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"Eco-Nuts?" Definition: A group of dedicated citizens trying to find a recreational use for land that has been an eyesore or not accessible for years in AC. This was a term, used by the Mayor at the city council meeting tonight... Maybe it is not too early to change, how we as residents, can have a voice in how a mayor is voted into office in our community.
council material
Watched last night. Something has to be done about the sound system.
Terrible! Terrible! Terrible..
Can someone tell Luporini to turn off her microphone when she's carrying on a separate conversation when city business is being discussed. Her voice is always picked up on the microphone..
The microphones on the tables and podium should also be turned off during breaks- I don't think anyone wants to listen to audience rambling and gossip for ten minutes.
Not certain what the post about older citizens meant?
Old as in old and senile or
residents who have lived here for a while?
Terrible! Terrible! Terrible..
Can someone tell Luporini to turn off her microphone when she's carrying on a separate conversation when city business is being discussed. Her voice is always picked up on the microphone..
The microphones on the tables and podium should also be turned off during breaks- I don't think anyone wants to listen to audience rambling and gossip for ten minutes.
Not certain what the post about older citizens meant?
Old as in old and senile or
residents who have lived here for a while?
council action
Despite the problems I thought last night was productive. I am deeply troubled by the "eco-nut" comment too and feel that it is politically incorrect at the minimum. Shaver needs to remember that he represents all of the people not just the 800 or so that voted him in or the 4 that sit in the front row.
Shaver is a very shy individual who has his mind made up over issues like redevelopment (which was his and Colcleasers "Wal-Mart"). An issue that was blown out of proportion by those who don't quite understand all that is good with it because of the past poor management of the prior city council members.
Shaver doesn't have any control with the meetings unless it is an issue that gets his goat. (or mule)
Shaver is a loner, who has never married nor had any children. He doesn't support spending money on open space improvements and if you remember is a stickler about driveway lengths. It is hard for me to support somebody who has no knowledge of the issues important to my family. Schools, recreation, high taxes. My frustration supported by a mostly out of touch senior council.
As for electing a Mayor who really cares. They are all equal and if you get somebody who has a job they are not available. It is much easier to allow the person to be Mayor to serve who has the time to attend what I perceive to be countless meetings.
We need effective business owners, younger folks who will represent who the majority is living here now. There are younger people moving into parents' homes in the Rancho area. The city needs to be run like a business with accountability from staff. I don't see the council uniting on holding staff accountable. To me this is important. I don't care if you guys are warm and fuzzy off of the playing field, but I want the game to run smoothly with players ejected who are not performing.
Shaver is a very shy individual who has his mind made up over issues like redevelopment (which was his and Colcleasers "Wal-Mart"). An issue that was blown out of proportion by those who don't quite understand all that is good with it because of the past poor management of the prior city council members.
Shaver doesn't have any control with the meetings unless it is an issue that gets his goat. (or mule)
Shaver is a loner, who has never married nor had any children. He doesn't support spending money on open space improvements and if you remember is a stickler about driveway lengths. It is hard for me to support somebody who has no knowledge of the issues important to my family. Schools, recreation, high taxes. My frustration supported by a mostly out of touch senior council.
As for electing a Mayor who really cares. They are all equal and if you get somebody who has a job they are not available. It is much easier to allow the person to be Mayor to serve who has the time to attend what I perceive to be countless meetings.
We need effective business owners, younger folks who will represent who the majority is living here now. There are younger people moving into parents' homes in the Rancho area. The city needs to be run like a business with accountability from staff. I don't see the council uniting on holding staff accountable. To me this is important. I don't care if you guys are warm and fuzzy off of the playing field, but I want the game to run smoothly with players ejected who are not performing.
- Historian
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:17 am
Shaver and Colcleaser represented (and still do) folks who were AGAINST American Canyon becoming a City.
He and Colcleaser used Redevelopment to get control of a City Council which (admittedly) could not control the City Manager (I think his name was Freidman or something like that).
They let the developers run the town and when the land prices were "right", Colcleaser sold off, took the money and ran... Shaver is left holding the "bag". He does not understand issues with kids, schools, and most importantly...land use.
If you don't want redevelopment, don't approve things like Wal-Mart...
Because of its cut-throat business practices, Wal-Mart has been directly responsible for the creation of 34 redevelopment agencies in the U.S.
The fact that our Mayor could not or did not want to see this makes me question his REAL intentions for getting elected in 1996...
