2006 Mayor & City Council Election (all related posts)
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Please follow the terms of use as illustrated on the main page of the forum. Only registered users may post in this forum. Classified posts and events must be posted in the Classifieds and Events forum. Thank you.
Ultimate Fitness
Maybe Ultimate Fitness should consider a "boxing ring"? LOL
Actually, if you have not visited this new fitness center it is a beautiful addition to American Canyon...Take the time to take the tour!
Actually, if you have not visited this new fitness center it is a beautiful addition to American Canyon...Take the time to take the tour!
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Boxing Ring
Since Leon Garcia has not been on this forum defending his positions will Mr. Garcia be using VicRiv to fight in the ring for him too? 

It's interesting that if they don't validate themselves on here then it is presumed that they have others speaking for them. Who do you speak for?
Read the book "Nasty People" by Jay Carter, their are Invalidaters everywhere. You may learn the truth of what you are doing.
According to the book
"The Invalidater is underhanded and tries to make people feel small, they pretend to acknowledge something you are proud of then later makes negative insinuations about it, must control you and does whatever is necessary to control you somewhat like Hitler who was controlling, claimed of being Righteous, he was eloquent and lived up to his promises, people believed in him. He was never to blame, he never killed anyone face to face, but got his followers to do it, he really believed in what he was doing, you probably would not guess what devastation he was capable of. There are small Hitlers around us every day tormenting us with their promises, rejoicing in our weaknesses, demanding our trust, our votes, our lives, while remaining totally indifferent to everything except their thirst for Power, they feel they must have power or perish, and it is all one to them if they misuse their power or crush others in their efforts to seize power"
Don't you think it's time that you allow Victor to represent himself, or are you listening and talking for someone else yourself? Think about it.
Read the book "Nasty People" by Jay Carter, their are Invalidaters everywhere. You may learn the truth of what you are doing.
According to the book
"The Invalidater is underhanded and tries to make people feel small, they pretend to acknowledge something you are proud of then later makes negative insinuations about it, must control you and does whatever is necessary to control you somewhat like Hitler who was controlling, claimed of being Righteous, he was eloquent and lived up to his promises, people believed in him. He was never to blame, he never killed anyone face to face, but got his followers to do it, he really believed in what he was doing, you probably would not guess what devastation he was capable of. There are small Hitlers around us every day tormenting us with their promises, rejoicing in our weaknesses, demanding our trust, our votes, our lives, while remaining totally indifferent to everything except their thirst for Power, they feel they must have power or perish, and it is all one to them if they misuse their power or crush others in their efforts to seize power"
Don't you think it's time that you allow Victor to represent himself, or are you listening and talking for someone else yourself? Think about it.
I do represent myself and only my opinion. I don't know how many times I have to write that.
"Sheeple" who are followers think "in-step" and assume individual thinkers, can't or shouldn't do so.
As I indicated-if you want Mr. Garcia's position or opinion-contact him directly.
"Sheeple" who are followers think "in-step" and assume individual thinkers, can't or shouldn't do so.
As I indicated-if you want Mr. Garcia's position or opinion-contact him directly.
How does it work if?
I would like to discuss a particular senario and find out how this will work.
If Ms. Coffey wins as Mayor, her seat as a Council Member becomes available.
If Mr. Callison and Mr. West win Council Member seats we still have one Council seat available.
Will that position be filled by the highest vote getter running for Council?
Or is another plan in the works? Please tell me we would not have another election! Ugh!
If Ms. Coffey wins as Mayor, her seat as a Council Member becomes available.
If Mr. Callison and Mr. West win Council Member seats we still have one Council seat available.
Will that position be filled by the highest vote getter running for Council?
Or is another plan in the works? Please tell me we would not have another election! Ugh!
No Answer
I didn't realize that what I thought could be a senario could shut everyone up on this site...You know it could happen!!!
I'm sure someone else has thought of this senario? So...why so quiet?
Another subject... The statements made by candidates in the election material sent by the County of Napa. Mr. Maguire, I thought it was really considerate and innovative to publish your statement in 3 languages...However, I was so surprised to see that you didn't write it. The way it reads, it was written by someone else besides yourself. You have been so vocal it was surprising and very disappointing to see.
Mr. West, I remember you said you like to read more than talk. Your statement in the ballot doesn't bring forward any of the ideas and plans that you have posted on this site. I don't know when these statements were filed but I do think your statement in the election material is not a true reflection of how you would represent us.
Just my observation...
I'm sure someone else has thought of this senario? So...why so quiet?
Another subject... The statements made by candidates in the election material sent by the County of Napa. Mr. Maguire, I thought it was really considerate and innovative to publish your statement in 3 languages...However, I was so surprised to see that you didn't write it. The way it reads, it was written by someone else besides yourself. You have been so vocal it was surprising and very disappointing to see.
Mr. West, I remember you said you like to read more than talk. Your statement in the ballot doesn't bring forward any of the ideas and plans that you have posted on this site. I don't know when these statements were filed but I do think your statement in the election material is not a true reflection of how you would represent us.
Just my observation...
Clarification re last post
After posting my observation of Mr. West's statement in the sample ballot I would like to clarify something. The word "true" that I used does not read appropriately as to what I meant. I think the ballot statement was an opportunity for Mr. West to share more information regarding his desire to serve.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
council member seats available
On the ballot there is 2 council seats and 1 mayoral seat>
Candidate Coffey wins the mayorial seat there will be 3 council seats to fill and the 3 council candidates with the most votes will fill the positions.
So potentially we are voting for 3 council candidates and a mayor, I am not sure if the ballot says vote for 3 or not under councilmembers. It seems to me if it doesn't there is going to be a miscarriage of voting.

