American Canyon Election June 7th and Related Topics
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Please follow the terms of use as illustrated on the main page of the forum. Only registered users may post in this forum. Classified posts and events must be posted in the Classifieds and Events forum. Thank you.
By the way, the opinions of a lot of voters are favorable to Maguire too. The rest of the candidates (including you, Joan, I'm sorry) pale in comparison. No one else has shown Paul's level of intellect, business sense, common sense and likely ability to do the job.
With or without propaganda or opinion-oriented stories in the paper, Maguire is the best candidate.
With or without propaganda or opinion-oriented stories in the paper, Maguire is the best candidate.
My Opinion...
Rarely do I agree with VicRiv, however, this time I do. I have read Mr. Maguire's posts for over a year. I planned to vote for him this next election based on his knowledge of the issues. After reading the post's feedback from voters, I was disappointed. Now my vote is up for grabs!
Candidate Forum 2
Having jusr returned from Candidate Forum 2, I can say without a doubt the best answer for American Canyon is Ed West.
The questions covered a myriad of topics all relevant to AmCan and OUR future. It was clear who was prepared and who, sadly, clearly was not.
The wifie and I left at 8:30 for dinner-but the last questions was:
What's the city's expected budget and made reference to the candidates experience.
Surprisingly the two people who ran for city council TWICE were not able to answer the question. Young Mr Walker " found the answer on the internet amd it's was $72 M." "I'm not certain if it's right, but that's what the website said". Where have these two been the last two years????
West answered what the 2005-2006 budget was. What the expected 2006-2007 would be. The surplus in the general fund and, in detail, the amounts spend on capital project suchs as the 14'' project. May just be me... but those details matter
Maguire and Bennett, who each ran for council TWICE were not able to answer the question. Maguire "guessed" it was 10-15M "from the last time I checked" and Bennet's "I don't know" was disappointing for both of them.
Russell babbled on about 'his concerns" but were not relevant to the questions being asked.
Miller with all "his experience" couldn't give a straight answer and seemed, sometimed ill-prepared.
It's only my opinion, but this is the second debate and the election is only three weeks away. Some of these ?? were "basic" to the understanding of the position they are "applying for"..
The questions covered a myriad of topics all relevant to AmCan and OUR future. It was clear who was prepared and who, sadly, clearly was not.
The wifie and I left at 8:30 for dinner-but the last questions was:
What's the city's expected budget and made reference to the candidates experience.
Surprisingly the two people who ran for city council TWICE were not able to answer the question. Young Mr Walker " found the answer on the internet amd it's was $72 M." "I'm not certain if it's right, but that's what the website said". Where have these two been the last two years????
West answered what the 2005-2006 budget was. What the expected 2006-2007 would be. The surplus in the general fund and, in detail, the amounts spend on capital project suchs as the 14'' project. May just be me... but those details matter
Maguire and Bennett, who each ran for council TWICE were not able to answer the question. Maguire "guessed" it was 10-15M "from the last time I checked" and Bennet's "I don't know" was disappointing for both of them.
Russell babbled on about 'his concerns" but were not relevant to the questions being asked.
Miller with all "his experience" couldn't give a straight answer and seemed, sometimed ill-prepared.
It's only my opinion, but this is the second debate and the election is only three weeks away. Some of these ?? were "basic" to the understanding of the position they are "applying for"..
I too attended both candidate forums. I saw Mr. Rivera there. Waived at you but I guess you didn't see me.
I too was impressed with Mr. West's response with the budget. Actually I thought it was impressive how Mr. West had a prepared response for the questions asked in order prior to receiving them. Hmmm wonder who gave him the questions prior to the event. Too bad Joan didn't have them maybe she could have stayed on point.
But as usual Victor you talk about one issue and a non-issue at best. My estimation is there were approximately 15 questions including statements. So if West got one right is that really so good? Let's think about that statement. Maybe Mr. West had the budget totals, but he didn't use that information to show people how much of that money is probably one time money received from new construction. Also how much was the budget actually adjusted from over-runs. That is business lingo.
West also failed to address the current issue as did all candidates about the RUL. It is in all the papers and on every council agenda. Surely they know what it is.
I would say that this forum also showed how Mr. West would be on council. Exactly like the last cop before Garcia. Uncooperative and rude as he interrupted other candidates because he didn't agree with them. No thanks.
Miller, Maguire and West all answered questions as they should. I don't care who knows the budget that is why they have a finance director. I do care that they look at it and scrutinize it so other staff members don't misappropriate it. Otherwise hire a good finance man.
Based on how I saw the audience reactions I would say that Maguire had the most original answers and was very comfortable with himself. Miller came in second with his knowledge and self assuredness and West third. I can't get over the hostility and rudeness. Sorry he blew it for me.
I was very disappointed with Joan. I have know her for a long time and I don't think she has what it takes. Bill appeared not be be interested. Williams is trying and will be good in another 10 years or so. He's got huevos.
So this is my opinion just like you have yours. I am not going to say who I endorse at this point but Maguire has it together and so does Miller. If I do publicly endorse I will not waiver or fence sit. I noticed that you supported Joan before the council voted to send it to the voters and now support West. Even you can't decide. Let's hope the voters see the light and do what is best for the city.
I too was impressed with Mr. West's response with the budget. Actually I thought it was impressive how Mr. West had a prepared response for the questions asked in order prior to receiving them. Hmmm wonder who gave him the questions prior to the event. Too bad Joan didn't have them maybe she could have stayed on point.
But as usual Victor you talk about one issue and a non-issue at best. My estimation is there were approximately 15 questions including statements. So if West got one right is that really so good? Let's think about that statement. Maybe Mr. West had the budget totals, but he didn't use that information to show people how much of that money is probably one time money received from new construction. Also how much was the budget actually adjusted from over-runs. That is business lingo.
West also failed to address the current issue as did all candidates about the RUL. It is in all the papers and on every council agenda. Surely they know what it is.
I would say that this forum also showed how Mr. West would be on council. Exactly like the last cop before Garcia. Uncooperative and rude as he interrupted other candidates because he didn't agree with them. No thanks.
Miller, Maguire and West all answered questions as they should. I don't care who knows the budget that is why they have a finance director. I do care that they look at it and scrutinize it so other staff members don't misappropriate it. Otherwise hire a good finance man.
Based on how I saw the audience reactions I would say that Maguire had the most original answers and was very comfortable with himself. Miller came in second with his knowledge and self assuredness and West third. I can't get over the hostility and rudeness. Sorry he blew it for me.
I was very disappointed with Joan. I have know her for a long time and I don't think she has what it takes. Bill appeared not be be interested. Williams is trying and will be good in another 10 years or so. He's got huevos.
So this is my opinion just like you have yours. I am not going to say who I endorse at this point but Maguire has it together and so does Miller. If I do publicly endorse I will not waiver or fence sit. I noticed that you supported Joan before the council voted to send it to the voters and now support West. Even you can't decide. Let's hope the voters see the light and do what is best for the city.
What people tend to forget is that everything written by somebody else other than yourself is an opinion. Opinions are just that what people think about in relation to a person or situation.
I have found the Post to allow people the right to express their opinions without censure. Something none of the other papers will allow. I submitted several letters to the editor of both the Times and Register and on many occasions didn't get published. Why?
Irresponsible journalism is Mr. Curry's ramblings that are constantly printed for sensationalism. However evil, bad or ignorant they provoke conversation and dialog. When that occurs all is good.
In the beginning of any publication is a disclaimer about content. This paper is no different than any other in our city. If an article is written and a group of people had soundbites taken from their conversations than is that any different than the papers that you pay for every day?
This paper has a unique history of printing what people are thinking, saying, or doing without censure. If you are afraid then that is your problem. I am for freedom of speech in any capacity. That is why we are protecting our rights as Americans. Take that away and what do you have left? A police state. Think about it.
I have found the Post to allow people the right to express their opinions without censure. Something none of the other papers will allow. I submitted several letters to the editor of both the Times and Register and on many occasions didn't get published. Why?
Irresponsible journalism is Mr. Curry's ramblings that are constantly printed for sensationalism. However evil, bad or ignorant they provoke conversation and dialog. When that occurs all is good.
In the beginning of any publication is a disclaimer about content. This paper is no different than any other in our city. If an article is written and a group of people had soundbites taken from their conversations than is that any different than the papers that you pay for every day?
This paper has a unique history of printing what people are thinking, saying, or doing without censure. If you are afraid then that is your problem. I am for freedom of speech in any capacity. That is why we are protecting our rights as Americans. Take that away and what do you have left? A police state. Think about it.
What good is a candidates forum when it was not televised? How can the voters see what is going on without leaving thier house? Most people work day to day and can't go out in the evening. Also, a candidates forum on the night of school activities, and the famous "American Idol" final night?
How stupid is this? Planning so that the forum is a "secret event"? Well done, Eagle newspaper!!!!
Mr. West deserves credit for his hostile abilities towards anyone who doesn't agree with him. I was shocked at his attitude towards the other candidates. Poor Mr. Maguire for being stuck in the middle of this. Since when do you get elected on your aggressivenss and rudeness?
I think American Canyon has had enough of this. I want a council that can work together and respect one another. I am tired of the "cat fights" that go on during election time. I want adults that can agree to disaggree.
Is there anyone out there that can do this? I think the past council has these traits and I want that back. I want people who can think on their own and stand up alone, but respectfully, with the other candidates. I want a coundil that can get things done, and not just sit there and let the staff run the city. I want a council that can make serious changes when needed, and prove the reasons why. I want a council that can make decisions for American Canyon as a whole, not just the few that yell the loudest or belittle council members at the meetings.
