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Please follow the terms of use as illustrated on the main page of the forum. Only registered users may post in this forum. Classified posts and events must be posted in the Classifieds and Events forum. Thank you.
Activity On This Forum...
There are alot of things going on in this city...Let's Talk!
Letter circulating
There's a letter circulating from Shamet claiming Ms. Coffey wrote some nasty letters, printed in her paper, the Post and then forged Shamet's name.
That's pretty interesting from the person who campaigned on honesty and integrity. Of course, after accusing the sitting council and city manager of back room deals.
Let's talk about that... Issa decided not to keep it on this venue, apparently because of "legal consequences"...
That's pretty interesting from the person who campaigned on honesty and integrity. Of course, after accusing the sitting council and city manager of back room deals.
Let's talk about that... Issa decided not to keep it on this venue, apparently because of "legal consequences"...
I think that Issa made the right decision. I was involved deaply in Cindy's election and worked very closely with Kathleen. I don't know what is wrong with her but she made a bad judgement all right, writing that letter. She has been doing very strange things for months now. I don't know if there may be something wrong with her...(Kathleen, that is). Cindy is a very honest person and I trust her completely.
Honest people don't write phantom letters and forge signatures. Forgery is illegal. Kathleen apparently wanted to set the record straight and expose the true facts. That, in your opinion is 'strange'?
The truth will set you free. or place you behind bars! joking..
It will be very interesting to see how this one plays out.
The truth will set you free. or place you behind bars! joking..
It will be very interesting to see how this one plays out.
Bad Judgement
It definitely shows a lack of character and good judgement.
Main Entry: forg·ery
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -er·ies
1 : the act of falsely making, altering, or imitating (as a document or signature) with intent to defraud; also : the crime of committing such an act
2 : something that is forged
Main Entry: forg·ery
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -er·ies
1 : the act of falsely making, altering, or imitating (as a document or signature) with intent to defraud; also : the crime of committing such an act
2 : something that is forged
I have talked with Kathleen at the Little League field as well as been involved with her at PTA and she really has been wishy washy on a lot of things. I was having a wonderful conversation with her one day then out of the blue she was madder than hell and stormed off. I was dumfounded. We were talking about her daughter and how well she was doing after her surgery, so there was no reason for her to freak. THAT is what I call strange. She's not setting the record straight. She's starting something so we all start arguing. OH- and she and her hubby coined the phrase "Cori Badmouther".
truth or not
The issue here is what is the TRUTH.
Did Coffey forge a letter and her signature?
It's either YES or NO.
Has there been any comment from Councilperson Coffey? I know she usually posts here.
Did Coffey forge a letter and her signature?
It's either YES or NO.
Has there been any comment from Councilperson Coffey? I know she usually posts here.
Reply BSBSnMoreBS
The letter WAS posted here on Monday. Issa decided to remove it.
It was an email to the local papers, city attorney, city manager and others. It was sent out by KShamet via email. It's supposed to be read at Thursday's city council meeting.
It states that Cindy Coffey manufactured a letter, making comments about Luporini and Colcleaser and she signed Kathleen's name and then printed in her paper, the Post.
The email also states that Cindy Coffey wrote another letter to a local priest and did the same, fraudulently signing Kathleen's name again.
It was an email to the local papers, city attorney, city manager and others. It was sent out by KShamet via email. It's supposed to be read at Thursday's city council meeting.
It states that Cindy Coffey manufactured a letter, making comments about Luporini and Colcleaser and she signed Kathleen's name and then printed in her paper, the Post.
The email also states that Cindy Coffey wrote another letter to a local priest and did the same, fraudulently signing Kathleen's name again.
Can I have some if it has butter on it? Heck this whole town could be a Lifetime Movie. We could call it "Desperate Homeworkers."
" Living day to day bored with the four walls of life after plunging into darkness when they lost the dot com job of their dreams due to the crash of the nineties."
"Their only hope of any outside contact is through the social outlet of ......da da daaaahhhhh the American Canyon Online Forum."
