Council Threats
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Please follow the terms of use as illustrated on the main page of the forum. Only registered users may post in this forum. Classified posts and events must be posted in the Classifieds and Events forum. Thank you.
Council Threats
As an avid watcher of council t.v. I was very disturbed by last nights program. Cori who usually has something to say about everything got up last night and threatened the city council.
I don't know about any of you but this woman is really out of control. Threatening the council because they happen to be considering a personnel matter that she personally doesn't agree with is ludicrous.
She obviously overestimates her influence. If I were the deciding council members that would only infuriate me to stand by my decision. If these are the people who are "backing" our city manager it isn't any wonder why there is even a process.
Bragging that you are in all of the local clubs doesn't mean you are a good person it means you are a flake without conviction or the time to actually do any good for the organization. Nobody can be in every club and actually contribute in a positive way.
I found your behavior to be rude and would like you to move out of town. People like you give our city a bad reputation. I have heard that you are not a positive person to do business with either. Maybe some of those people should come to council and call you on the carpet.
I am tired of seeing your face in the paper, your face on tv and more annoyingly on the bench at Safeway with absolutely nothing positive to contribute. Do the city a favor and sit down and shut up.
I don't know about any of you but this woman is really out of control. Threatening the council because they happen to be considering a personnel matter that she personally doesn't agree with is ludicrous.
She obviously overestimates her influence. If I were the deciding council members that would only infuriate me to stand by my decision. If these are the people who are "backing" our city manager it isn't any wonder why there is even a process.
Bragging that you are in all of the local clubs doesn't mean you are a good person it means you are a flake without conviction or the time to actually do any good for the organization. Nobody can be in every club and actually contribute in a positive way.
I found your behavior to be rude and would like you to move out of town. People like you give our city a bad reputation. I have heard that you are not a positive person to do business with either. Maybe some of those people should come to council and call you on the carpet.
I am tired of seeing your face in the paper, your face on tv and more annoyingly on the bench at Safeway with absolutely nothing positive to contribute. Do the city a favor and sit down and shut up.
Council Meeting
First, I would like to give Lori credit for being able to compose herself while being attacked in front of last night's audience.
Second, Cori's backhanded compliment that she just "wanted to make public" was uncalled for. You really are quite full of yourself! As to announcing that you belong to almost every organization in town...I hope no one construes that as you represent those organization with your opinions? That would definitely not be the case...I think those organizations that you retain membership in should scrutinize if you are a good representative for them in the public eye. I know when I was approached recently to join a local group and found out you were a member my answer was "absolutely not"!
Last, Pastor Curry...since when has an ad hoc committee ever been formed to deal with personnel issues? You mention in one of your letters to the editor that the women on the council are the laughing stock at the County level... I believe you have been wearing that hat for years!
Second, Cori's backhanded compliment that she just "wanted to make public" was uncalled for. You really are quite full of yourself! As to announcing that you belong to almost every organization in town...I hope no one construes that as you represent those organization with your opinions? That would definitely not be the case...I think those organizations that you retain membership in should scrutinize if you are a good representative for them in the public eye. I know when I was approached recently to join a local group and found out you were a member my answer was "absolutely not"!
Last, Pastor Curry...since when has an ad hoc committee ever been formed to deal with personnel issues? You mention in one of your letters to the editor that the women on the council are the laughing stock at the County level... I believe you have been wearing that hat for years!
Honesty the best policy
Lori was not being attacked-she was being outed for not being truthful in her residency.
If proven to be truthful, she should step down.
If any council members were aware of her precarious housing situation, why didn't they speak up?
If proven to be truthful, she should step down.
If any council members were aware of her precarious housing situation, why didn't they speak up?
- V.I.P.
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latest noise
Accusation and claim by Cori: The homes at Vintage ranch had to be owner occupied for the first year;
FACT; I bought two homes at Vintage Ranch NON OWNER OCCUPIED,and did a 1031 TAX DEFFERRED EXCHANGE, and Vintage Ranch was fine with it and knew I was renting the homes. Lori rented one of those homes from me.
The anti social / critical behavior of some in this community is unbelievable.