This is not an endorsement for any one candidate. Just the facts, man!!!
The winner........................Paul Magure. He can work with the others, with reason and respect. I want a team!!! I want them to work together and yet separately and THINK. Think before you speak.
American Canyon needs peace. Stop this argueing and name calling.
Be a respected part of the Napa Valley.
How stupid is this? Planning so that the forum is a "secret event"? Well done, Eagle newspaper!!!!
Mr. West deserves credit for his hostile abilities towards anyone who doesn't agree with him. I was shocked at his attitude towards the other candidates. Poor Mr. Maguire for being stuck in the middle of this. Since when do you get elected on your aggressivenss and rudeness?
I think American Canyon has had enough of this. I want a council that can work together and respect one another. I am tired of the "cat fights" that go on during election time. I want adults that can agree to disaggree.
Is there anyone out there that can do this? I think the past council has these traits and I want that back. I want people who can think on their own and stand up alone, but respectfully, with the other candidates. I want a coundil that can get things done, and not just sit there and let the staff run the city. I want a council that can make serious changes when needed, and prove the reasons why. I want a council that can make decisions for American Canyon as a whole, not just the few that yell the loudest or belittle council members at the meetings.
This is not an endorsement for any one candidate. Just the facts, man!!!
The winner........................Paul Magure. He can work with the others, with reason and respect. I want a team!!! I want them to work together and yet separately and THINK. Think before you speak.
American Canyon needs peace. Stop this argueing and name calling.
Be a respected part of the Napa Valley.
- Wanderer
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Thu May 04, 2006 3:22 pm
candidates forum
I spoke to a friend that attended last night. According to her, you are right. Ed West actually interrupted JT Miller while he was answering his questions, and tried to engage him in a verbal battle. West turned on his microphone out of turn in order to be heard. Then West wanted to control the questioning, challenging the moderator to go back to a question already covered. My friend called West a hot head.
My friend also said that it appeared to him that West has written responses to the questions asked from the audience. She said "it was like he was TOO prepared; it was obvious he knew what they were going to ask".
She thought that Miller and Maguire did the best job and finished their answers on time. Bennett was just rambling on and on past the timer, and West gave "speeches" that went on and on also.
My friend also said that it appeared to him that West has written responses to the questions asked from the audience. She said "it was like he was TOO prepared; it was obvious he knew what they were going to ask".
She thought that Miller and Maguire did the best job and finished their answers on time. Bennett was just rambling on and on past the timer, and West gave "speeches" that went on and on also.
AC Eagle Endorsement for City Council
West: The best choice from a good field
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:59 PM PDT
American Canyon is fortunate to have six candidates for council that are committed, informed and concerned about the future of their city.
Joan Bennett is a longtime resident. She remains actively involved in local organizations and has had past experience on the council. And she has the endorsement of the city's business community, an important vote of trust.
Paul Maguire is a savvy businessman who knows the issues.
J.T. Miller has had long experience in labor and is committed to the workingman and woman. He has an impressive list of endorsements.
Bill Russell is concerned about those who are often forgotten in periods of rapid economic growth: the elderly and disabled who must get by on a fixed income.
James Walker brings the idealism and fresh eyes of youth to the political arena.
Each of the above candidates brings something to the table and each has a constituency. And each might be the right candidate at any given time. But we believe the last candidate, Ed West, is the best fit for the council at this time.
West is not a businessman but he addresses business questions, as other issues, with understanding, openness and a willingness to listen. He is reachable, not drawn away by far-flung interests.
West is not an experienced politician, not necessarily a bad thing given the contemporary associations with that word. But he does show an ability to work with other people, the prime qualification of a politician.
West is essentially a lifelong AmCan resident, a hardworking family man and citizen who has no agenda other than serving his city. He is someone the majority of people in American Canyon can identify with. He can bring new energy to the tasks of running the city.
At this particular time it's most important to have new blood on the council, both from the position of trust and to find new solutions to the problems of growth. The June 6 election presents the best opportunity to inject that new blood, not the one in November.
Next week the citizens of American Canyon will have the opportunity to reshape their city council. The Eagle recommends that they do so by electing Ed West.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:59 PM PDT
American Canyon is fortunate to have six candidates for council that are committed, informed and concerned about the future of their city.
Joan Bennett is a longtime resident. She remains actively involved in local organizations and has had past experience on the council. And she has the endorsement of the city's business community, an important vote of trust.
Paul Maguire is a savvy businessman who knows the issues.
J.T. Miller has had long experience in labor and is committed to the workingman and woman. He has an impressive list of endorsements.
Bill Russell is concerned about those who are often forgotten in periods of rapid economic growth: the elderly and disabled who must get by on a fixed income.
James Walker brings the idealism and fresh eyes of youth to the political arena.
Each of the above candidates brings something to the table and each has a constituency. And each might be the right candidate at any given time. But we believe the last candidate, Ed West, is the best fit for the council at this time.
West is not a businessman but he addresses business questions, as other issues, with understanding, openness and a willingness to listen. He is reachable, not drawn away by far-flung interests.
West is not an experienced politician, not necessarily a bad thing given the contemporary associations with that word. But he does show an ability to work with other people, the prime qualification of a politician.
West is essentially a lifelong AmCan resident, a hardworking family man and citizen who has no agenda other than serving his city. He is someone the majority of people in American Canyon can identify with. He can bring new energy to the tasks of running the city.
At this particular time it's most important to have new blood on the council, both from the position of trust and to find new solutions to the problems of growth. The June 6 election presents the best opportunity to inject that new blood, not the one in November.
Next week the citizens of American Canyon will have the opportunity to reshape their city council. The Eagle recommends that they do so by electing Ed West.
Show Me the Money Trail- City Council $$$
All candidates were required to file their reports of income and expenses by May 25 if they spent or generated over $1000
These reports are designed to inform the public who is receiving what money and how. This is all public information
Here is some info: These figures are as of May 20
Ed West received $2624 in $99 donations- .
West loaned himself $4500. Totaling $7124
West spent $3519.01- leaving $3604.99
Paul Maguire
Loaned himself $15,000
Has spent $10369
Has loaned someone ( he failed to file his schedule H) $15000
Totaling $25369 spent
Balance: -$9169
Ya he owes someone $9169
Joan Bennett
Has received $3925 in donations
Spent $2003.88
Balance $1921.12
JT Miller
Has received $9850
Paid out $8310.33
Owes $4231 in debts
For a total expenditure of $12542
He owes $4231.75
His donators are
Local 291 $500
Local 400 $100
Local 16 $100
Local 104 $250
Local 483 $100
Local 355 $200
Local 343 $2500
Council of Iron Workers $200
Local 1186 $1000
Local 355 $450
IBEW 180 $2000
Local 3 $150
Local 1186 $3000
Local 483 $250
IBEW Local 100 $200
$11,000 in union donations YTD- $8300 between March and May 20.His YTD figures don’t match his reported year to date. He received one $50 donation from a citizen.
These reports are designed to inform the public who is receiving what money and how. This is all public information
Here is some info: These figures are as of May 20
Ed West received $2624 in $99 donations- .
West loaned himself $4500. Totaling $7124
West spent $3519.01- leaving $3604.99
Paul Maguire
Loaned himself $15,000
Has spent $10369
Has loaned someone ( he failed to file his schedule H) $15000
Totaling $25369 spent
Balance: -$9169
Ya he owes someone $9169
Joan Bennett
Has received $3925 in donations
Spent $2003.88
Balance $1921.12
JT Miller
Has received $9850
Paid out $8310.33
Owes $4231 in debts
For a total expenditure of $12542
He owes $4231.75
His donators are
Local 291 $500
Local 400 $100
Local 16 $100
Local 104 $250
Local 483 $100
Local 355 $200
Local 343 $2500
Council of Iron Workers $200
Local 1186 $1000
Local 355 $450
IBEW 180 $2000
Local 3 $150
Local 1186 $3000
Local 483 $250
IBEW Local 100 $200
$11,000 in union donations YTD- $8300 between March and May 20.His YTD figures don’t match his reported year to date. He received one $50 donation from a citizen.
Why only list some
Just wondering why you did not list everyone's contributions as you did Mr. Miller's? If your going to take on a job then do it right. Even, your reporting of these facts seem to be sided..... VicRiv
You've got to be kidding me.
Um, I thought journalists and news organizations were supposed to be impartial, providing a service to citizens: Reporting the news/facts.
What kind of newspaper ENDORSES a candidate?? The kind with its own agenda. (Oh and apparently one that can't seem to print a single issue without typos and grammatical errors in in its cover stories.)
Thanks for the advice Vic, but I find you and your newspaper organization to be embarassingly ignorant.
I'm voting for Paul Maguire.
What kind of newspaper ENDORSES a candidate?? The kind with its own agenda. (Oh and apparently one that can't seem to print a single issue without typos and grammatical errors in in its cover stories.)
Thanks for the advice Vic, but I find you and your newspaper organization to be embarassingly ignorant.
I'm voting for Paul Maguire.
Donations less than $100 don't have to identify the donor.
Donations in excess of $100 must. legally identify themselves.
Ummm. It was "done correctly" and "legally" as dictated by law.
Donations in excess of $100 must. legally identify themselves.
Ummm. It was "done correctly" and "legally" as dictated by law.
Your choice
papers have been endorsing candidates for a while now.