But----alas there is alway tomorrow, another play date, another opportunity to reach out and touch somebody through trivial conversation, sarcasm, and just plain la de da fun on the web.
" Living day to day bored with the four walls of life after plunging into darkness when they lost the dot com job of their dreams due to the crash of the nineties."
"Their only hope of any outside contact is through the social outlet of ......da da daaaahhhhh the American Canyon Online Forum."
But----alas there is alway tomorrow, another play date, another opportunity to reach out and touch somebody through trivial conversation, sarcasm, and just plain la de da fun on the web.
re:validity response
You are placing too much emphasis on the messenger and NOT the message. The facts will eventually come out. No one is campaigning for anything but the truth.
All this innuendo can be put to rest if Coffey would reply. As someone indicated in a previous posting, the letter is either True or False.
The silence is deafening.
Ms. Coffey?
All this innuendo can be put to rest if Coffey would reply. As someone indicated in a previous posting, the letter is either True or False.
The silence is deafening.
Ms. Coffey?
It has been my experience that even if Mrs. Coffey dignified this with a
comment that the local handful of problem children under the rule of
the Cori/Curry/Rivera contingent would be critical no matter what. Sorry
but I've been on this forum probably the longest and I have watched it
happen. Care to comment Mr. Rivera/Mr. Curry/ or Mrs. Badertscher?
Who really cares? The election is over and quite honesty the community
is quite
of the crap you post here under your array of names
including the most recent that was acquired from another poster in May.
Continue with your Abbyville efforts, Mr. Rivera. Mrs. Badertsher keep
calling the locals on that run-a-way pool on your court, and Mr. Curry
maintain your efforts abroad. For folks who call themselves the "positve"
group in the "no negative zone." (buttons courtesy of Buzz "Wal-Mart"
Butler) you are the most negative people I have ever met.
comment that the local handful of problem children under the rule of
the Cori/Curry/Rivera contingent would be critical no matter what. Sorry
but I've been on this forum probably the longest and I have watched it
happen. Care to comment Mr. Rivera/Mr. Curry/ or Mrs. Badertscher?
Who really cares? The election is over and quite honesty the community
is quite

including the most recent that was acquired from another poster in May.
Continue with your Abbyville efforts, Mr. Rivera. Mrs. Badertsher keep
calling the locals on that run-a-way pool on your court, and Mr. Curry
maintain your efforts abroad. For folks who call themselves the "positve"
group in the "no negative zone." (buttons courtesy of Buzz "Wal-Mart"
Butler) you are the most negative people I have ever met.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
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get real people
You know, it is unfortunate that Kathleen would fire such a parting shot at Councilmember Coffey. But more unfortunate, is how excited and happy a group of you are to have an opportunity to promote these allegations- which is what they are, allegations- against Councilmember Coffey, and even go so far as reading them at a city council meeting.
It is ridiculous nonsense to spend city time on rumors and allegations about news articles written long ago, or letters by an exmember of the community.
Councilmember Coffey will weather this storm too, promoted by the same old names. Show me the letters where Coffey signed Shamats name as alleged? Where are they? Show me the proof??? Otherwise, its all baseless allegations, and clearly personal. That is whats obvious.Why don't we put our energy on something that matters, like the half cent sales tax where in the plan is to give 100 plus million to the city of Napa and 7.5 million to American Canyon- Lets get vocal and put some energy into that royal snow job being planned!
It is ridiculous nonsense to spend city time on rumors and allegations about news articles written long ago, or letters by an exmember of the community.
Councilmember Coffey will weather this storm too, promoted by the same old names. Show me the letters where Coffey signed Shamats name as alleged? Where are they? Show me the proof??? Otherwise, its all baseless allegations, and clearly personal. That is whats obvious.Why don't we put our energy on something that matters, like the half cent sales tax where in the plan is to give 100 plus million to the city of Napa and 7.5 million to American Canyon- Lets get vocal and put some energy into that royal snow job being planned!