FACT; I bought two homes at Vintage Ranch NON OWNER OCCUPIED,and did a 1031 TAX DEFFERRED EXCHANGE, and Vintage Ranch was fine with it and knew I was renting the homes. Lori rented one of those homes from me.
The anti social / critical behavior of some in this community is unbelievable.
I don't think renting Paul M's house was really an issue.
It's what happened after she left that house that things get sticky.
I feelLori really did herself a disservice, if the accusations turn out to be true. She could have left the city to Dixon on a high note with a decent list of accomplishments under her belt.
Sad state of affairs in town.
I suggest everyone take the next two weeks off-spend time with their families.
Hasta la holiday, Baby! (governator voice)
It's what happened after she left that house that things get sticky.
I feelLori really did herself a disservice, if the accusations turn out to be true. She could have left the city to Dixon on a high note with a decent list of accomplishments under her belt.
Sad state of affairs in town.
I suggest everyone take the next two weeks off-spend time with their families.
Hasta la holiday, Baby! (governator voice)
What a Shame...
What a "Shame" that we all can't get along... What a "Shame" that everyone does not try to resolve our differences privately...What a "Shame" that this community can't talk to each other without accusations...In a few days it will be a New Year...I hope everyone will try to put their differences aside and start working together to prove that we are a "United Group" when it comes to City and County issues...Enough already!
Luporini Under Investigation
Today's Times Herald has a front page article "Luporini Under Investigation" that brings everyone up to speed on how money is being spent investigating unfounded allegations!
Of course, the results of this investigation will most likely not stop the "Truth Seekers" in this community from wasting more of the City Attorney's time...
Of course, the results of this investigation will most likely not stop the "Truth Seekers" in this community from wasting more of the City Attorney's time...
- V.I.P.
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Lori DID live in AC over the last year
Times Herald paper todayAccusations that Vice Mayor Lori Luporini has used a dummy address for the past year to keep her eligibility as a City Council member are not supported by evidence, American Canyon's city attorney said Friday.
I concur, and in fact, have copies of Lori's cancelled checks and a signed lease agreement to prove it.
As an elected official of this city, with 10 years of accusations by Mr. Curry, I am quite used to it. He caused all kind of problems with the Waste Water plant and cost the citizens alot of money with his ramblings. The city attorney had two other attorneys investigate my residency and I DO live in American Canyon! I have been accused of not living in the city before! It is also, no business of anyone about my personal life and what is transpiring. I do not care to make that public.
Cori was in no way considering anything other than what she thought was going on. I felt hurt and betrayed by her. It is odd that those who criticize the most don't make any committments themselves to public office. Perhaps they would not like to be treated the way they treat others.
I will "go" when I leave American Canyon. I try very hard to do a good job and to please as many as I possibly can. In the mean time, leave my personal life out of your thoughts and let me continue to do my job with the council.
Cori was in no way considering anything other than what she thought was going on. I felt hurt and betrayed by her. It is odd that those who criticize the most don't make any committments themselves to public office. Perhaps they would not like to be treated the way they treat others.
I will "go" when I leave American Canyon. I try very hard to do a good job and to please as many as I possibly can. In the mean time, leave my personal life out of your thoughts and let me continue to do my job with the council.

Truth is that the truth is all that needs to be said. The attorney protects the council, it is his job. When the truth comes it will be after the city attorneys dead line and propbably through a different avenue. The article made everyone in amcan look stupid. You can have a home somewhere else and rent a room so that you can do what? Make decissions for a city, please. 6 people in a room? what are they thinking. Personal life-like all over the country-no such thing and Lori knows how that goes, she has been there before. The newspaper article has actually drawn attention in the media circuit as well now and their investigative powers are pretty good. Lori will make it through it. Maybe Cori's actions were not to be another rumor but more open door communication. The fact about rentals in Vintage Ranch in the 1st year will probably cause more to call for descrimination for not letting others invest, perhaps that needeed to come to light for those who also wanted to participate. Maybe it appears to be bad but actually could clean up a few things, rumors to boot.Think about it, now she has the ability to put it to rest.
never a nice thing to say about anyone
Cori's comments had nothing to do with "open door communication". They were harsh uncalled for and out of line(as usual). The other night it was Lori. Tomorrow, who knows.
Chickens coming home to roost?