Just to clarify, it's not "my paper"..I'm just a citizen who writes a colum 3x a month. If you have ??s about the endorsement contact the editor-who wrote the article and made the endorsement.
By the way- I didn't see your outgrage about the endorsement suggested by the "random" panel for Maguire. Talk about "agendas"..
papers have been endorsing candidates for a while now.
Just to clarify, it's not "my paper"..I'm just a citizen who writes a colum 3x a month. If you have ??s about the endorsement contact the editor-who wrote the article and made the endorsement.
By the way- I didn't see your outgrage about the endorsement suggested by the "random" panel for Maguire. Talk about "agendas"..
Manipulative Behavior
VicRiv-----Enough already! We get it! Ed West is your man and choice/recommendation for City Council.
Once again you are "talking out both sides of your mouth" and are arrogant enough to believe readers (of this website) will not notice what you are doing.
In response to BlueJay, you correctly state you did not write the editorial & do not own the paper, but you originally used the entire content of that particular editorial to attempt to influence readers and further your agenda of electing E. West.
What I'm referring to is the way the editorial only made positive and/or pleasant comments about each candidate before ultimately endorsing E. West. This strikes me as some form of psych 101 manipulative approach to endorsing a candidate by implying that E. West must be stellar if he is the best choice from this exceptional field of candidates.
It is my impression that you used the editorial to manipulate readers in the same way.
Once again you are "talking out both sides of your mouth" and are arrogant enough to believe readers (of this website) will not notice what you are doing.
In response to BlueJay, you correctly state you did not write the editorial & do not own the paper, but you originally used the entire content of that particular editorial to attempt to influence readers and further your agenda of electing E. West.
What I'm referring to is the way the editorial only made positive and/or pleasant comments about each candidate before ultimately endorsing E. West. This strikes me as some form of psych 101 manipulative approach to endorsing a candidate by implying that E. West must be stellar if he is the best choice from this exceptional field of candidates.
It is my impression that you used the editorial to manipulate readers in the same way.
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the forum, but it does not sound as if attending would have changed my mind or opinion re: the candidates or who to vote for.
Frankly, I am not and have not been completely "sold" on any single candidate.
But, once I eliminated those candidates that I have known for quite some time I did not want to vote for (West, Russell, & Walker), I have decided that Maguire is the best choice of the remaining three.
If nothing else, he has been consistent and direct in stating his desire for better code enforcement and improving the appearance of our city & surrounding area. He also seems the least likely of the candidates to be influenced by a narrow agenda, group, or organization.
So, Maguire it is for City Council.
Frankly, I am not and have not been completely "sold" on any single candidate.
But, once I eliminated those candidates that I have known for quite some time I did not want to vote for (West, Russell, & Walker), I have decided that Maguire is the best choice of the remaining three.
If nothing else, he has been consistent and direct in stating his desire for better code enforcement and improving the appearance of our city & surrounding area. He also seems the least likely of the candidates to be influenced by a narrow agenda, group, or organization.
So, Maguire it is for City Council.
I would agree that the Napa/Solano Post stating their survey is "random" seems suspicious given the limited number of people surveyed, their known familiarity with the individuals who edit and write the paper, and the general agreement of all the comments made by the survey participants.
The Post should have either omitted the word random or at least explained how they chose the individuals whose comments were published.
Best of all, someone from the paper should have gone to a public place such as in front of the schools or Safeway to find residents willing to take their survey and have their comments published.
The Post should have either omitted the word random or at least explained how they chose the individuals whose comments were published.
Best of all, someone from the paper should have gone to a public place such as in front of the schools or Safeway to find residents willing to take their survey and have their comments published.
Oh Boy, Sigh
I posted some information from another paper..and I get attacked.
I posted public information on donations and I get attacked..
This website's slogan is:The First and Only online community for all of us in American Canyon!
I guess for some of you it means "think like us. Agree with us. And have NO opposite opinion."
why do I bother???
I posted public information on donations and I get attacked..
This website's slogan is:The First and Only online community for all of us in American Canyon!
I guess for some of you it means "think like us. Agree with us. And have NO opposite opinion."
why do I bother???
OK. I had that wrong
I didn't realize that it is accetpable for newspapers to endorse a candidate at the end of a campaign like that, so I'm sorry. But I still oppose your commentary.
Here's the problem: When you post articles that you didn't author under your username without crediting the place/person you got the story/editorial, it really looks like you wrote it. Why would I think otherwise when reading that post? (Maybe that's why others call you onto the carpet about these things.)
Further, I still believe your choice of candidate is terribly wrong for this city, and I take the same position as Yardley does: You're trying to manipulate public opinion and it is totally transparent.
Here's the problem: When you post articles that you didn't author under your username without crediting the place/person you got the story/editorial, it really looks like you wrote it. Why would I think otherwise when reading that post? (Maybe that's why others call you onto the carpet about these things.)
Further, I still believe your choice of candidate is terribly wrong for this city, and I take the same position as Yardley does: You're trying to manipulate public opinion and it is totally transparent.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
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The Eagle got it half right
Well the Eagle got it half right.
What the Eagle failed to realize is that this council needs a savvy type business person who will identify when the city of American Canyon is not getting a fair deal from the county, and prevent it.
The biggest land negotiation other than the incorporation from 1992 is about to take place in the development of the Rural Urban Limit Line: property that can be annexed into the city. That requires savvy, business experience, negotiation skills, and most importantly, experience in real estate and land use.
Our city is already struggling with room to grow for schools, relief roads, affordable housing, and other important needs. If this city fails to correctly negotiate that land deal with the county, the consequences over the next 10-40 years will be the problems we have today ten fold.
Why? Because we have no where to go.
And with all due respect to the past councils and staff, we have some very challenging problems right now from poor decisions years ago.
The city lagged behind for years on charging the appropriate fees to developers, leaving a lack of funding to repair and improve infrastructure for increased demand. This was a Business mistake.
The charter council that set up the city erred in my view by figuring build out in the lower 12-14K residents- we are now passing 17k residents, and the water district always thought build out would be closer to 30K residents. This was another business mistake, leaving land that was inside the water district, out of the city limits. Result: The city now has to provide service to areas where we receive NOT A DIME of tax revenue.
Worse, doing so limits are own water within our city limits. This is, yet another business mistake.
The city has some of the highest water rates in the county. Why? Talk to your county Grand Jury, who found that we are losing 20-30% of our water-thats treated water we paid for ready to come out of your tap at home- we lose that water in the failing pipe systems, that we inherited from the county, with incorporation. But wait. Shouldnt the county fix those. No because we took them AS IS, and from what I can tell, never even investigated their condition prior to doing so. Another Business Mistake.
I like Ed West too, and find him to be a nice guy. In fact, I like and respect all the candidates. If you ever run for office, you will too. Its a thick skinned business. People will take shots at you. Those people usually dont have enough courage to run for office. But thats another topic for another day.
The Eagle statement is right on the mark, as Victor Riveria pointed out by posting it here:
The city needs new blood, and this election is the time to do it.
But the Eagle has it wrong on the Endorsement of Ed West in my view, because frankly, Ed doesnt have the time with a full time job, and raising a family like he is. I have no doubt that his intentions are sincere.
Clearly Ed is a popular candidate and has lived here a long time. It would seem like a safe vote. I on the other hand, am less known. Fair enough. But the Eagle did the candidate forums, and concluded that " Maguire is a savvy businessman, that KNOWS THE ISSUES." Thats right, the issues.
And IT IS THE ISSUES, water, traffic, schools, property taxes, assessment districts, land use, general plan updates, affordable housing, infrastructure replacement, and the all important. but seemingly only talked about by me, land negotiation with the county, that are what this election is about. These Are the Issues right now. These issues and the problems associated with them require current working knowledge and business savvy to solve.
Sure good listening skills are important, but not near as much as effective and immediate action to resolve, from experienced people. I have that experience from being in business.
The city needs experience, and does not have time for a learning curve.
I have no problem working with this council to resolve these issues, and would infuse energy, enthusiasm and hard work to solve them. But that requires getting elected to do it. And thats up to you.
My destiny is in your hands. I feel very comfortable knowing that.
Thank you for your consideration.
What the Eagle failed to realize is that this council needs a savvy type business person who will identify when the city of American Canyon is not getting a fair deal from the county, and prevent it.
The biggest land negotiation other than the incorporation from 1992 is about to take place in the development of the Rural Urban Limit Line: property that can be annexed into the city. That requires savvy, business experience, negotiation skills, and most importantly, experience in real estate and land use.
Our city is already struggling with room to grow for schools, relief roads, affordable housing, and other important needs. If this city fails to correctly negotiate that land deal with the county, the consequences over the next 10-40 years will be the problems we have today ten fold.
Why? Because we have no where to go.
And with all due respect to the past councils and staff, we have some very challenging problems right now from poor decisions years ago.
The city lagged behind for years on charging the appropriate fees to developers, leaving a lack of funding to repair and improve infrastructure for increased demand. This was a Business mistake.
The charter council that set up the city erred in my view by figuring build out in the lower 12-14K residents- we are now passing 17k residents, and the water district always thought build out would be closer to 30K residents. This was another business mistake, leaving land that was inside the water district, out of the city limits. Result: The city now has to provide service to areas where we receive NOT A DIME of tax revenue.
Worse, doing so limits are own water within our city limits. This is, yet another business mistake.
