Today's AC Eagle
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Please follow the terms of use as illustrated on the main page of the forum. Only registered users may post in this forum. Classified posts and events must be posted in the Classifieds and Events forum. Thank you.
Scott Hankins
I just finished reading my Eagle newspaper last night. I wanted to mention that I think Scott Hankins does a great job of writting for American Canyon. His articles are always informative, interesting and his style is easy to read. I would love to see Scott receive some kind of award from the citizens thanking him for the awesome job. How could we achieve this, who do we call?
readin' -n- writin'
The Eagle is suppose to have this wonderful editor with a staff, but quite honestly the quality is much worse than the Post or even the Echo. Both of those papers are the local news as far as I am concerned. They are just trying to get by. The Eagle is the Register in disguise trying to sell an additional advertising market to Napa businesses.
I should know I own a business in Napa and they bother me all of the time. I also know that people wouldn't travel north for my business as it is a service.
I think the Eagle is a Turkey, they keep flapping the wings but never seem to take off. I also don't like the way the "editor" makes his negative and nasty comments about bashing the canyon anyway he can. They think they can put a fluff piece here or there and all of the garbage in between and people won't notice.
And what about the Register subscribers who don't want the Eagle? Now they are cut of from local news. If the Register was smart they would be a County newspaper and let the local papers be run by the local people who care to make a difference.
Don't feed the beast advertise and shop locally.
As for Scott Hankins....he reminds me of "Alma" on Sister Act. Remember when the nun falls asleep at the piano and Whoopi stomps her feet to wake her up? That is what I think of when I see him at the meetings always falling asleep. Quite comical actually. Let's face it I am sure the Register doesn't even pay him enough to "pay attention."
I should know I own a business in Napa and they bother me all of the time. I also know that people wouldn't travel north for my business as it is a service.
I think the Eagle is a Turkey, they keep flapping the wings but never seem to take off. I also don't like the way the "editor" makes his negative and nasty comments about bashing the canyon anyway he can. They think they can put a fluff piece here or there and all of the garbage in between and people won't notice.
And what about the Register subscribers who don't want the Eagle? Now they are cut of from local news. If the Register was smart they would be a County newspaper and let the local papers be run by the local people who care to make a difference.
Don't feed the beast advertise and shop locally.
As for Scott Hankins....he reminds me of "Alma" on Sister Act. Remember when the nun falls asleep at the piano and Whoopi stomps her feet to wake her up? That is what I think of when I see him at the meetings always falling asleep. Quite comical actually. Let's face it I am sure the Register doesn't even pay him enough to "pay attention."
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Scott Hankins
This man just makes up stories as he goes along and the editor for some reason allows him to print it. Remember Scott used to write for the Echo. Back then he at least was more pro-community. Now all his articles are against anyone who was is on the Anti-Walmart side. Now talk about a slanted paper. I stick with the Post. I at least know that truth will be told and they will give references to back it up. The Eagle has yet to print any retractions for erroneous information given......... They rank with newsweek just another stinky rag that will say anything no matter how many people they hurt.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Todays Eagle
Are you kidding??? This is such a rag.
for minding city biz
It was just too much for you to say something postive.
The article was from someone "on your side"
The article was from someone "on your side"
Guest, I also am annoyed that the Register and the Eagle print the same thing. I usually go online to the register and on Tuesday afternoon check the current Eagle. Neither paper shows any cause to go out and buy it. Usually I just buy the Register on Sundays and then it's really for the ads...The Register seems so negitive toward AC and the Eagle well, like I said, they print the same thing...
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Re: for minding city biz
Not sure what your talking about. Maybe you would like to elaborate.guest wrote:It was just too much for you to say something postive.
The article was from someone "on your side"
Rivera's article "The Golden Rule" in this week's Eagle, is a little difficult for me to understand who the so-called "Naysayers" are in his opinion.