I read the Napa Register today and didn't see the article you are referring too? Did you mean the Letter to the Editor in the Vallejo Times Herald today? Or did I just miss it?
Council Meeting
Well, Thursday night's Council Meeting should be very interesting in light of the resignation of Mr. Joseph last week.
Well, I don't know about interesting... We all know what is going to happen - the usual troublemaking crowd will get up and spew hatred towards a few council members then you know who will get up and call for more recalls... The usual, just with a specific topic - Joseph. I seriously hope, however that Mayor Shaver has the "you know whats" to control the room...
my2 cent$
for the small percentage of groaners who use this forum for self validation. Let me confirm, You are NO way representative of the total populace of Am Can.
The narrow mindendess of your views and the followings of a couple on council members is no my indicative of what the city poluace is thinking. With about 50-60 members online voicing their opinion-it has nothing on the 400-600 signatures asking for certain council members to step down..Yes indeed, Thursday's councile meeting will be interesting..
The narrow mindendess of your views and the followings of a couple on council members is no my indicative of what the city poluace is thinking. With about 50-60 members online voicing their opinion-it has nothing on the 400-600 signatures asking for certain council members to step down..Yes indeed, Thursday's councile meeting will be interesting..
I am new to AC and would love to get involved in the City, as I have alot to offer. However, listening to everyone's moaning, groaning and gossiping scares me away! My head is spinning from all of the tongue lashing I hear and read. I think residents have lost sight of what's important here. It's a shame!
re: m2cents
Well your 400 signatures put two of them in office didn't they??? One last election and the other in 2002.... be careful next time.
If I remember, Coffey won big last year. She's doing a great job.
If I remember, Coffey won big last year. She's doing a great job.
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Guest: You are right, its unfortunate there are those who use these forums to spread rumors and just bash others, when it could be used for so much more. Its up to the citizens to use this forum the right way, and I hope they will, some just dont understand how valuable it is to be able to discuss the issues.
Visit --- Your online source for everything City Of American Canyon, California.
Is It Hard To Fire Supporters?
Sometimes those that support a particular political candidate can do more harm than good by their comments...It is very difficult for these supporters not to get caught up in the heat of an issue. But when the day is over it is the candidate themselves that will need to address any accusations or rumors. With the rumors regarding Lori & Cindy in the last year... I have observed that both women are quite capable of standing up for themselves and appear to be gaining strength. Most of the citizens that want to express their support for whomever usually step over boundaries that the candidate themselves may not be in full agreement with. Therefore, it is hard to fire supporters!!!
400 to 600 signature doesn't even come close to how many votes over 50% of the candidates who ran in the last campaign each garnered. might be close to the number of people who voted for Curry. Ya never know....LOL might be close to the number of people who voted for Curry. Ya never know....LOL

What Is the Truth?
Isn't it time for the 6th, 7th, 8th, etc. Council Members to release the FACTS that seem to be hidden from the public? I am
of the "rumor" crap and would like to see the "facts". Also, give us information instead of accusations! The silent majority in this town are confused...What is the truth??? And the silent majority is the majority... If you build a Wal Mart in town we will shop there...If there is not a Wal Mart we will go to Vallejo just like we have done in the past...I read Mr. Joseph's response to the article in the Post and found it very enlightening. I suggest that all of the
local newspapers report accurate and up to date information so "US" silent majority can make an unprejudiced decision. Maybe there are too many newspapers in town...Who should we believe? Just the facts man...

local newspapers report accurate and up to date information so "US" silent majority can make an unprejudiced decision. Maybe there are too many newspapers in town...Who should we believe? Just the facts man...
Mr. Joseph's article
While Mr. Joseph was never mentioned in the Post's article by name many assumed that problems in the city are exclusively his responsibility. Maybe they are and maybe they aren't. What I find interesting is that why didn't Mr. Joseph submit the "rebuttel letter" to the Post?
Mr. Weil had a rebuttel letter submitted for an article by another resident. Why would Mr. Joseph not send the rebuttel to the newspaper who printed the story? That is the burning question in my mind. Why send it to other papers who have no inside knowledge as to the innerworkings of city hall? Why "send" it out as a "press release" instead of a simple "hey how about considering these facts" instead of attempting to defend himself.