The city has some of the highest water rates in the county. Why? Talk to your county Grand Jury, who found that we are losing 20-30% of our water-thats treated water we paid for ready to come out of your tap at home- we lose that water in the failing pipe systems, that we inherited from the county, with incorporation. But wait. Shouldnt the county fix those. No because we took them AS IS, and from what I can tell, never even investigated their condition prior to doing so. Another Business Mistake.
I like Ed West too, and find him to be a nice guy. In fact, I like and respect all the candidates. If you ever run for office, you will too. Its a thick skinned business. People will take shots at you. Those people usually dont have enough courage to run for office. But thats another topic for another day.
The Eagle statement is right on the mark, as Victor Riveria pointed out by posting it here:
The city needs new blood, and this election is the time to do it.
But the Eagle has it wrong on the Endorsement of Ed West in my view, because frankly, Ed doesnt have the time with a full time job, and raising a family like he is. I have no doubt that his intentions are sincere.
Clearly Ed is a popular candidate and has lived here a long time. It would seem like a safe vote. I on the other hand, am less known. Fair enough. But the Eagle did the candidate forums, and concluded that " Maguire is a savvy businessman, that KNOWS THE ISSUES." Thats right, the issues.
And IT IS THE ISSUES, water, traffic, schools, property taxes, assessment districts, land use, general plan updates, affordable housing, infrastructure replacement, and the all important. but seemingly only talked about by me, land negotiation with the county, that are what this election is about. These Are the Issues right now. These issues and the problems associated with them require current working knowledge and business savvy to solve.
Sure good listening skills are important, but not near as much as effective and immediate action to resolve, from experienced people. I have that experience from being in business.
The city needs experience, and does not have time for a learning curve.
I have no problem working with this council to resolve these issues, and would infuse energy, enthusiasm and hard work to solve them. But that requires getting elected to do it. And thats up to you.
My destiny is in your hands. I feel very comfortable knowing that.
Thank you for your consideration.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
- Contact:
Campaign finance disclosure
An ammended statement was filed today to correct an error. It is available at the city.
?s for Maguire
caveat: before all your supporters on this website begin their bitchin,groaning and attacking...I'm asking because these are ?s I have been asked about you from others in town. This would be a good opportunity to share..
Mr. Maguire,
Definitely give you kudos for your success in real estate. On the outside, you seem to be the real deal.
1)During the last two elections cycles you've shown up at a few council meetings. Does that, inyour opinion, qualify you for the office?
2) You (and Joan) ran for council twice. Neither of you were able to give close guestimations of what the city's budget is/will be. Over a two year election cycle- it never crossed your mind to inquire?
(personally, this totally blew my mind)
3)You purchased a local business and grew it. Kudos. Aside from this endeavor-what else have you done in/for American Canyon?
4) If you are unsuccessful in being elected into office-how will you continue to show support for the city?
Mr. Maguire,
Definitely give you kudos for your success in real estate. On the outside, you seem to be the real deal.
1)During the last two elections cycles you've shown up at a few council meetings. Does that, inyour opinion, qualify you for the office?
2) You (and Joan) ran for council twice. Neither of you were able to give close guestimations of what the city's budget is/will be. Over a two year election cycle- it never crossed your mind to inquire?
(personally, this totally blew my mind)
3)You purchased a local business and grew it. Kudos. Aside from this endeavor-what else have you done in/for American Canyon?
4) If you are unsuccessful in being elected into office-how will you continue to show support for the city?
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
- Contact:
ok heres your answers
Answers to the questions asked of me
Mr. Maguire,
Definitely give you kudos for your success in real estate. On the outside, you seem to be the real deal.
1)During the last two elections cycles you've shown up at a few council meetings. Does that, inyour opinion, qualify you for the office?
It is one qualification, yes. In 2004, after the election cycle, I was the only candidate who continued to attend city council meetings. It was more than few. Alot more. Doing so strengthen my understanding of the critical issues now facing our city. Last night was a good example with the condo conversion issues v displacement of residents who may be living there at the time of conversion. The city got a 10 year restriction on the units but also, which I argued in favor of and the council unamimously voted for. allow a mapping now for conversion sometime after 10 years. Why is this important. Because we have no condo's in American Canyon, and that type of product is a entry level product that teachers, fire fighters, police officers, single parents, seniors trading down, can afford and still live here. It is important to have opportunities for those that work here to also be able to live here, so they have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in the community. And having real estate experience, I noted that the city would get substantially more tax revenue at the sale out of individual units, than from the tax basis of one building. About 3-4 times more, critically needed funding. I also pointed out that a relocation fee would be in order, but again, being in this business, condo converters just about always give substantial cash and other incentives to existing residents to own the condo. Further, I pointed out that single level condos are desirable for seniors trading down, who can take their equity up to 250k for a single person and 500k for a married couple tax free from a home they have lived in for some time, and move into a smaller place, living off the difference.
So yes, being at the council meetings does give me qualifications. Seeing and managing 500 patient visit a week offices as I did through multiclinics, experience in testifying in litigation as an expert in practice, and in civil matters which the city faces, teaching as I do now and have done for years gives me skills in explaining issues to others, and understanding them to address them, and my strong work ethic all qualify me to be on this position.
2) You (and Joan) ran for council twice. Neither of you were able to give close guestimations of what the city's budget is/will be. Over a two year election cycle- it never crossed your mind to inquire?
(personally, this totally blew my mind)
Yes, I ran for council once in 2004, and this time. I have actually looked at the city budget some time ago, and confused the discretionary budget number with the actual budget number. Fair enough. I should have been better prepared in that area. Most of my preparation was on the long list of other issues we discussed. There were some tough questions asked, and it was a good forum.
3)You purchased a local business and grew it. Kudos. Aside from this endeavor-what else have you done in/for American Canyon?
Lots of things. A number of which are private, and I would not discuss publicly. But here are a few to think about:
Lets start with the dealing school. Imagine you are a single parent, making 24 k a year, working full time, struggling to make ends. For an investment of less than $800.00, which the school finances into several payments, and investment of time, you get an opportunity to learn a new skill, dealing poker. 3 months later, instead of making 24k a year, your now making 50k a year- twice what you were making before. That does change lives- you bet it does. It is the difference between worrying every month about paying the bills and not paying the bills. It is the difference between living in a better place, and a not so good place. And most importantly to this person, it is the result to their children of being able to afford to live in a good school district, vs a poor one.
The city sent one of our youth as an ambassador for the city of American Canyon oversees. I participated in funding that endevor.
This first two were about helping people one at a time, and there are other more private examples. But this next one is about helping the entire community at once, and that is what this election involves. Knocking on doors, a number of people have brought up the brown water issue. It is unacceptable to have brown water in our city, regardless of the reason. Its not ok.
This and the last election. I can think of few things that involve more commitment, time, energy, money, and focus, than running for a public office. It is a major sacrifice of time, and commitment. I commend all the candidates for their commitment to the city, and respect all of them for having what it takes to put yourself out there to run for public office. Its not small thing.
4) If you are unsuccessful in being elected into office-how will you continue to show support for the city?
At this point, I have had incredible support and feedback in the community. Residents have invited me into their homes, engaged with me at the front door and allowed me to interrupt their time and privacy to talk about the issues. My focus is on being successful. And if I am fortunate enough to be elected by this community, my support will be in committing my time and efforts to resolve the issues that face this community. I have no answer for being unsuccessful because it is not in my universe. We can cross that bridge if it turns out that way.
Thanks for your questions.
Mr. Maguire,
Definitely give you kudos for your success in real estate. On the outside, you seem to be the real deal.
1)During the last two elections cycles you've shown up at a few council meetings. Does that, inyour opinion, qualify you for the office?
It is one qualification, yes. In 2004, after the election cycle, I was the only candidate who continued to attend city council meetings. It was more than few. Alot more. Doing so strengthen my understanding of the critical issues now facing our city. Last night was a good example with the condo conversion issues v displacement of residents who may be living there at the time of conversion. The city got a 10 year restriction on the units but also, which I argued in favor of and the council unamimously voted for. allow a mapping now for conversion sometime after 10 years. Why is this important. Because we have no condo's in American Canyon, and that type of product is a entry level product that teachers, fire fighters, police officers, single parents, seniors trading down, can afford and still live here. It is important to have opportunities for those that work here to also be able to live here, so they have their finger on the pulse of what is happening in the community. And having real estate experience, I noted that the city would get substantially more tax revenue at the sale out of individual units, than from the tax basis of one building. About 3-4 times more, critically needed funding. I also pointed out that a relocation fee would be in order, but again, being in this business, condo converters just about always give substantial cash and other incentives to existing residents to own the condo. Further, I pointed out that single level condos are desirable for seniors trading down, who can take their equity up to 250k for a single person and 500k for a married couple tax free from a home they have lived in for some time, and move into a smaller place, living off the difference.
So yes, being at the council meetings does give me qualifications. Seeing and managing 500 patient visit a week offices as I did through multiclinics, experience in testifying in litigation as an expert in practice, and in civil matters which the city faces, teaching as I do now and have done for years gives me skills in explaining issues to others, and understanding them to address them, and my strong work ethic all qualify me to be on this position.
2) You (and Joan) ran for council twice. Neither of you were able to give close guestimations of what the city's budget is/will be. Over a two year election cycle- it never crossed your mind to inquire?
(personally, this totally blew my mind)
Yes, I ran for council once in 2004, and this time. I have actually looked at the city budget some time ago, and confused the discretionary budget number with the actual budget number. Fair enough. I should have been better prepared in that area. Most of my preparation was on the long list of other issues we discussed. There were some tough questions asked, and it was a good forum.