Could the Colceaser reign have more behind it??? conflict of interests?
Look at the past and you will get a view of the future with this Council.
The "eco-nut" comment is just the tip of a very big ice-berg... as far as I am concerned.
He and Colcleaser used Redevelopment to get control of a City Council which (admittedly) could not control the City Manager (I think his name was Freidman or something like that).
They let the developers run the town and when the land prices were "right", Colcleaser sold off, took the money and ran... Shaver is left holding the "bag". He does not understand issues with kids, schools, and most importantly...land use.
If you don't want redevelopment, don't approve things like Wal-Mart...
Because of its cut-throat business practices, Wal-Mart has been directly responsible for the creation of 34 redevelopment agencies in the U.S.
The fact that our Mayor could not or did not want to see this makes me question his REAL intentions for getting elected in 1996...
Could the Colceaser reign have more behind it??? conflict of interests?
Look at the past and you will get a view of the future with this Council.
The "eco-nut" comment is just the tip of a very big ice-berg... as far as I am concerned.
Councilmembers must live in this city to be part of the council, as it should be. They also "live in a glass house". They take all the "pot shots" from anyone willing to give them out. Most of the time, they cannot defend themselves. Two of the council want to make staff accountable. Three of them don't want to "make waves" as they are running for re-election all the time. I think that if you want to be on council, then suck it up and make decisions that may not always be popular, but are for the better of the community and the future of AC. A personal agenda should be set aside and thought out for the entire community, not just what each person on the council wants. I get bothered when the Mayor pops off over something he doesn't like. He needs to think about everyone else and what is good for the community. He is also not the "King", but one of five.
He is only one vote on a team. He needs to "play" better.
I think we need to make some real changes and direction. New views and more open thoughts.
He is only one vote on a team. He needs to "play" better.
I think we need to make some real changes and direction. New views and more open thoughts.
council members
NONE of the council members represent ALL the citizens of the city.
Their job is to make informed decisions which have the most positive impact for all the citizens in town.
They each have their individual talents, opinions, biases and warts which may or may not appeal to a segment of the population. I would hate to think that they were all 'on the same page" and simply "yes people".
Diplomacy and differences in opinion are what the council work. As with anything else- not perfect.
Shaver shouldn't be admoshed for his vote against relief--he's the Mayor of American Canyon-not the Mayor of New Orleans. I think the total irony of that motion was that it was made by the one person who voted AGAINST the budget. My point is everyone is entitled to their opinion and belief.
in my opinion, charity starts at home. If there is one person in American Canyon who is hungry, poor or in need--then we shouldn't be sending $$ OUT of town. There are other ways to help- volunteering for Red Cross phone banks, working on getting businesses to donate etc etc...
The city general fund is not an ATM.
Their job is to make informed decisions which have the most positive impact for all the citizens in town.
They each have their individual talents, opinions, biases and warts which may or may not appeal to a segment of the population. I would hate to think that they were all 'on the same page" and simply "yes people".
Diplomacy and differences in opinion are what the council work. As with anything else- not perfect.
Shaver shouldn't be admoshed for his vote against relief--he's the Mayor of American Canyon-not the Mayor of New Orleans. I think the total irony of that motion was that it was made by the one person who voted AGAINST the budget. My point is everyone is entitled to their opinion and belief.
in my opinion, charity starts at home. If there is one person in American Canyon who is hungry, poor or in need--then we shouldn't be sending $$ OUT of town. There are other ways to help- volunteering for Red Cross phone banks, working on getting businesses to donate etc etc...
The city general fund is not an ATM.
Name calling, blame game
There is always a "blame game" going on here in American Canyon. If people want to give to Katrina there are plenty of organizations waiting and needing their dollar. To send over "tax" money is not fair to either side. I agree with the above writter. Tax dollars are needed here in American Canyon for services, emergencies, schools etc...
The other item is that people need to give time and money without "boasting" about what they've done or given. Just do it without needing recognition.
The other item is that people need to give time and money without "boasting" about what they've done or given. Just do it without needing recognition.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
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The right thing to do
Well, interesting thread. Just note that some of the most successful and wealthiest people, cities, counties and nations are also, some of the most giving.
The good ol USA being on the top of that list.
SO, ponder this one:
Do we give because we are successful and wealthy?
Are we successful and wealthy because we give?