The quote: "My way or the highway" reminds me of discussions I've seen on this board posted by long time residents that don't want any change except what they decide. The catch phrase for years out here was "If it ain't broke don't fix it! " Or "American Canyon is just Napa's dumping ground". And alot of the long time residents picked up this attitude and seemed to relish in it. Until we became a city and new residents started taking interest in changing the image of American Canyon.
The phrase "It's hard to fly with the eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys" is in reference to what group? People who don't always agree with past or future decisions? People who you say in the next paragraph that have the right to their own opinion?
I'm confused. Someone please enlighten me. Who really are the "Naysayers" that Mr. Rivera is referring to?
The quote: "My way or the highway" reminds me of discussions I've seen on this board posted by long time residents that don't want any change except what they decide. The catch phrase for years out here was "If it ain't broke don't fix it! " Or "American Canyon is just Napa's dumping ground". And alot of the long time residents picked up this attitude and seemed to relish in it. Until we became a city and new residents started taking interest in changing the image of American Canyon.
The phrase "It's hard to fly with the eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys" is in reference to what group? People who don't always agree with past or future decisions? People who you say in the next paragraph that have the right to their own opinion?
I'm confused. Someone please enlighten me. Who really are the "Naysayers" that Mr. Rivera is referring to?
follow up ?
Why don't you ask him? Best to get it straight from the horse's mouth.
his email address is usually posted
his email address is usually posted
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
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Eagles don't fly find them one at a time."It's hard to fly with the eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys"
Ducks fly together, and they go quack quack a group that makes a bunch of noise here in American Canyon...quack, quack quack.
Say Nay
Paul makes a humorous point about the quacking going on in town.
To say that only because of the noise some of the new residents is the reason the city is changing is ridiculous. The image of town has been a project that has been worked on for many, many years.
It isn't about new or old residents. It's about moving forward in a well-planned, cost effective manner which serves the interests of all the folks who live here. This includes the young, teenagers, adults and seniors.
Regarding naysayers: if the "nay" label fits-- then wear it.
If it doesn't then don't worry, because you ae probably part of the solution, not the problem.
I hope Mr. Rivera keeps telling it like it is. At least he says what's on his mind.
To say that only because of the noise some of the new residents is the reason the city is changing is ridiculous. The image of town has been a project that has been worked on for many, many years.
It isn't about new or old residents. It's about moving forward in a well-planned, cost effective manner which serves the interests of all the folks who live here. This includes the young, teenagers, adults and seniors.
Regarding naysayers: if the "nay" label fits-- then wear it.
If it doesn't then don't worry, because you ae probably part of the solution, not the problem.
I hope Mr. Rivera keeps telling it like it is. At least he says what's on his mind.
This week's Eagle...
I was very disappointed to read the article about Canyon Corners and what type of business is planning to come into that development. I had hoped for different than we already have.
Also, Mr. Miller, your letter to the editor was really unnecessary. Kathleen is leaving town. I never met the woman, but why do you insist on hurting someone that you have a difference of opinion with instead of wishing a family good luck and goodbye. (A family by the way that apparently have put their ill family members before themselves)
Also, Mr. Miller, your letter to the editor was really unnecessary. Kathleen is leaving town. I never met the woman, but why do you insist on hurting someone that you have a difference of opinion with instead of wishing a family good luck and goodbye. (A family by the way that apparently have put their ill family members before themselves)
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Well I guess you couldn't read the telephone number listed at the top of the page. You could call them. Just like I did with the Eagle.
Me, me and more me!
Something just doesn't sit well with "me" after reading Mr. Rivera's article
"Taking Personal Inventory" in the Eagle last week.
Quote: As I turned up the volume on the car radio of the Mercedes S430 I was driving...My other car is a BMW convertible parked in the garage of a five bedroom, five bath home worth in excess of $800,000..... I was heading to Cancun for a few days of "me" time...I've been blessed with a life partner who "gets" me.
The article goes on to describe how unimportant these worldly possessions are when thinking of the victims of the recent hurricanes.