3)You purchased a local business and grew it. Kudos. Aside from this endeavor-what else have you done in/for American Canyon?
Lots of things. A number of which are private, and I would not discuss publicly. But here are a few to think about:
Lets start with the dealing school. Imagine you are a single parent, making 24 k a year, working full time, struggling to make ends. For an investment of less than $800.00, which the school finances into several payments, and investment of time, you get an opportunity to learn a new skill, dealing poker. 3 months later, instead of making 24k a year, your now making 50k a year- twice what you were making before. That does change lives- you bet it does. It is the difference between worrying every month about paying the bills and not paying the bills. It is the difference between living in a better place, and a not so good place. And most importantly to this person, it is the result to their children of being able to afford to live in a good school district, vs a poor one.
The city sent one of our youth as an ambassador for the city of American Canyon oversees. I participated in funding that endevor.
This first two were about helping people one at a time, and there are other more private examples. But this next one is about helping the entire community at once, and that is what this election involves. Knocking on doors, a number of people have brought up the brown water issue. It is unacceptable to have brown water in our city, regardless of the reason. Its not ok.
This and the last election. I can think of few things that involve more commitment, time, energy, money, and focus, than running for a public office. It is a major sacrifice of time, and commitment. I commend all the candidates for their commitment to the city, and respect all of them for having what it takes to put yourself out there to run for public office. Its not small thing.
4) If you are unsuccessful in being elected into office-how will you continue to show support for the city?
At this point, I have had incredible support and feedback in the community. Residents have invited me into their homes, engaged with me at the front door and allowed me to interrupt their time and privacy to talk about the issues. My focus is on being successful. And if I am fortunate enough to be elected by this community, my support will be in committing my time and efforts to resolve the issues that face this community. I have no answer for being unsuccessful because it is not in my universe. We can cross that bridge if it turns out that way.
Thanks for your questions.

- Wanderer
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Thu May 04, 2006 3:22 pm
Napa Solano Post Election Edition
The election edition arrived today in my mailbox. Cindy Coffey writes an informative cover story on the life of a councimember. I dont think any of us had any idea that it took that much time and responsibility.
In the candidate in review section, I was impressed by Paul Maguire's comments about the circumstances facing AC. By reading his writing you can tell he knows what is going on.
In the candidate in review section, I was impressed by Paul Maguire's comments about the circumstances facing AC. By reading his writing you can tell he knows what is going on.
My Vote
Vic Riv,
Thank you for your questions to Mr. Maguire. I think now I will be able to make a very informed vote for Mr. Maguire based on his response to your questions. Your advocacy to get the right person elected has brought forward one very deserving candidate. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your questions to Mr. Maguire. I think now I will be able to make a very informed vote for Mr. Maguire based on his response to your questions. Your advocacy to get the right person elected has brought forward one very deserving candidate. Keep up the good work!
VicRiv----I find it remarkable that you feel angry, exasperated and indignant.
To your way of thinking, Am Can Online's motto/slogan and the free exchange of opinions, thoughts etc. only happens when readers agree with you and support what you are saying or doing.
You say you feel attacked, but you are responsible for creating that kind of reaction when you write responses that are insulting, condescending, and/or hostile. People also do not respond favorably when they feel or know they are being manipulated. Do you not see that it is you who "attacks" people.
I used to think perhaps you were deliberately inflammatory & provacative to spark interest and dialog, but I see now that you must be oblivious to how you come across or are extremely grandiose.
No one else knows why you bother-----only you do! I'm sure you know what President Truman said your option is if you can't take the heat!
To your way of thinking, Am Can Online's motto/slogan and the free exchange of opinions, thoughts etc. only happens when readers agree with you and support what you are saying or doing.
You say you feel attacked, but you are responsible for creating that kind of reaction when you write responses that are insulting, condescending, and/or hostile. People also do not respond favorably when they feel or know they are being manipulated. Do you not see that it is you who "attacks" people.
I used to think perhaps you were deliberately inflammatory & provacative to spark interest and dialog, but I see now that you must be oblivious to how you come across or are extremely grandiose.
No one else knows why you bother-----only you do! I'm sure you know what President Truman said your option is if you can't take the heat!
Finally Decided
Our family has finally decided on who we will endorse this election.
This is why....
Informed mailed information not trying to "snow" us with a line of bull.
Real information that needs attention right now.
No slick brochures, just plain old xerox copies like the old days.
This shows me somebody took the time to send this to me especially when there is a stamp.
I liked seeing a few typos this makes it sincere.
I enjoyed the commercial not too overbearing when I heard it at the office.
I liked the responses I heard at the forums as I attended both.
I liked the responses I read here.
And last at first I didn't like a knock at my door during my movie yesterday, but after meeting Mr. Maguire I am glad I answered. He makes a great impression and I would be proud to have him represent my city.
My vote is for Paul Maguire, he will work with the existing council, bring in experience, and some great new ideas. Thanks for coming by (you were the only one) and thanks for taking the time to run.
This is why....
Informed mailed information not trying to "snow" us with a line of bull.
Real information that needs attention right now.
No slick brochures, just plain old xerox copies like the old days.
This shows me somebody took the time to send this to me especially when there is a stamp.
I liked seeing a few typos this makes it sincere.
I enjoyed the commercial not too overbearing when I heard it at the office.
I liked the responses I heard at the forums as I attended both.
I liked the responses I read here.
And last at first I didn't like a knock at my door during my movie yesterday, but after meeting Mr. Maguire I am glad I answered. He makes a great impression and I would be proud to have him represent my city.
My vote is for Paul Maguire, he will work with the existing council, bring in experience, and some great new ideas. Thanks for coming by (you were the only one) and thanks for taking the time to run.
Side Note
In my opinion the Post did not endorse Maguire. This paper allows citizens to compose and write articles. It clearly states no responsiblity for the content of those articles. Just like your columns during election times were clearly critical of a particular candidate.
The election issue of the Post was insightful. There was no endorsement. The paper never makes an endorsement from what I recall. Nor does the Echo. These are true community papers.
I am always skeptical of political motives of a paper that is located within a particular jurisdiction when they endorse.
For example:
West announced that he will not be in any cliques or be a team player with the current council. I assume that is what the county wants. By keeping the council in chaos it is easier to take control of issues.
I am also concerned that Mr. West is a county employee. Let's not be naive folks there is a true possiblity of some underlying pressure for him to vote the "county's" way. Would Mr. West allow his job that supports his family to be jeopardized for a particular vote? You bet he won't. If you don't think this would ever happen guess again.
This scares the heck out of me. We already have one county "yes man" on council we certainly don't need two.
As for Bennett we figured the only reason she is most likely running is because she has some major health issues. She already has 4 years of service (terrible) on the books. If she serves one more she will have lifetime insurance courtesy of the local taxpayers. Just a thought.
As for Mr. Rivera you are a very negative person hiding under the "discussion" umbrella. I have seen some good dialog from you but most recently it has not been productive or thought provoking. I am also concerned over your flip flopping of Bennett and West. Better to keep quiet until you make up your mind otherwise you appear scattered. :roll:
The election issue of the Post was insightful. There was no endorsement. The paper never makes an endorsement from what I recall. Nor does the Echo. These are true community papers.
I am always skeptical of political motives of a paper that is located within a particular jurisdiction when they endorse.
For example:
West announced that he will not be in any cliques or be a team player with the current council. I assume that is what the county wants. By keeping the council in chaos it is easier to take control of issues.
I am also concerned that Mr. West is a county employee. Let's not be naive folks there is a true possiblity of some underlying pressure for him to vote the "county's" way. Would Mr. West allow his job that supports his family to be jeopardized for a particular vote? You bet he won't. If you don't think this would ever happen guess again.
This scares the heck out of me. We already have one county "yes man" on council we certainly don't need two.
As for Bennett we figured the only reason she is most likely running is because she has some major health issues. She already has 4 years of service (terrible) on the books. If she serves one more she will have lifetime insurance courtesy of the local taxpayers. Just a thought.
As for Mr. Rivera you are a very negative person hiding under the "discussion" umbrella. I have seen some good dialog from you but most recently it has not been productive or thought provoking. I am also concerned over your flip flopping of Bennett and West. Better to keep quiet until you make up your mind otherwise you appear scattered. :roll:
- Wanderer
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Thu May 04, 2006 3:22 pm
Maguire working the hardest
Bennett created most of these problems in the first place. Maybe your right, maybe it is about the free health insurance.
I just don't see the voters supporting the source of the problems we have today as the solution we need tomorrow. Bennetts past bad decisions created the traffic nightmares we have now.
JT aka have a sign on every public right of way Miller is 100% supported by the unions, who have thier own limited agenda. The same with Bill Russell, a mobile home parks guy also with a limited agenda.
West and Bennett both have lived in town for years. Why didn't they do something about all these problems 5,10,15 years ago, when they had the chance? Why now? They just stood by and watched, and in Bennetts case, she was part of the problem.
The best two candidates are Maguire and Walker. Both have an open mind and don't represent any special interest group. Walker got endorsed by one union, and Maguire funded his own campaign, so he doesn't owe anyone any policital favors. You cannot say that about West, who got all these county endorsements. Geez, be careful who you get in bed with. AC has been the unwanted step child of the county for years, and it shows.
Maguire is the best candidate. Walker is too young and inexperienced, but I admire the young man for stepping up and running for office.