Why would somebody who is proffessing non-guilt not send it to the source? Why bother unless there is something there. I prefer to read between the lines and this one is loud and clear. I personally feel that Mr. Josephs actions may lend some merit to the article in the Post.
I read all articles in all papers if they happen to make it to my place. This article created the most fuss, then the city manager decides to resign I can only assume that there is much much more to this than we the residents know. I am sure more will leak out in the future. Some councilmembers have trouble with confidentiality since that was obvious over the last couple of weeks by what the papers say.
Good luck to Mr. Joseph and Good Luck to the council on finding what you are looking for as a city manager for this city.
Mr. Weil had a rebuttel letter submitted for an article by another resident. Why would Mr. Joseph not send the rebuttel to the newspaper who printed the story? That is the burning question in my mind. Why send it to other papers who have no inside knowledge as to the innerworkings of city hall? Why "send" it out as a "press release" instead of a simple "hey how about considering these facts" instead of attempting to defend himself.
Why would somebody who is proffessing non-guilt not send it to the source? Why bother unless there is something there. I prefer to read between the lines and this one is loud and clear. I personally feel that Mr. Josephs actions may lend some merit to the article in the Post.
I read all articles in all papers if they happen to make it to my place. This article created the most fuss, then the city manager decides to resign I can only assume that there is much much more to this than we the residents know. I am sure more will leak out in the future. Some councilmembers have trouble with confidentiality since that was obvious over the last couple of weeks by what the papers say.
Good luck to Mr. Joseph and Good Luck to the council on finding what you are looking for as a city manager for this city.
The Post is printed once a month, so timing may have been the issue. Why don't you ask him? He's listed.
And ALL papers have knowledge of the workings of city hall-there just happens to be one being published by a person who has their opinions. They don't work AT city hall.
This is the same paper which has done interviews by NOT contacting the person being written about. Printing numerous reader submission. There is a reason this paper is free.
And ALL papers have knowledge of the workings of city hall-there just happens to be one being published by a person who has their opinions. They don't work AT city hall.
This is the same paper which has done interviews by NOT contacting the person being written about. Printing numerous reader submission. There is a reason this paper is free.
This is also the paper that prides itself on submitting "letters to the editor" with fake signatures. Usually a common name using only a first initial. Or signing Shamets last name to a letter calling Luporini a barmaid and colcleaser a liar. Remember people. Coffey even admitted to that one.
Remember what?
Before I begin let me preface by saying that I worked with Coffey on numerous projects both in and outside the city. She is hardworking and always delivers and I can attest to the following:
Coffey never admitted to anything so dream on. As for letters to the editor it is standard for only the first initial and the last name to be on the letters. If you would expand your horizons you would know that. However Kathleen ( I have seen her communications that have been shared among a large circle of supporters) keeps firing accusations that she can't prove. A woman who doesn't live here and for that your community should be grateful.
Remember she claimed Coffey called Father Pat on numerous occasions but by his own hand Father Pat put out a letter dated in 04 that it was Kathleen on all occasions.
She claimed she never signed a signature card, but the card has her signature on it on the dates Coffey stated. One day after the intial filing and one day after the election asking to be removed as per agreed, this too was accomplished.
She claimed that Coffey "signed" her name on the election forms, when in reality Coffey signed her name alone and Kathleen wasn't even on them.
Why is the woman still intruding into your community? And those who encourage her by not telling her to take a hike? You are all sick of her from what I have been told. At some point the amusement factor must stop and responsibility must kick in.
As for Curry being her mouthpiece that certainly lends credibility as you all know where he comes from or maybe we don't according to floating correspondance and letters to the Editor. Anybody comparing somebody who obviously can't do his job anymore to the loss of a family member is sick pure and simple.
These two are an infectious disease to your community and you all must get a dose of reality. Decisions are not made lightly for the very reason that a few of you are perpetuating. Some decisions have been in the process for a long time and just because you didn't get a memo or was asked your permission doesn't always mean you are right.
Our city will be going through the same this year. We have a long-standing City Manager who I believe will be departing. I know him personally and I will be saddened to see him leave as we are on several committees together, but he needs to go it is time. I will not be mad, but rather glad that I didn't have to make that decision.