- Historian
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Wise words, Paul. Thank you for bringing the community to its senses with your succinct words.
Normally I just read everyone's comments but enough is enough.
All this attacking each other, opinion is one thing. So far I see alot of guests having them but not too many standing for them.
Let's stop and look at this... One women writes a letter, gives it to someone she knows will pounce on it to get it out there. She leaves town permanently. She says she wants to clear the air. When she really wanted to keep everyone at each others throats and look at how many fine upstanding citizens fall right into it. Some even use the whole thing to their advantage (personnal). She has done what she set out to do KEEP THIS CITY FIGHTING. If she did not write those letters believe me she would have made it an issue long before she got on a plane to leave.
We all would have heard it as it happened she would not have allowed it. Common on, who would. I never saw Cindy standing anywhere near Kathleen for the numerous speeches she gave if fact Cindy was not there most of the time so why did she still go on with the lies. Please let us use all this anger in something constructive think of how much we could all get done if we could rise above our differences and focus on one positive issue. Hell, we could have alot of these issues worked out in no time.
She is gone and yes they did arrive safely in Kansas our kids our friends.
Let it go with them to Kansas our city and home will be a better place.
260 Park Manager

All this attacking each other, opinion is one thing. So far I see alot of guests having them but not too many standing for them.
Let's stop and look at this... One women writes a letter, gives it to someone she knows will pounce on it to get it out there. She leaves town permanently. She says she wants to clear the air. When she really wanted to keep everyone at each others throats and look at how many fine upstanding citizens fall right into it. Some even use the whole thing to their advantage (personnal). She has done what she set out to do KEEP THIS CITY FIGHTING. If she did not write those letters believe me she would have made it an issue long before she got on a plane to leave.
We all would have heard it as it happened she would not have allowed it. Common on, who would. I never saw Cindy standing anywhere near Kathleen for the numerous speeches she gave if fact Cindy was not there most of the time so why did she still go on with the lies. Please let us use all this anger in something constructive think of how much we could all get done if we could rise above our differences and focus on one positive issue. Hell, we could have alot of these issues worked out in no time.
She is gone and yes they did arrive safely in Kansas our kids our friends.
Let it go with them to Kansas our city and home will be a better place.

260 Park Manager
1 more thing

Since I've posted I would like to clear a couple of things up.

3. The American Canyon Eagle newspaper prints whatever they want without checking it for fact. I know this first hand because of my daughter's exposure with them. They repeatedly put her picture in the paper after numerous messages I left requesting them not to. The information in the articles was not even consistent. She is now in the 9th grade and attended New tech but only for 4 days she attends a private school now. Vintage was never mentioned or attended. Several other statements they printed also are not correct. Her trip was offered by a judge when they won the Gobal Challenge in San Fransico. They went to talk about Wave engery and how it would help South Africa. However, South Africa taught 3 teenagers life is much different there then here.
We take alot of things for granted.
Last I would once again like to thank Paul Maquire, WHO, Our City Council, Bob Weil, Mark Joseph, Hosanna Life Renewel Fellowship, William Ross, Mrs Franco, Mrs. Shein, The Kiwanis Club of A.C. Lake Street Vent, The Mountain Lions Club, Chief Koford and 3 very nice ladies at the city council meeting for contributing to this life changing experience.
Neither she nor I will ever forget.
I have lived here going on ten years in March. I may not always agree or like what changes are going on within our city. However, I love this City and the people are what makes the city. Most of you have made me feel like part of the city from the first time a met you.

Hope everyone has a great week.
Stay healthy, happy and wise.
260 Park Manager
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- Location: amer cyn
Definition for "Trailer" -
[b]Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary[/b]
Main Entry: 1trail·er
Pronunciation: 'trA-l&r
Function: noun
1 : one that trails
2 : a trailing plant
3 : a nonautomotive vehicle designed to be hauled by road: as a : a vehicle for transporting something <a boat trailer>; especially : SEMITRAILER 1 b : a vehicle designed to serve wherever parked as a temporary dwelling or place of business c : MOBILE HOME
4 a : PREVIEW 2 b : a short blank strip of film attached to the end of a reel
I don't believe that any of the homes in either of the parks mentioned fit this you?
