code Enforecement is not the first option; you only create rightful hostility on the part of that neighbor. It is THEIR home. THEY are paying through the nose for THEIR mortgage. If they want a brown lawn, so be it. It is THEIR "castle."

Code enforecement is just a throwback to those who were employed by the KGB to spy on their neighbors and report back to the state. Do you REALLY want that HERE?

What next? Cant use my gas guzzling 6.5 HP Mower, as it is not earth friendly? Mandate all we pesants use push mowers? I LIKE running that 6.5 monster ON Earth Day, just for spite; THEN I get into my Evil SUV and run IT TOO... Heh heh heh.
As for MY lawn, it is currently on life support and a battle for it's life; half of it is dead from weeds and chemicals, and the other is a mosaic of crab grass and other unidentifyable types of green lawn flora. I recently contracted with Clark Pest Control to kill the weeds, which they DID. Now, I have to deal with the dead areas. It is MY lawn, and MY problem.
Did it ever occur to you, that possible 50% of the houses are rented out? Consider being a renter, would you put your own money to plant grass to increase the value of home that is not yours. I DONT THINK SO!!!! I know I won't. I would love to have a lawn instead of dirt & weeds, but the owners don't want to spend the money. Most renters are not concerned with making someone else's house pretty. I am not one of them, but can only do so much without putting my own money into it.
I have a few friends who have rental properties. They have decided to put in an addendum (sp) to the lease stating that the renter is responsible for the upkeep of the property. That INCLUDES making sure that the lawn, flowers and schrubs are watered and alive, and the lawn properly mowed.
Sorry, sometimes you have to make a few sacrifices to live in a house. If you refuse to help keep up the property, go live in an apartment. Trust us, we certainly prefer to not have rental properties in our neighborhoods, but if necessary, keep them looking good. That helps everyone's values, keeps most people happy and most important, neighborly.
Sorry, sometimes you have to make a few sacrifices to live in a house. If you refuse to help keep up the property, go live in an apartment. Trust us, we certainly prefer to not have rental properties in our neighborhoods, but if necessary, keep them looking good. That helps everyone's values, keeps most people happy and most important, neighborly.
green lawns
Really how snotty can you be? We for one actually live in a home with a not so pretty lawn. We are renting. I agree with the previous poster who stated the fact that we don't want to put money into a home that isn't ours. We inherited this lawn - the home owners are constantly saying that they want to do something, but don't! It isn't a matter of not mainting the lawn - it is a matter of the owner not having a lawn there for you to maintain. So I am suppose to sacrifice and put in a beautiful lawn at MY expense - when it isn't even my home!!! I DO NOT THINK SO!!! I don't like it - matter of fact it is very depressing at times. Before selling our home we lived in a very well manicured home of which we maintained on a weekly basis. We do the best we can with what we have. As it is we have put more $$ into this home then the homeowner EVER did, and for what to increase their value so that one day they can sell it. I guess the point I am trying to make is that not all of us like what we have, but we do the best we can. We keep our not so pretty lawn cut down and cleaned up from garbage.
"Guest" How snotty could I be? NOT AT ALL. I rented a home a few years back and put in the expense of a new lawn. I know how expensive it can be. I just think that you have to do what is necessary to keep your "property" rental or own as clean as you can. By this I mean keeping things watered. Keeping things that are existing ALIVE. THAT'S WHAT I SAID. By renting a home as opposed to an apartment, more responsibilities come with it. You know that. That's not new info for you. There is one home on our street that is FINALLY re doing the front landscape. Nobody asked him to do it, but he realizes that it will help his values.
"Guest" obviously if is a not so pretty lawn, you can still make it decent. That's all. I am not snotty about anything, better than anyone or anything else. I take pride in where I live and I am sure you do as well.
If you want your landlord to "do something", give him a few numbers of people you "run across" but then don't you think that he'll want you to maintain the yard???
Sorry that you found me to be snotty. That was not my intention- Happy Sunday.
"Guest" obviously if is a not so pretty lawn, you can still make it decent. That's all. I am not snotty about anything, better than anyone or anything else. I take pride in where I live and I am sure you do as well.
If you want your landlord to "do something", give him a few numbers of people you "run across" but then don't you think that he'll want you to maintain the yard???
Sorry that you found me to be snotty. That was not my intention- Happy Sunday.
Well, I didn''t say I don't maintain what's there. The yard is kept free of weeds piling high. etc. I don't mind spending the money on water for a lawn if I had one nor do I mind upkeeping what I have got. It still doesn't look great. The house could definatly need a exterior paint job, personally I dont' think our house looks that great, but again I am not going to spend MY money to paint someone else's house nor spend MY money to put a lawn in someone else's yard. As for asking them to do anything, it took us 8 months just a get an oven that worked. You really think they're going to install a lawn or paint the house. I seriously doubt it!!!!!!!
We live in a rental and we are proud that we live here. We would buy a home if we could, but you know the cost!!! Not one person in my area would know that we rent, as we take care of the home that we are living in and paying for. Our landlord expects us to care for his home as we would our own. I always get my complete deposit back and am proud of it. One day we will buy our own home and it will look the same. Renters have rights about what is habitable and what is not. Owners have obligations to fix things that are not working right and in a timely manner. A written letter to the owner about the problem, and then within two weeks you can have the item repaired and take it out of the rent. If the city is aware of the problem with the paint on the house being in bad shape, you can request that the owner pay for the up keep. Renters have rights and are also obligated to the area they live in. 