Most people are too busy to look at thier government and what is happening. Usually those who work at home or are retired are the ones who generally get involved and do the most in the community. Take it from somebody who knows don't jeopardize all the good you have done that people "know" you for because you are emotionally charged that a "friend" has moved on.
It is not good for you, your community, or the subject in question. Allow changes to be made, support them, and give them opportunity. You may be surprised you can't say that you won't be. Then if they don't work out, support your candidates and make a change.
Coffey never admitted to anything so dream on. As for letters to the editor it is standard for only the first initial and the last name to be on the letters. If you would expand your horizons you would know that. However Kathleen ( I have seen her communications that have been shared among a large circle of supporters) keeps firing accusations that she can't prove. A woman who doesn't live here and for that your community should be grateful.
Remember she claimed Coffey called Father Pat on numerous occasions but by his own hand Father Pat put out a letter dated in 04 that it was Kathleen on all occasions.
She claimed she never signed a signature card, but the card has her signature on it on the dates Coffey stated. One day after the intial filing and one day after the election asking to be removed as per agreed, this too was accomplished.
She claimed that Coffey "signed" her name on the election forms, when in reality Coffey signed her name alone and Kathleen wasn't even on them.
Why is the woman still intruding into your community? And those who encourage her by not telling her to take a hike? You are all sick of her from what I have been told. At some point the amusement factor must stop and responsibility must kick in.
As for Curry being her mouthpiece that certainly lends credibility as you all know where he comes from or maybe we don't according to floating correspondance and letters to the Editor. Anybody comparing somebody who obviously can't do his job anymore to the loss of a family member is sick pure and simple.
These two are an infectious disease to your community and you all must get a dose of reality. Decisions are not made lightly for the very reason that a few of you are perpetuating. Some decisions have been in the process for a long time and just because you didn't get a memo or was asked your permission doesn't always mean you are right.
Our city will be going through the same this year. We have a long-standing City Manager who I believe will be departing. I know him personally and I will be saddened to see him leave as we are on several committees together, but he needs to go it is time. I will not be mad, but rather glad that I didn't have to make that decision.
Most people are too busy to look at thier government and what is happening. Usually those who work at home or are retired are the ones who generally get involved and do the most in the community. Take it from somebody who knows don't jeopardize all the good you have done that people "know" you for because you are emotionally charged that a "friend" has moved on.
It is not good for you, your community, or the subject in question. Allow changes to be made, support them, and give them opportunity. You may be surprised you can't say that you won't be. Then if they don't work out, support your candidates and make a change.
Signature card
Prove that Shamet signed the signature card.....she never did. Coffey is a big liar.
I was involved in her election and did not witness any wrong doing by her. Kathleen was on the sig card and did sign checks. I witnessed her doing that. I am not involved in a cult as you put it, but I bet I was your kids soccer coach... I bet I also coached your kids tee- ball team, I bet I am the one helping in your kids class because you don't have the time, I bet that I am the one helping out with your daughter's girl scout troop and your son's boy scout troop, because again, you couldn't be bothered.Anonymous wrote:All I can say is that Coffey and her followers are the largest Cult in AmCan. they are a mean spirited, witch hunting group that will eventually drink the koolaide with their hateful leader. It's not too late to turn to the truth!
Before you start calling those of us who do support Cindy, mean spirited, think about who really is on a witch hunt. That would be you.
liar, liar pants on fire
Actually the bank proved it! On the signature card. Kathleen has a screw loose and her continuous postings on here prove it. Get a life Kathleen and leave ours alone.
BTW I heard a local favorite of yours is coming to visit Kansas on business and they said they plan to stop by and say "Hi!"
BTW I heard a local favorite of yours is coming to visit Kansas on business and they said they plan to stop by and say "Hi!"
Check signing card
The bank does not have a copy of my signature on a checki signing card for Coffey. And those of you who witnessed me signing all those checks, please have Ms. Coffey produce them with my signature on them. Bet she can't.
Council Meeting 1/05/06
I have a question regarding tonight's meeting. Due to the number of people that seem to be questioning the resignation of the City Manager, if the capacity of the meeting room is full and residents are left out due to capacity issues will the meeting still take place?