Times have changed but I see that attitudes haven't. My Regrets
Main Entry: 1trail·er
Pronunciation: 'trA-l&r
Function: noun
1 : one that trails
2 : a trailing plant
3 : a nonautomotive vehicle designed to be hauled by road: as a : a vehicle for transporting something <a boat trailer>; especially : SEMITRAILER 1 b : a vehicle designed to serve wherever parked as a temporary dwelling or place of business c : MOBILE HOME
4 a : PREVIEW 2 b : a short blank strip of film attached to the end of a reel
I don't believe that any of the homes in either of the parks mentioned fit this you?
Times have changed but I see that attitudes haven't. My Regrets
- Historian
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:12 pm
- Location: amer cyn
i think you forgot to read "designed to be hauled" which does not apply to the manufactured homes/modular homes at 244 or 260 am cyn rd or 3000 broadway.
Whats your point...
What's the point of this subject...People live where they can afford to live!
Whether it is in a new home, an older home or a mobile home, you can only pay for what you can afford! No one is better or less because of their home...
Whether it is in a new home, an older home or a mobile home, you can only pay for what you can afford! No one is better or less because of their home...
Time To Work Together...
When is this community going to learn to work together?
What has happened to words like: kindness, compassion, giving, support, working together for a common goal.
Remember the old times, be happy for improvements and lets work together to create a community that our children will be proud to continue to improve.
What has happened to words like: kindness, compassion, giving, support, working together for a common goal.
Remember the old times, be happy for improvements and lets work together to create a community that our children will be proud to continue to improve.
mobile home
I myself was considering purchasing a mobile home, because I would be debt free and be able to enjoy life a little more without the large mortgage payment.
- V.I.P.
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Well guest, from what I have seen and learned, there are people working together.
But, some are working together in a manner to help others; recent examples are the Abbeville project, the 10K donated on behalf of the residents of this city by the council, and the young lady we all kicked in to help go to Africa. This is a community working together.
Others, are working together to discredit people, criticize them, take personal shots whereever and whenever they can. Recent examples are numerious, all you have to do is read the letters to the editor in the local rags AC Eagle and Echo. I will not name them here, as it has become rather clear who they are, and what they are about. They go bezerk when someone or something intends to help another, and support issues which harm in the name of help.
Tomorrow, it is likely that someone from this group will read a letter of accusation during the public comment period attacking councilmember Coffey- which, if you watch the council meetings, should be on the agenda as it is so common from the same group.
So, some are working together, for the benefit of the community, and others , some of whom post here over and over under guest or other made up names that are unregistared, look to rip the community apart and create chaos, conflict, discord, and enturbulation of peoples lives.
Such people work underhandedly and in secret strategizing to push their agenda, whether such an agenda is good or bad for the majority of the community. Others in this group will use the city resources to harass their neighbors, in secret of course.
Should we work together. Yes. Do we work together. YES. Are we all working towards a better community, no, and in fact, some work with evil intentions to cause upset, which is why I bet you post saying essentially, enough already.
But, some are working together in a manner to help others; recent examples are the Abbeville project, the 10K donated on behalf of the residents of this city by the council, and the young lady we all kicked in to help go to Africa. This is a community working together.
Others, are working together to discredit people, criticize them, take personal shots whereever and whenever they can. Recent examples are numerious, all you have to do is read the letters to the editor in the local rags AC Eagle and Echo. I will not name them here, as it has become rather clear who they are, and what they are about. They go bezerk when someone or something intends to help another, and support issues which harm in the name of help.
Tomorrow, it is likely that someone from this group will read a letter of accusation during the public comment period attacking councilmember Coffey- which, if you watch the council meetings, should be on the agenda as it is so common from the same group.