When I rented a house, I always watered and mowed the lawn. Because I took pride in the house I lived in. Keeping up your yard says alot about who you are. I dont see how watering a rental lawn, is increasing the property owners value. Were talking about watering your lawn, not remodeling the house. Give me a break!
green lawns
I would water a lawn if there were a lawn to be watered!!!! But I am not going to water weeds and rocks! Yes, I do agree with the statement about keeping a lawn says something about you. But who are we to pass judgement on others? You don't know who I am - just because of my lawn! Maybe that person with the not so nice yard deals with chronic illness in the home, maybe a child who is constantly in and out of the hospital or a spouse? And when they are not working to pay their mortgage or rent -- they are not out there spending their time beautifying their property for YOU! - Sure the next answer will be well, hire someone - but what if they are tapped out with all the medical expenses? See - this is my point -- you are passing judgement on someone because of the way their lawn looks. Why is a renter second class to a homeowner? I have actually been both - and am currently renting till we decide whether to stay in California or not -- it has made NO difference to me in the upkeep of my home whether or not I rent or own.
Some residents are so concerned with upkeep and what not, which I don't blame you, but did you know that american canyon is where the county sends all the mental patients for transitional housing. Gee, could that be why alot of houses are not kept up because county is not going to make upkeep of house a priority other than what is required by law. Should of probably thought of that before you bought your home. Not mention, you can tell the neighborhood before you buy, if you don't like then buy elsewhere.
oh yeah, and what about all the child molestors & rapists that living in the mobile home park on american canyon rd. hmmm just a coincidence that most live in that mobile park???? Sticking together I guess. Maybe instead of fighting with neighbors and each other, fight the county & city for allowing so many known problem poeple to live here.
The Facts...
The board and care homes in American Canyon are not owned by the County of Napa, they are privately owned homes licensed to care for a specific number of patients. There use to be many more homes of this type in Am Can but I have noticed a sharp decrease in these facilities over the last several years. Also, before the new developments, I don't remember such animosity between neighborhoods. We use to be one community and it didn't matter if you lived in Rancho, Victoria Faire or Napa Meadows. What's up with that?
"green lawn" issue
This is my take on the whole "green lawn" issue.
I live in a new home here in AC, and to my disbelief more than half of the lawns are brown, covered with weeds, or just uncut with weeds.
I think this speaks volumes about the people that live in these homes. Keeping your lawn green and manicured is NOT costly nor time consuming...I know I do it! A hour week at most, and the cost of $8.95 for a bag of fertilizer.... and water? The way people are talking about water here you'd think they were pouring gasoline on their lawns! (even though alot of them look like it) c'mon. Hey don't get me wrong water is over priced here in AC, but the cost to water your lawn is insignificant.
I live in a new home here in AC, and to my disbelief more than half of the lawns are brown, covered with weeds, or just uncut with weeds.
I think this speaks volumes about the people that live in these homes. Keeping your lawn green and manicured is NOT costly nor time consuming...I know I do it! A hour week at most, and the cost of $8.95 for a bag of fertilizer.... and water? The way people are talking about water here you'd think they were pouring gasoline on their lawns! (even though alot of them look like it) c'mon. Hey don't get me wrong water is over priced here in AC, but the cost to water your lawn is insignificant.