I don't know it seemed alittle more like it was about "ME"!
"Taking Personal Inventory" in the Eagle last week.
Quote: As I turned up the volume on the car radio of the Mercedes S430 I was driving...My other car is a BMW convertible parked in the garage of a five bedroom, five bath home worth in excess of $800,000..... I was heading to Cancun for a few days of "me" time...I've been blessed with a life partner who "gets" me.
The article goes on to describe how unimportant these worldly possessions are when thinking of the victims of the recent hurricanes.
I don't know it seemed alittle more like it was about "ME"!
Article and more
You apparently have a very narrow focus.
You missed the part about his $1000 donation to the Red Cross, his donation to the Salvation Army and Mr. Rivera's efforts for the Abbeville/American Canyon project. His efforts have received $2000 cash donation for the project.
If this is what he can accomplish then KUDOS to him.
What have you done for the less fortunate? I know Mr. Rivera donates GENEROUSLY of HIS $$and time around town. America is based on being a capitalistic society and Mr. Rivera continues to work hard and share his good fortune with the less fortunate.
Your posting was about YOUR pettiness and YOUR small mindedness. YOU should grow up.
You missed the part about his $1000 donation to the Red Cross, his donation to the Salvation Army and Mr. Rivera's efforts for the Abbeville/American Canyon project. His efforts have received $2000 cash donation for the project.
If this is what he can accomplish then KUDOS to him.
What have you done for the less fortunate? I know Mr. Rivera donates GENEROUSLY of HIS $$and time around town. America is based on being a capitalistic society and Mr. Rivera continues to work hard and share his good fortune with the less fortunate.
Your posting was about YOUR pettiness and YOUR small mindedness. YOU should grow up.
For Initial Poster
I have read about this website and see that comments about me have previously been posted and currently being posted again.
So let me just address some of the comments made about me:
- Am I a journalist? No. I write a column. I began writing it because, quite frankly, no one else wanted to do it. I am not an employee of the Register or the Eagle. I submit my column, they make any editorial changes and print it at their will and free control.
- I have never received any free products, items or services from anyone or any company I have written about. I am very successful at what I do and choose to pay my way. This is to avoid any suggested conflict of interest and any allegations of illegality, corruption etc.
-"Mr. Rivera is the most negative person I know" from Mel in a previous posting. Mel, I don't believe I have ever had the pleasure of meeting you. So you don't know me. I tend to be a very upbeat, optomistic and positive person, as many of the people I DO know, will attest.
-I "hide behind a Christian Veener, but you don't want to know what occurs behind closed doors at his home" this according to a previous posting. SIGH.. What a disapointment.
Some of the activities which have taken place at my home have been:
-running two council campaigns. One successful (Vice Mayor Garcia ) and the other not (Candidate Bennett). Both campaigns were positive and concentrating on the real issues, not gossip, character assassination or allegations of corruption we saw in the last election.
- I held meetings for uour church youth group, Cub Scouts and other youth groups for the benefit of providing services here in AmCan.
- Conducting fund rasising meetings which have resulted in excess of $400,000 used around American Canyon.
I can go on, but I have more productive and positive things to do in my time. I hope the posters at this venue will do likewise. .
If anyone wants to get to know me or find out anything about me, contact me directly. Lastly, I am very approachable and can easily be reached at 647-1792 or
Thank you all for listening to my clarifications. I wish you all well.
PS. The purpose of my last article was to demonstrate how me, my family and many other residents in American Canyon have been blessed. What did the initial poster have difficulty with? My success? My donations? My efforts? Maybe the poster needs to take a personal inventory and repriortize what really matters to them. Have a good day!
So let me just address some of the comments made about me:
- Am I a journalist? No. I write a column. I began writing it because, quite frankly, no one else wanted to do it. I am not an employee of the Register or the Eagle. I submit my column, they make any editorial changes and print it at their will and free control.