So, some are working together, for the benefit of the community, and others , some of whom post here over and over under guest or other made up names that are unregistared, look to rip the community apart and create chaos, conflict, discord, and enturbulation of peoples lives.
Such people work underhandedly and in secret strategizing to push their agenda, whether such an agenda is good or bad for the majority of the community. Others in this group will use the city resources to harass their neighbors, in secret of course.
Should we work together. Yes. Do we work together. YES. Are we all working towards a better community, no, and in fact, some work with evil intentions to cause upset, which is why I bet you post saying essentially, enough already.
Why is it that this group who has a desire to expose the truth are 'atttacking' Councilperson Coffey? The letter came from a 'friend' of hers, who was tired of living the lie.
It's this type thinking the US vs. THEM that has been the divisive issue in town. Until ALL of US start thinking as "WE"..this separation will continue.
an example:
Did anyone posting here ask Coffey if it was true? What was her response? Instead you say she doesn't have to dignify it with an answer. Sounds like a double standard.
WE all need to work together, which means scrutinizing ALL the officials in town. Accountability is NOT a personal attack on any person.
NONE of us is perfect, we are all human. If she made an error in judgement, as many of us have, she should be mature enough to admit it. That's called "healing and moving on". Without addressing the issue, a dark cloud will overshadow all the good she is doing.
It's this type thinking the US vs. THEM that has been the divisive issue in town. Until ALL of US start thinking as "WE"..this separation will continue.
an example:
Did anyone posting here ask Coffey if it was true? What was her response? Instead you say she doesn't have to dignify it with an answer. Sounds like a double standard.
WE all need to work together, which means scrutinizing ALL the officials in town. Accountability is NOT a personal attack on any person.
NONE of us is perfect, we are all human. If she made an error in judgement, as many of us have, she should be mature enough to admit it. That's called "healing and moving on". Without addressing the issue, a dark cloud will overshadow all the good she is doing.
Isn't it Ironic?
I find it ironic that the local oxymorons, that are primarily responsible for the apparent breakdown of a former resident, would consider using her as their catalyst to cause even more dissension in this community.
You're right!
In this episode of "As the City Turns" our city council person is accused of fraud and forgery by her best friend. A friend who was trusted and thought of very highly UNTIL she exposes the true story.She's then accused of 'strange behavior' and listening to the voices in her head. I think its called a conscience. However, the local sheeple and devoted followers are blinded by the facts.
Wait for next week's episode when the accused walks on water. Or will the whole episode be exposed as a fake letter written by a digruntled, ex resident who is 'off her meds"...
Stay tuned for the fireworks tonight at 7:30pm on Channel 28! All and more in this week's episode of "As the City Turns".
I thought a little levity would lighten everyone up. No malicious intent
Wait for next week's episode when the accused walks on water. Or will the whole episode be exposed as a fake letter written by a digruntled, ex resident who is 'off her meds"...
Stay tuned for the fireworks tonight at 7:30pm on Channel 28! All and more in this week's episode of "As the City Turns".
I thought a little levity would lighten everyone up. No malicious intent

There just seems to be no point to continure talking about this. Kathleen left a note and skipped town so fast so she wouldn't have to answer as to why she would write this. Now you expect Cindy to defend herself and tell you what??? That doesn't seem fair, does it really? Those of you who are making this an issue will not let it go. There are two sides to every spat. There is only one side who can speak. Why should she?
This is exactly like a high school event where one friend says something about another friend and LET THE RUMORS FLY. Then the originator is out of school for the next few days so she doens't have to answer why she did it in the first place.
Kathleen is not here to answerto or to ask why. She has cut off all ties with this City and it's residents, so why even go there.
I'll be at the City Council mtg tonight just to see who exactly brings this up. Then we will really know once and for all who is still keeping our residents arguing with each other.
This is exactly like a high school event where one friend says something about another friend and LET THE RUMORS FLY. Then the originator is out of school for the next few days so she doens't have to answer why she did it in the first place.