Aka The boomerang theory- what you put out comes back
AKA- what goes around comes around
AKA - give onto others as you would want them to give onto you
AKA- Money must flow in all directions or it stops flowing
Several nationally know speakers on giving who discuss it, including Brian Tracy, Earl Nightengale, and Zig Ziglar - concur that without giving, you don't receive- Tracy calls it a Univeral law.
Cecil our Mayor is entitled to his vote any way he wants, but if you ask me, he is on the wrong side of this vote.
It could have happened to any one of us. Floods, earthquakes, weapons, storms, liquifaction under our homes( massive earth movement like the Marina district in San Fran) fires, explosions, or war.
It was a very very small amount of money for a HUGELY needed and noble cause- AC will be better for it.
The good ol USA being on the top of that list.
SO, ponder this one:
Do we give because we are successful and wealthy?
Are we successful and wealthy because we give?
Aka The boomerang theory- what you put out comes back
AKA- what goes around comes around
AKA - give onto others as you would want them to give onto you
AKA- Money must flow in all directions or it stops flowing
Several nationally know speakers on giving who discuss it, including Brian Tracy, Earl Nightengale, and Zig Ziglar - concur that without giving, you don't receive- Tracy calls it a Univeral law.
Cecil our Mayor is entitled to his vote any way he wants, but if you ask me, he is on the wrong side of this vote.
It could have happened to any one of us. Floods, earthquakes, weapons, storms, liquifaction under our homes( massive earth movement like the Marina district in San Fran) fires, explosions, or war.
It was a very very small amount of money for a HUGELY needed and noble cause- AC will be better for it.
giving is good
The city's donation is small compared to most. However when all cities give a small or large donation that adds up. This past Tuesday, Carmel donated 10K and challenged other California Cities to do the same. Hmmm does this sound familiar? Just another town trying to help. They also adopted a town in Mississippi experiencing the same problems most small towns are by receiving no relief from the REd Cross, Salvation Army or FEMA. Bravo to the towns taking notice and giving where it will do the most good.
Our city is still collecting school supplies and uniforms for the 238 children that the small town of Abbeville is putting into their k - 5 schools. There are other efforts planned as well and my family is helping so should you. Call City Hall and get involved.
Our city is still collecting school supplies and uniforms for the 238 children that the small town of Abbeville is putting into their k - 5 schools. There are other efforts planned as well and my family is helping so should you. Call City Hall and get involved.
Out of touch
Shaver is as out of touch as some of our newly or re-elected officials.
It's all about personal agendas, double talk and playing dirty politics. A majority of us are just
and tired of all the BS.
The next election should be about issue and problem solving. Forget about all the personal issues and false accusations. We deserve better.
Can anyone think of any honestly speaking, problem solving, straight shooters who are viable problem solvers which will take out city to the next level??
It's all about personal agendas, double talk and playing dirty politics. A majority of us are just

The next election should be about issue and problem solving. Forget about all the personal issues and false accusations. We deserve better.
Can anyone think of any honestly speaking, problem solving, straight shooters who are viable problem solvers which will take out city to the next level??
It's again not the cause it goes to but the method of delivery. There will be more people at meetings asking for their relatives, their friends for city money, how will the politicians respond without discrinination of use of public funds? Maybe just maybe the council members reserved their vote due to what awaits us. We have now been chastized over a radio station for hours, they gave that a councilwoman, unnamed gave public funds and what idiots amcan is. We should not do this with public funds. The Abbeville people could have stood at caffinos and received donations from passer bys(that's quick), why was the need so quick when they weren't as bad off?
You DO realize that the money isn't FOR Abbeville, don't you? It is meant for Abbeville to support the people that were evacuated and have literally nothing. They were taken into Abbeville and Abbeville can't do it ont heir own... The largest employer is Super Walmart. These people who already live there are living below the poverty level as it is. We are helping families stay together and survive.
By the way, I have 3 bags of binders for those kids to donate and I will drop them off today at the Mail Center.
By the way, I have 3 bags of binders for those kids to donate and I will drop them off today at the Mail Center.
Eco-Nuts / Abbeville
How Abbeville comments landed in "Eco-Nuts" topic is a mystery to me.
But since you are here...I'm sure there are some "Eco-Nuts" that don't disagree with the devastation taking place on this planet...And hopefully, they have a heart.
But since you are here...I'm sure there are some "Eco-Nuts" that don't disagree with the devastation taking place on this planet...And hopefully, they have a heart.