- I have never received any free products, items or services from anyone or any company I have written about. I am very successful at what I do and choose to pay my way. This is to avoid any suggested conflict of interest and any allegations of illegality, corruption etc.
-"Mr. Rivera is the most negative person I know" from Mel in a previous posting. Mel, I don't believe I have ever had the pleasure of meeting you. So you don't know me. I tend to be a very upbeat, optomistic and positive person, as many of the people I DO know, will attest.
-I "hide behind a Christian Veener, but you don't want to know what occurs behind closed doors at his home" this according to a previous posting. SIGH.. What a disapointment.
Some of the activities which have taken place at my home have been:
-running two council campaigns. One successful (Vice Mayor Garcia ) and the other not (Candidate Bennett). Both campaigns were positive and concentrating on the real issues, not gossip, character assassination or allegations of corruption we saw in the last election.
- I held meetings for uour church youth group, Cub Scouts and other youth groups for the benefit of providing services here in AmCan.
- Conducting fund rasising meetings which have resulted in excess of $400,000 used around American Canyon.
I can go on, but I have more productive and positive things to do in my time. I hope the posters at this venue will do likewise. .
If anyone wants to get to know me or find out anything about me, contact me directly. Lastly, I am very approachable and can easily be reached at 647-1792 or
Thank you all for listening to my clarifications. I wish you all well.
PS. The purpose of my last article was to demonstrate how me, my family and many other residents in American Canyon have been blessed. What did the initial poster have difficulty with? My success? My donations? My efforts? Maybe the poster needs to take a personal inventory and repriortize what really matters to them. Have a good day!
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
- Contact:
Victor, you are right on point. So few people are even blessed to be living here in the USA- a good number of the rest of the world is born in places that are no so pleasant to live, with regular wars, political instability, religious intolerance, evil practices and so on....
Needless to say, we have few problems here....
As for your critics, well, you know, let them sit in the bleachers in the game of life and watch...
The fact of the matter is that change often comes from aggrevated people, which is the motivator for much of politics.
And in AC, there is plenty of that.
Needless to say, we have few problems here....
As for your critics, well, you know, let them sit in the bleachers in the game of life and watch...
The fact of the matter is that change often comes from aggrevated people, which is the motivator for much of politics.
And in AC, there is plenty of that.
Victor, I just searched through all of my posts and do not see where I
said, "Mr. Rivera is the most negative person I know" . If I remember correctly I said ," Continue with your Abbyville efforts, Mr. Rivera." THEN I said, "For folks who call themselves the "positve"
group in the "no negative zone." (buttons courtesy of Buzz "Wal-Mart"
Butler) you are the most negative people I have ever met."
BTW, I have met you...
said, "Mr. Rivera is the most negative person I know" . If I remember correctly I said ," Continue with your Abbyville efforts, Mr. Rivera." THEN I said, "For folks who call themselves the "positve"
group in the "no negative zone." (buttons courtesy of Buzz "Wal-Mart"
Butler) you are the most negative people I have ever met."
BTW, I have met you...
I heard Mr. Maguire got pretty aggrevated at the last meeting and did a little name calling. Yep, if it is true than maybe you need to think about change. You seem to call people names and yet you think others should be professional. You say one thing and then do another what is it all about, how can you even think of a council placement when you call people names. What would be your platform this time? You might make it if there are more seats available this time around, like all seats available.
Yes, I heard he called somebody a name too. I believe it was imbecile. I am sure that it's true, but only said after the woman was taunting the person who by the way was minding their own business from across a parking lot.
Can somebody say no recess?
Just for the record, sometimes with really, really, dense people like a handful in this town you just gotta stoop to their level. Then and only then do they get the point. Not that it's right, just necessary to convey the thought.
Can somebody say no recess?
Just for the record, sometimes with really, really, dense people like a handful in this town you just gotta stoop to their level. Then and only then do they get the point. Not that it's right, just necessary to convey the thought.