Kathleen is not here to answerto or to ask why. She has cut off all ties with this City and it's residents, so why even go there.
I'll be at the City Council mtg tonight just to see who exactly brings this up. Then we will really know once and for all who is still keeping our residents arguing with each other.
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I am officially sending all of American Canyon an online greeting card for tonight's council meeting all the way from San Diego.

Quick! Only six hours left to grab a pile of popcorn, set the tivo, and get the forums loaded up with your finger on the refresh button! I dunno about you but I'll be watching the simpsons...

Quick! Only six hours left to grab a pile of popcorn, set the tivo, and get the forums loaded up with your finger on the refresh button! I dunno about you but I'll be watching the simpsons...
Who else isn't telling the truth?
It is illegal to sign a persons name to a letter, in case no one knew, it's illegal to bounce checks also, it's illegal to do a lot of things and they should not go with out mentioning to set the records straight, however what will be done about it should be questioned of Mr. Ross, even to reply to it could cause problems. The fact that all are aware now, is still what they thought before. I would like to see Cindy and Paul start mending fences instead of conquer and divide. There are a lot more things out there that can come back and haunt people, start moving towards rebuilding the fences and perhaps the peace will return for a while, i'm confident that Cindy and Paul are good people and want the best, now is the perfect opportunity to start mending and stop critisizing(and name calling). The public relations needs to be better, maybe the arts foundation project will be well received. Instead of going after people, try encouraging and lending a hand to help make your November a city time of Thanks, sounds corney but it just might help get rid of a lot of crap.
Well to go back, If Cindy is accused then a Grand Jury Investigation is needed. The person who said it could sue for forgery, and upon results and however else is taken down a recall could be forth coming. There are others speaking about the same things though. It is tough to not wonder if there is any validity to it. Recusing from votes, the connections throughout the meetings to her friends(as voiced on tv).Where the bad publicity is going to go is the greatest wrong.
- V.I.P.
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like what????
I dont know who you are, and I dont know what you are talking about. Instead of making general comments, what specifically are you talking about?
Cindy and I have no "agenda" "strategy" or "hidden purpose". Ask and I will answer, but please, dont make general accusations without any specifics what so ever.
Cindy and I have no "agenda" "strategy" or "hidden purpose". Ask and I will answer, but please, dont make general accusations without any specifics what so ever.
Ok lets get this right you have a woman who leaves town because she is mad at the school district, mad at her local church, feels people are picking on her, alienates all her friends, then supposedly writes a letter to Curry a man she openly despises stating she never signed her name to a letter that someone else did. Something smells!
Reply re: searching for the truth
What? The real story isn't about who send out an email, but the truth.
And by the way, your facts are incorrect about sending the email. I was cc: on the original letter. But apparently the facts or the truth don't matter.
If Ms. Coffey composed the letter and forged a signature-that's the issue.
If her publishing the letter demonstrated bad judgement and lack of character in pursuit of self interest (ie: her election)- that's the issue.
If her hiding the truth influenced the outcome of an election-that's the issue and ALL these factors are an isse to be addressed by the grand jury.
Those, anonymous "guest" are the issues and the story. Please get your facts straight before you accuse me of any lapses in judgement and character, you ironically choose NOT to apply to the "accused" letter writer.
and just a suttle reminder..President William Jefferson Clinton was impeached not for the act he committed with Ms. Lewinsky, but hiding the truth and facts which were eventually exposed. Attempting to sidetrack the issues utilizing character assassination against people searching for the truth, demonstrates your warped sense of duty and obligation.
Seems to apply here as well.
Victor Rivera
And by the way, your facts are incorrect about sending the email. I was cc: on the original letter. But apparently the facts or the truth don't matter.
If Ms. Coffey composed the letter and forged a signature-that's the issue.
If her publishing the letter demonstrated bad judgement and lack of character in pursuit of self interest (ie: her election)- that's the issue.
If her hiding the truth influenced the outcome of an election-that's the issue and ALL these factors are an isse to be addressed by the grand jury.