Maguire is the only candidate with a real message and the mailings I have read were about issues that concern me. West sent a postcard with a picture. Bennett called. Since Maguire is walking the neighborhoods, he has my vote. If he is going to work this hard to get elected then he will work hard for our city.
Actions speak louder than words. Maguire has the message. Lack of action speaks volumes to how these other candidates will be in office.
I just don't see the voters supporting the source of the problems we have today as the solution we need tomorrow. Bennetts past bad decisions created the traffic nightmares we have now.
JT aka have a sign on every public right of way Miller is 100% supported by the unions, who have thier own limited agenda. The same with Bill Russell, a mobile home parks guy also with a limited agenda.
West and Bennett both have lived in town for years. Why didn't they do something about all these problems 5,10,15 years ago, when they had the chance? Why now? They just stood by and watched, and in Bennetts case, she was part of the problem.
The best two candidates are Maguire and Walker. Both have an open mind and don't represent any special interest group. Walker got endorsed by one union, and Maguire funded his own campaign, so he doesn't owe anyone any policital favors. You cannot say that about West, who got all these county endorsements. Geez, be careful who you get in bed with. AC has been the unwanted step child of the county for years, and it shows.
Maguire is the best candidate. Walker is too young and inexperienced, but I admire the young man for stepping up and running for office.
Maguire is the only candidate with a real message and the mailings I have read were about issues that concern me. West sent a postcard with a picture. Bennett called. Since Maguire is walking the neighborhoods, he has my vote. If he is going to work this hard to get elected then he will work hard for our city.
Actions speak louder than words. Maguire has the message. Lack of action speaks volumes to how these other candidates will be in office.
What about the 5 mailers from Maguire?
What about the "every foot a yard sign? for JT Miller?
All the other campaign stuff makes great composting materials once it's shredded.
What about the 5 mailers from Maguire?
What about the "every foot a yard sign? for JT Miller?
All the other campaign stuff makes great composting materials once it's shredded.
Oh, so sorry, I forgot to add all the mailers I got from West too. I did recieve about 4 mailers from Paul Maguire, 1 phone call and a personal appearance at my door the other night. He was the ONLY one who knocked on doors in my area.
West NEVER came into my neighborhood, just the kids he sent out to hang more stuff on my door ( oh yeah, let me add THAT to my list of West stuff).

West NEVER came into my neighborhood, just the kids he sent out to hang more stuff on my door ( oh yeah, let me add THAT to my list of West stuff).

- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
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Message from Paul Maguire
Thank you American Canyon for the kindness and respect shown towards me and those who helped me walk the neighborhoods over the last two weeks. Sore and sunburn, happy none the less, we had not one rude comment anywhere. We all lost a little weight, but gained priceless knowledge about the community.
I enjoyed the opportunity to engage in discussion with so many of you about what is going on in our city, what your concerns are, and what you feel the priorities need to be. Walking and meeting you really got my finger on the pulse of what matters to you, the voters and residents of AC.
Please vote in this election on Tuesday, and make your voice known, whoever you support this election. This is your day, to send your message.
Thank you again.
Paul Maguire
I enjoyed the opportunity to engage in discussion with so many of you about what is going on in our city, what your concerns are, and what you feel the priorities need to be. Walking and meeting you really got my finger on the pulse of what matters to you, the voters and residents of AC.
Please vote in this election on Tuesday, and make your voice known, whoever you support this election. This is your day, to send your message.
Thank you again.
Paul Maguire
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 266
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
- Contact:
Post Election Message
Thank you to all those that supported me and voted for me in this effort to make some positive change in our city. So sorry it didnt go the way we hoped, but thats politics.
I wish Joan the best in her new position, and thank all the candidates for a clean campaign. I wish all of you, Ed, Bill, James, and JT the best in your future endevors as well. Most of all, well wishes to the residents of American Canyon and the future of the city.
Paul Maguire
I wish Joan the best in her new position, and thank all the candidates for a clean campaign. I wish all of you, Ed, Bill, James, and JT the best in your future endevors as well. Most of all, well wishes to the residents of American Canyon and the future of the city.
Paul Maguire
Moving On
The people of AmCan have spoken and Joan was elected to the vacant council seat.
It's time to move on. There are serious issues which need to be addressed.
Measure H didn't pass. Word has it that they will make another run in November. That means on our next ballot there will be THREE serious issues a) school bond b) traffic tax and c) CA Infrastructure Bond.
Hard decisions for all of us to consider.
November will also present the opportunity for AmCan residents to elect our Mayor for the First time, to a two year term.
It's time to move on. There are serious issues which need to be addressed.
Measure H didn't pass. Word has it that they will make another run in November. That means on our next ballot there will be THREE serious issues a) school bond b) traffic tax and c) CA Infrastructure Bond.
Hard decisions for all of us to consider.
November will also present the opportunity for AmCan residents to elect our Mayor for the First time, to a two year term.
I agree
I agree with VicRiv the city has spoke and this is what I heard.
There was no interest in the election.
There was no communication regarding alternative voting polls prior to the voting day.
The polls close too early for the majority of the residents in this city who are commuters.
If I don't show up for a tax increase then we won't get one.
Name recognition really does get you elected even if there is no significant issue to support.
Being poorly prepared at the forums is irrelevant (special note for West, Maguire, and Miller)
And last once again a meager 10% of the population is attempting to guide this city.
Trust me this won't happen this fall. Thanks to new issues of importance requiring candidates to take a stand there will surely be a better voter turnout. If not sell your homes because property values will plummit.
I wish the city luck with this choice stay tuned and your memory will return. I wish all of the council members luck remembering the turmoil of the city council past.
There was no interest in the election.
There was no communication regarding alternative voting polls prior to the voting day.
The polls close too early for the majority of the residents in this city who are commuters.
If I don't show up for a tax increase then we won't get one.
Name recognition really does get you elected even if there is no significant issue to support.
Being poorly prepared at the forums is irrelevant (special note for West, Maguire, and Miller)
And last once again a meager 10% of the population is attempting to guide this city.
Trust me this won't happen this fall. Thanks to new issues of importance requiring candidates to take a stand there will surely be a better voter turnout. If not sell your homes because property values will plummit.
I wish the city luck with this choice stay tuned and your memory will return. I wish all of the council members luck remembering the turmoil of the city council past.

Election Over
Alot of money was spent on this election. What a shame that it could not have been put to better use within this community. I think before the next election in November, I will vote for whoever donates all those $'s to a local charity! I feel that the old "walking thru the neighborhood" is the best way to get a vote at the least cost. Any thoughts?
What a pro
Paul, it's the city's loss, not to have you on the council. I hope that you will remain an active force in the development of the city and this community. You're the voice of reason and logic in a town where there's such a lack of both.
We still need you!
We still need you!
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- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 pm
- Location: American Canyon
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ac94503's comments and other city issues
Your comments seem not well thought out. Perhaps you might reconsider. I was one of those that spent alot of money, to get a message out, and to inform this community of the problems it faces, that a good majority don't even know about.
To say it was a shame is shameful. It was an investment in communicating the problems we face here, and working very hard to get elected to address them.
And communication is a BIG problem in this town. There was an open poll by the police station all week. As of Saturday, they had less than 50 people show up to vote there in 5 days. We told people as we walked, they had no idea. No one new about it.
I did walk door to door, and covered close to 70-80% of this city. I also called people the day of the election to get the vote out. The vote never came out. With 17000 people living here, less than 2100 voted- lets see, thats about 13%.
Until this community cares enough to show up to vote, or even registar for that matter, it will continue to have un-informed and at times incompetant people running the city into the ground, and likely bankrupt the city within the next 10-15 years. Why? Because that 70 Million dollar budget is bloated and full of one time fees from development, and those fees are going to go away eventually. Then what?
Talk all you want about stopping growth, and make sure you understand that in doing so, you just turned off the facet of money that the city has been burning through with unrealistic pay in some areas, and antiquated retirement packages that the city cannot( an neither can private companies) afford, without making some changes that go with the times.
For example, why should a council member get LIFETIME medical for serving 5 years- I dont know, seems unreasonable to me- maybe you get 40% paid for 5 years, 70% paid for ten years of service, and thats the cap. Maybe is the compensation for no pay. It is very expensive. It would be cheaper to pay them while they are working v giving 20-30 years of lifetime medical payments- heck, that could be 150-200k for one person. 30 years times 12 months per year= 360 months x 500 per month( yes it goes up with time) is 180K for one person x lets use 20 council members over 30 years- thats 3.6 million on the backs of taxpayers, or more!
How do you get quality people that will serve the city well when you pay $300 a month for a job that requires between 20-30 hours of time a week to do it right? Unless someone is financially independant, has a set retirement check, or is an self employed, its unlikely they have the time in the day to serve the city interests. But if the position paid something reasonable, that council person could work part time for the city and part time in private industry. Another problem with a general law city which we have. It would certainly be cheaper than lifetime medical- which is an unpredictable expense v paying them now, which is predictable!
You have the fiasco with Walmart, which is still in the courts, and will likely not turn out as anyone expects. If Walmart prevails, traffic and crime will increase.
Moreover, we have an infrastructure in the city literally falling apart on the west side of town, pumps failing or inadequate, brown water in the facets, Safeway running out of bottled water like they did the other day, the state mandated notices going out occasionally for water that is released that is not to state water quality standards as tested, streets failing and falling apart with potholes that there is no money to replace.
We even have a grand jury report to prove how screwed up it all is. lovely, we didnt get sued for that one by someone.