Those, anonymous "guest" are the issues and the story. Please get your facts straight before you accuse me of any lapses in judgement and character, you ironically choose NOT to apply to the "accused" letter writer.
and just a suttle reminder..President William Jefferson Clinton was impeached not for the act he committed with Ms. Lewinsky, but hiding the truth and facts which were eventually exposed. Attempting to sidetrack the issues utilizing character assassination against people searching for the truth, demonstrates your warped sense of duty and obligation.
Seems to apply here as well.
Victor Rivera
Too Much
When I viewed this last council meeting I was laughing as I watched another performance from you sir. I remember how emotional you became over the council doing it's job in reviewing attendance of commissioners. In the past, according to my long-term council friend (not Coffey), there have been issues with not receiving enough applicants to fill the job. Now because of growth and new people moving in, there are many more. If those people are watching the commission they were interested in being appointed to and notice particular commission members not being present then complaining about it. So be it. That is not an attempt to "question your character" as you apparently felt, but it was the responsibility of the council to take inventory on decisions. Also known as responsible government. You do a wonderful job when you are there, I have watched you. I am sure you are helpful when you have time for other city functions as well and for that as a resident who works two jobs and drives 77 Toyota I am grateful. I think you got off track with that.
You have used your columns to be borderline slanderous, and when they spoke about the Newell open preserve you came down with a picture of somebody ( hard to see on camera), and spoke about the Newells. Good for you. But I like others lost the point because once again you became over emotional or passionate is a better phrase when you speak.
Everybody knows you are not a fan of Councilmember Coffey that's ok, we get it. You need to see what this is and of course when it apparently happened which was way before the election, if it did. You also need to examine the purpose to which it was stated. It is obvious that there was a personal issue unrelated to this between Ms. Coffey and Ms. Shamet and quite frankly it is none of our business. But you are once again allowing your personal feelings to cloud the issue and that is where you lose merit.
As for your column, I think it is great that you can reflect and be grateful for all of the materialistic possessions you may have. I am sure nobody doubts that you worked for it. I just wish you would put more energy into the positive things you are trying to do rather than the negative. Remember one negative overshadows ten positives.
You give Councilmember Coffey far too much attention when there are other issues that are more important facing our city. Why is that? I thought you finally had your priorities straight when you spoke about the sales tax increase. There you had my attention. What about that Mr. Rivera? There is a worthy cause for your attention and intelligence. Lead us in this cause, a worthy one indeed and set your personal feelings aside, because that is all it is personal feelings on an issue that doesn't involve two citizens. But two women where one had an deeper issue than a supposed letter signed out of how many? And quite honestly after reading this forum and her postings I know who I believe, the person I elected and still support.
Please continue helping with the Abbyville project, I have donated items myself. Let's move on. I don't want any new taxes. I don't want a 6-lane highway. What can you do about that Mr. Rivera? Let me know if you need help.[/b]
You have used your columns to be borderline slanderous, and when they spoke about the Newell open preserve you came down with a picture of somebody ( hard to see on camera), and spoke about the Newells. Good for you. But I like others lost the point because once again you became over emotional or passionate is a better phrase when you speak.
Everybody knows you are not a fan of Councilmember Coffey that's ok, we get it. You need to see what this is and of course when it apparently happened which was way before the election, if it did. You also need to examine the purpose to which it was stated. It is obvious that there was a personal issue unrelated to this between Ms. Coffey and Ms. Shamet and quite frankly it is none of our business. But you are once again allowing your personal feelings to cloud the issue and that is where you lose merit.
As for your column, I think it is great that you can reflect and be grateful for all of the materialistic possessions you may have. I am sure nobody doubts that you worked for it. I just wish you would put more energy into the positive things you are trying to do rather than the negative. Remember one negative overshadows ten positives.
You give Councilmember Coffey far too much attention when there are other issues that are more important facing our city. Why is that? I thought you finally had your priorities straight when you spoke about the sales tax increase. There you had my attention. What about that Mr. Rivera? There is a worthy cause for your attention and intelligence. Lead us in this cause, a worthy one indeed and set your personal feelings aside, because that is all it is personal feelings on an issue that doesn't involve two citizens. But two women where one had an deeper issue than a supposed letter signed out of how many? And quite honestly after reading this forum and her postings I know who I believe, the person I elected and still support.
Please continue helping with the Abbyville project, I have donated items myself. Let's move on. I don't want any new taxes. I don't want a 6-lane highway. What can you do about that Mr. Rivera? Let me know if you need help.[/b]
Clearing the Air
I am not in the normal practice of explaining myself, but I would like to make the following points to clarify my last column.
Point 1. Some of the columns I have written are borderline slanderous.
The definition of SLANDER is: Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. OR A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
If ANYONE contacts me about misrepresenting the TRUTH or the FACTS, I will publicly apolgize. I am very diligent about researching facts before I write something. If I am vocing my opinion-that's all it is -MY opinion.
Point 2. You are not a fan of Coffey.
I have previously met Coffey and maintained a cordial relationship with her. I think she is an intelligent person who is very results oriented. My problem is not with Coffey, but some of the things done during the last election (by her supporters) which were damaging to some of the city officials and some personal reputations.
Again, these are MY opinions, and I will come to terms with them in time. I don't have anything personal against Cindy, but I doubt I would have her over for dinner anytime soon. (After all, a Man's home is his castle)
But I also want to let it be known, I give credit to Coffey when she does well. I will continue to watch the council meetings from home and try to keep American Canyon on the 'right track'..
We are all entitled to our opinions, our personal belief systems. I tend to be a very trusting person. If that trust is violated, then I won't have anything to do with you. I do quite a bit of forgiving, but not very much forgetting. In a nutshell, that's me.
Point 1. Some of the columns I have written are borderline slanderous.
The definition of SLANDER is: Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. OR A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
If ANYONE contacts me about misrepresenting the TRUTH or the FACTS, I will publicly apolgize. I am very diligent about researching facts before I write something. If I am vocing my opinion-that's all it is -MY opinion.
Point 2. You are not a fan of Coffey.
I have previously met Coffey and maintained a cordial relationship with her. I think she is an intelligent person who is very results oriented. My problem is not with Coffey, but some of the things done during the last election (by her supporters) which were damaging to some of the city officials and some personal reputations.
Again, these are MY opinions, and I will come to terms with them in time. I don't have anything personal against Cindy, but I doubt I would have her over for dinner anytime soon. (After all, a Man's home is his castle)
But I also want to let it be known, I give credit to Coffey when she does well. I will continue to watch the council meetings from home and try to keep American Canyon on the 'right track'..
We are all entitled to our opinions, our personal belief systems. I tend to be a very trusting person. If that trust is violated, then I won't have anything to do with you. I do quite a bit of forgiving, but not very much forgetting. In a nutshell, that's me.
That letter...
The original letter or email must be filed away somewhere, that would put a stop to all the nonsence.
What the hey?
Well, apparently from the most recent non-posts, AmCan must be in great shape and everyone is happy! How great is that! Finally, we are all getting along...
- Historian
- Posts: 41
- Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:17 am
Guess Again
Victor, you have also damaged some reputations of Council members and planning commisioners in the past. When you live by the sword....
You were responsible in your columns as supporting the current regime. Cindy just did what you and the others did last time to get control of the Council. Now that you are on the receiving end... OMG what a surprise!!
What goes around comes around my friend.
Suggestion, pay attention to what is REALLY happening in American Canyon and not just McNight Acres and the older areas. There are new folks in town and they want representation too.
You were responsible in your columns as supporting the current regime. Cindy just did what you and the others did last time to get control of the Council. Now that you are on the receiving end... OMG what a surprise!!
What goes around comes around my friend.
Suggestion, pay attention to what is REALLY happening in American Canyon and not just McNight Acres and the older areas. There are new folks in town and they want representation too.