The city has a planning commission that has not been trained in planning, nor, has even been given much guidance from the council on what to do, what is wanted, and so on. Some of the council and staff went to a seminar recently, and were enthused and enlightened on the possibilities for our city. Hopefully some of that will be passed along.
Look at the obvious foul ups: Heres just a few examples:
The Marriott building- note the Tag ( or extension or tagged on part) of the building to the north- Look at it- it doesn't match, it doesn't blend, and it has no windows to go with the building- It is, poorly done. Probably an add on to the original design-
The new Office building across the street: Note the color schemes- Ugly. Note the front doors going into a kitchen area- unheard of. Fixable, yes, probably with a better trim color- but this is something the city should have caught or done something with, and didnt.
Yet the council will spend an hour arguing over a 19 foot v a 20 foot driveway, and cause an Affordable housing developer to RE DO all of their site plans with their civil engineer, to move every single house back a foot, - then, the council wanted the door in the back v the side of the house- hey why not, that justs means redesigning for the architect, on EVERY floor plan- ensure the title 24 still works with the changes- and the result- 7 foot instead of 8 foot backyards so there is plenty of room in that driveway- RIDICULOUS- and the cost of all this- you got it, passed on to the buyer of the affordable home- another 2000-3000 a house I would bet. Priorities- not in line with needs.
And the latest major mistake, is the signs on the corner of the Vintage Ranch development- Hum T-1/11 siding ( which is notorious for rotting with water and bending over time) painting a grey blue, with a cement cap on top- looks like a home made job- Approved, by this city-go look at it.
IN a development with 500-1,000K dollar homes, with a new school, parks, upgraded street lights, and more to come- where the city wanted to pick the color of the homes( looks like they used basically the same color schemes on some as Montevino) but they missed the sign- go look at Gadwell Park- Stone with a name on it, and a cement cap-
Maybe, just maybe, as a condition of approval for the townhomes on the corner, we will be lucky enough- to get as a condition of approval, upgrading the corner sign markers to something that goes with the quality of the rest of hte neighborhood- well see.
Alright, last but not least, how about the lights on the corner of Broadway and Am Can Road- city leaves them off, as the dont want to spend the money- ya, why not put all our lives at risk- meanwhile, they leave the street lights off too on the Broadway area south of AC road.-
Oh ya, dont forget about the Donaldson (take your life in your own hands) 29 intersection- 6 years and counting - still not done- still accidents, still not done- looks like construction has stopped to me- hum- could it be that the city didnt work it out with the railroad and Caltrans before putting together these grand plans with affordable housing back there and a new wal mart?
Do you know the rusted garbage can look on the front of the GIA hotel is the final look- with pink walls- I guess we will wait and see-
The costs of many of these mistakes is asthetic- some things just dont look very good- but the costs of others is the lives of citizens like Donaldson/29 or AC/Broadway- and still others the pocketbooks of AC taxpayers, and the future fiscal viability of this city, which is in jeopardy long term if we dont get going in the right direction.
No one says it, but a bond issue may be necessary to fix the infrastructure timely- or new sources of revenue may be necessary.
Whatever the fix, it is not going to get any cheaper tomorrow than it will be today, and residents continue to pay 20% or more for their water because it is being lost in the failing pipe system.
Schools? A slight problem- But some on the council don't want a new school at Kimberly- but we need it- And one person on the council was smart enough to have it designed to blend with the soccer fields ,and have the flexibility for other uses when school children grow up, adn we dont need as many grade schools.
So yes, money was spent, and at the end of the day, the community has a better idea what is going on around here. Fortunately for this community, some of us were willing to put the time and money into the campaign to let them know that- and the awareness was raised.
A good number of people told us about brown water, about buying bottled water for thier children- shameful- yes, this city is shameful to allow what goes on here to continue- thats the shame- A grand jury report- thats a shame- debating whether it would be cheaper to do the it right for pay the state fines is a shame- making a low income housing developer spends thousands extra for a foot of driveway put on the backs of the of the affordable home buyer, thats a shame-leaving intersections unsafe and streets lights off sacrificing safety over money- thats a shame- failing to train - thats a shame- making your residents pay more for water than they ought to be because you never checked the condition of the pipes when you took them AS IS from the county on incorporation- thats a shame too----shame ----ya--plenty of it. But there is no shame in spending money to get elected to do something about it. We all did. Some of use more than others- to get the message out, and to try to get on council to end the shameful mistakes and turn the city in the right direction. There is NO shame in that.
A choice was made by the 13%- now thats a shame on the other 87% - but lets see how it works out.
To say it was a shame is shameful. It was an investment in communicating the problems we face here, and working very hard to get elected to address them.
And communication is a BIG problem in this town. There was an open poll by the police station all week. As of Saturday, they had less than 50 people show up to vote there in 5 days. We told people as we walked, they had no idea. No one new about it.
I did walk door to door, and covered close to 70-80% of this city. I also called people the day of the election to get the vote out. The vote never came out. With 17000 people living here, less than 2100 voted- lets see, thats about 13%.
Until this community cares enough to show up to vote, or even registar for that matter, it will continue to have un-informed and at times incompetant people running the city into the ground, and likely bankrupt the city within the next 10-15 years. Why? Because that 70 Million dollar budget is bloated and full of one time fees from development, and those fees are going to go away eventually. Then what?
Talk all you want about stopping growth, and make sure you understand that in doing so, you just turned off the facet of money that the city has been burning through with unrealistic pay in some areas, and antiquated retirement packages that the city cannot( an neither can private companies) afford, without making some changes that go with the times.
For example, why should a council member get LIFETIME medical for serving 5 years- I dont know, seems unreasonable to me- maybe you get 40% paid for 5 years, 70% paid for ten years of service, and thats the cap. Maybe is the compensation for no pay. It is very expensive. It would be cheaper to pay them while they are working v giving 20-30 years of lifetime medical payments- heck, that could be 150-200k for one person. 30 years times 12 months per year= 360 months x 500 per month( yes it goes up with time) is 180K for one person x lets use 20 council members over 30 years- thats 3.6 million on the backs of taxpayers, or more!
How do you get quality people that will serve the city well when you pay $300 a month for a job that requires between 20-30 hours of time a week to do it right? Unless someone is financially independant, has a set retirement check, or is an self employed, its unlikely they have the time in the day to serve the city interests. But if the position paid something reasonable, that council person could work part time for the city and part time in private industry. Another problem with a general law city which we have. It would certainly be cheaper than lifetime medical- which is an unpredictable expense v paying them now, which is predictable!
You have the fiasco with Walmart, which is still in the courts, and will likely not turn out as anyone expects. If Walmart prevails, traffic and crime will increase.
Moreover, we have an infrastructure in the city literally falling apart on the west side of town, pumps failing or inadequate, brown water in the facets, Safeway running out of bottled water like they did the other day, the state mandated notices going out occasionally for water that is released that is not to state water quality standards as tested, streets failing and falling apart with potholes that there is no money to replace.
We even have a grand jury report to prove how screwed up it all is. lovely, we didnt get sued for that one by someone.
The city has a planning commission that has not been trained in planning, nor, has even been given much guidance from the council on what to do, what is wanted, and so on. Some of the council and staff went to a seminar recently, and were enthused and enlightened on the possibilities for our city. Hopefully some of that will be passed along.
Look at the obvious foul ups: Heres just a few examples:
The Marriott building- note the Tag ( or extension or tagged on part) of the building to the north- Look at it- it doesn't match, it doesn't blend, and it has no windows to go with the building- It is, poorly done. Probably an add on to the original design-
The new Office building across the street: Note the color schemes- Ugly. Note the front doors going into a kitchen area- unheard of. Fixable, yes, probably with a better trim color- but this is something the city should have caught or done something with, and didnt.
Yet the council will spend an hour arguing over a 19 foot v a 20 foot driveway, and cause an Affordable housing developer to RE DO all of their site plans with their civil engineer, to move every single house back a foot, - then, the council wanted the door in the back v the side of the house- hey why not, that justs means redesigning for the architect, on EVERY floor plan- ensure the title 24 still works with the changes- and the result- 7 foot instead of 8 foot backyards so there is plenty of room in that driveway- RIDICULOUS- and the cost of all this- you got it, passed on to the buyer of the affordable home- another 2000-3000 a house I would bet. Priorities- not in line with needs.
And the latest major mistake, is the signs on the corner of the Vintage Ranch development- Hum T-1/11 siding ( which is notorious for rotting with water and bending over time) painting a grey blue, with a cement cap on top- looks like a home made job- Approved, by this city-go look at it.
IN a development with 500-1,000K dollar homes, with a new school, parks, upgraded street lights, and more to come- where the city wanted to pick the color of the homes( looks like they used basically the same color schemes on some as Montevino) but they missed the sign- go look at Gadwell Park- Stone with a name on it, and a cement cap-
Maybe, just maybe, as a condition of approval for the townhomes on the corner, we will be lucky enough- to get as a condition of approval, upgrading the corner sign markers to something that goes with the quality of the rest of hte neighborhood- well see.
Alright, last but not least, how about the lights on the corner of Broadway and Am Can Road- city leaves them off, as the dont want to spend the money- ya, why not put all our lives at risk- meanwhile, they leave the street lights off too on the Broadway area south of AC road.-
Oh ya, dont forget about the Donaldson (take your life in your own hands) 29 intersection- 6 years and counting - still not done- still accidents, still not done- looks like construction has stopped to me- hum- could it be that the city didnt work it out with the railroad and Caltrans before putting together these grand plans with affordable housing back there and a new wal mart?
Do you know the rusted garbage can look on the front of the GIA hotel is the final look- with pink walls- I guess we will wait and see-
The costs of many of these mistakes is asthetic- some things just dont look very good- but the costs of others is the lives of citizens like Donaldson/29 or AC/Broadway- and still others the pocketbooks of AC taxpayers, and the future fiscal viability of this city, which is in jeopardy long term if we dont get going in the right direction.
No one says it, but a bond issue may be necessary to fix the infrastructure timely- or new sources of revenue may be necessary.
Whatever the fix, it is not going to get any cheaper tomorrow than it will be today, and residents continue to pay 20% or more for their water because it is being lost in the failing pipe system.
Schools? A slight problem- But some on the council don't want a new school at Kimberly- but we need it- And one person on the council was smart enough to have it designed to blend with the soccer fields ,and have the flexibility for other uses when school children grow up, adn we dont need as many grade schools.
So yes, money was spent, and at the end of the day, the community has a better idea what is going on around here. Fortunately for this community, some of us were willing to put the time and money into the campaign to let them know that- and the awareness was raised.
A good number of people told us about brown water, about buying bottled water for thier children- shameful- yes, this city is shameful to allow what goes on here to continue- thats the shame- A grand jury report- thats a shame- debating whether it would be cheaper to do the it right for pay the state fines is a shame- making a low income housing developer spends thousands extra for a foot of driveway put on the backs of the of the affordable home buyer, thats a shame-leaving intersections unsafe and streets lights off sacrificing safety over money- thats a shame- failing to train - thats a shame- making your residents pay more for water than they ought to be because you never checked the condition of the pipes when you took them AS IS from the county on incorporation- thats a shame too----shame ----ya--plenty of it. But there is no shame in spending money to get elected to do something about it. We all did. Some of use more than others- to get the message out, and to try to get on council to end the shameful mistakes and turn the city in the right direction. There is NO shame in that.
A choice was made by the 13%- now thats a shame on the other 87% - but lets see how it works out.
Second Chance
I know the city will regret the election of Joan Bennett it will only be a matter of time. She likes to give away the bank without the backup. It was a complaint of her fellow council members for years.
It is unfortunate that this information isn't shared with the public so people would know what type of agendas candidates have.
I believe that your candidacy was true and sincere. Why else would you subject yourself to the media circus that was exhibited.
I would hope that you run again Mr. Maguire. I hope that for all of you who didn't support Mr. Maguire because somebody "claims" he doesn't live in the city will squash those venomous rumors that always seem to come from one local resident.
I know you are a resident and so do your neighbors at least the ones who tell the truth.
Don't give up on American Canyon sir. We are slow to learn but well worth the trouble and yes, in the end most grateful for your time.
Thank you for investing your money in your campaign to get elected to a city you care about. That shows me you were prepared to put your money where your mouth is. Thank you for coming by my home it was a pleasure to meet you. Should you choose to run in November you can rely on my vote!
It is unfortunate that this information isn't shared with the public so people would know what type of agendas candidates have.
I believe that your candidacy was true and sincere. Why else would you subject yourself to the media circus that was exhibited.
I would hope that you run again Mr. Maguire. I hope that for all of you who didn't support Mr. Maguire because somebody "claims" he doesn't live in the city will squash those venomous rumors that always seem to come from one local resident.
I know you are a resident and so do your neighbors at least the ones who tell the truth.
Don't give up on American Canyon sir. We are slow to learn but well worth the trouble and yes, in the end most grateful for your time.
Thank you for investing your money in your campaign to get elected to a city you care about. That shows me you were prepared to put your money where your mouth is. Thank you for coming by my home it was a pleasure to meet you. Should you choose to run in November you can rely on my vote!
Update for ac94503
This is an update for ac94503 why would anybody donate to any charity in American Canyon? Most of the money raised by main stream organizations is donated either upvalley or to Solano County.
Mr. Maguire donated money to individuals who would not have been able to accomplish trips, goals, or projects. This is an area that is neglected and not served by the main stream organizations. It is against most bylaws to donate to individuals.
Additionally, isn't giving of your time the most important donation of all? I would much rather have somebody who cares about my city making informed choices than somebody who doesn't have the time rubberstamping issues.
Any fool can donate a membership fee and join a hundred clubs just to be a part of it. We can all name that group. But somebody who cares-- donates their time when it makes a difference or their money on a grander scale when they need to.
Most people who make large donations don't want public attention nor do they need it. Donations are a very private issue.
Finally to assume if a candidate spends money getting out a grassroots message is wrong when it is obvious that this city is misinformed and not getting communication versus donating a hundred bucks to the local charity who is truly underserved? If you think about the big picture wouldn't it be something like this:
If the community was in touch in a communication loop and knew about the hardships of local residents wouldn't it be logical that they would fill in the gap therefore eliminating the need for a few individuals to support the project or organization. Think about it. How easy would it be for a whole community to support a cause rather than one or two people.
So communicating with the masses is much more of a logical expense to get your message out to make people aware of what is happening than making a $100 donation to a local charity that contributes most to another area. NICE--
Mr. Maguire donated money to individuals who would not have been able to accomplish trips, goals, or projects. This is an area that is neglected and not served by the main stream organizations. It is against most bylaws to donate to individuals.
Additionally, isn't giving of your time the most important donation of all? I would much rather have somebody who cares about my city making informed choices than somebody who doesn't have the time rubberstamping issues.
Any fool can donate a membership fee and join a hundred clubs just to be a part of it. We can all name that group. But somebody who cares-- donates their time when it makes a difference or their money on a grander scale when they need to.
Most people who make large donations don't want public attention nor do they need it. Donations are a very private issue.
Finally to assume if a candidate spends money getting out a grassroots message is wrong when it is obvious that this city is misinformed and not getting communication versus donating a hundred bucks to the local charity who is truly underserved? If you think about the big picture wouldn't it be something like this:
If the community was in touch in a communication loop and knew about the hardships of local residents wouldn't it be logical that they would fill in the gap therefore eliminating the need for a few individuals to support the project or organization. Think about it. How easy would it be for a whole community to support a cause rather than one or two people.
So communicating with the masses is much more of a logical expense to get your message out to make people aware of what is happening than making a $100 donation to a local charity that contributes most to another area. NICE--

Speaking of non-voters, I had an interesting conversation with some neighbors after the election. I asked them what they thought of the pathetic result and the ridiculousness of Joan Bennett winning. It was obvious to me that I have much in common with this neighbor, from a socio-economic perspective. I naturally assumed they'd be aghast at the election results, and was certain they'd have voted for Paul Maguire too. But instead I learned something that shocked me: This couple didn't vote because they don't know what's going on in this city. They have lived in AmCan for three or four years and have two kids. They live here because it's less expensive than the city, and their brand new home here was more affordable than where they were. That said, they don't care to get to know the issues in our city because they've already written it off. They opt to send their children to school in Yountville because AmCan schools aren't on-par with the other schools in the county. Too many problems, too many languages, not enough for their kids. This couple spends their time looking OUTSIDE of American Canyon for just about everything they want/need so they couldn't care less who is in office or why. Shocking, but true.
So I wonder if this is an indicator -- could it be that there is a trend in these new developments with similar families? That there is this huge number of people who COULD make a difference and just don't care to? They don't realize it but they are the people who represent the city's growth and future. These are the people who might have the money, intelligence and the power to make the so deperately-needed changes around here, and they would rather be oblivious and assume things will take care of themselves. It's ghastly.
I don't know how it can be done, to reach these people to help them get what's going on and decide to VOTE. If they only understood what's going on and witnessed the level of incompetency displayed by the folks in charge of our tax dollars and the city's future -- surely they would be on board for making the required changes in the city offices.
Shoot, I'm almost fired-up enough to knock on doors and tell these people to wake the heck up myself! Paul, if you decide to run in November and need more volunteers to help get your word out, I'm not sure exactly what I could do, but I hope you'll put up a post on AmCan online asking for whatever help you need. I know at least two people in my household who will do whatever we can.
So I wonder if this is an indicator -- could it be that there is a trend in these new developments with similar families? That there is this huge number of people who COULD make a difference and just don't care to? They don't realize it but they are the people who represent the city's growth and future. These are the people who might have the money, intelligence and the power to make the so deperately-needed changes around here, and they would rather be oblivious and assume things will take care of themselves. It's ghastly.
I don't know how it can be done, to reach these people to help them get what's going on and decide to VOTE. If they only understood what's going on and witnessed the level of incompetency displayed by the folks in charge of our tax dollars and the city's future -- surely they would be on board for making the required changes in the city offices.
Shoot, I'm almost fired-up enough to knock on doors and tell these people to wake the heck up myself! Paul, if you decide to run in November and need more volunteers to help get your word out, I'm not sure exactly what I could do, but I hope you'll put up a post on AmCan online asking for whatever help you need. I know at least two people in my household who will do whatever we can.
Moving On
Your post "Blue Jay" reminds me of a question I've had for along time... Has anyone ever knocked on the doors of the "FOR SALE" homes and asked them why they have chosen to move out of AC? Why are so many people moving out? Maybe some for the money? Maybe some for the politics? Where are they going? What is it that is causing you to move from a city that is changing by the day? I think it would be interesting to know the response.
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The city's decision
I personally respect the voters of American Canyon for choosing Joan. She's a good person and I wish her the best on the city council. We must remeber that now that the election is over we must be united as a city. The city will look to choose our mayor in November for the first time.