Candidate Coffey wins the mayorial seat there will be 3 council seats to fill and the 3 council candidates with the most votes will fill the positions.
So potentially we are voting for 3 council candidates and a mayor, I am not sure if the ballot says vote for 3 or not under councilmembers. It seems to me if it doesn't there is going to be a miscarriage of voting.

Sample Ballot
FYI: "Vote For No More Than Two"
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Vote for two
So what your saying we are going to be disenfranchised as voters?
Response to MCB
Not necessarily, what I was asking is what procedure is in place if the senario I mentioned actually happened. Do you know for a fact that the 3rd highest vote getter will earn that Council seat?
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
I spoke to a friend who contacted Councilmember Coffey this morning. According to her, Councilmember Coffey said it would be appointed to the next high vote getter from this election. So I went to check the June 2006 Council Minutes online, which is when the whole mayor issue was brought forward by Leon Garcia. It seems the council minutes were never posted for May and June 2006 on the city's website. If I have time they sometimes put copies at the library I will check there too. John Tuteur at the registration of voters office should know if this is legal.
Legal, why don't you ask Mr. Maguire, or better yet, see if he can help to make it right! Oh and don't forget to all show up Tuesday night at Canyon oaks elementary at 7:00 to 9:00 for Mayor candidates and the wed. 7-9 for council candidates, it will be televised this time.The city is on a role to get the truth and the word in the town is that we all want the truth and are starting to get it, they are talking and communicating, some have begun to understand what's happening better with all the lies going south. Good For us! The forums will be enlightening for all sides of the debates, maybe we can get this city back together? I think we all want that at the end of the day.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
How will it be televised when Canyon Oaks is not set up for Television Feed? Is one of the big four coming?
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:57 am
- Location: american canyon
Mayor for American Canyon
Todays Napa Register has published information on Councilmember Cindy Coffey that is very interesting. All the information provided is actual and factual, no lies, no misinformation. She has in the past and still presently still lives beyond her own means. She currently still struggles with her own personal financial issues. It's all about appearances and how important she needs to be. What happened to her Mercedes Benz Sports Utility vehicle all of a sudden? I totally expect her supporters to have some snappy answers for all of this, but if you call yourself supporters and even friends, you would help her by hooking her up with some resources on how to handle finances. Don't take your own city down.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
So let me get this straight mookiedoodoo!
You and your posse made this "big deal" for the last couple of weeks about her filing bankruptcy for 4 businesses she had over 7 years ago. Heres a Newsflash its old news it was already brought up in the '04 election. I found the "story" to be the typical biased journalism they have been spewing against Cindy since their inception of August '04.
I noticed you don't mention that both Ed West and JT Miller have filed bankruptcy. They both "Claimed" it was due to medical, but doesn't one work for the Sheriff's dept and the other for the State where they both have excellent medical benefits. Hmmm! So who is really lying here. Oh yeah, I forgot the Eagle only publishes anything that is Anti-Cindy due to their relationship with Leon Garcia's campaign Manager Victoria Riveria and the hopes of getting the Walmart ad campaign.
I noticed you don't mention that both Ed West and JT Miller have filed bankruptcy. They both "Claimed" it was due to medical, but doesn't one work for the Sheriff's dept and the other for the State where they both have excellent medical benefits. Hmmm! So who is really lying here. Oh yeah, I forgot the Eagle only publishes anything that is Anti-Cindy due to their relationship with Leon Garcia's campaign Manager Victoria Riveria and the hopes of getting the Walmart ad campaign.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:57 am
- Location: american canyon
Once again... you keep telling yourself that MCB.... lets talk about current financial problems, its a pattern with Ms. Coffey. Weather you choose to see it or not that is your choice. But I do not want someone who continually cannot handle their personal finances to handle OUR city. Like I stated earlier, why don't you ask her about her vehicle, don't ask me what I know... ASK HER!! Unless that is you know the answer already. But thank you for your snappy response.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:57 am
- Location: american canyon
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Why ?? Does this make a difference to the supporters of JT Miller & Ed West?
People support Coffey because of her knowledge about the issues we face in American Canyon. The feedback from those who actual even read the register is; it was a biased artical from Eagle writer Korrena who has continually written opposing views against Coffey. So what is the problem here, that people are not fazed by the rhetoric by Leon Garcia, The Eagle, and the small Impact 94503 group that changes their name as it suits themselves?
These are the facts, your group wants to discredit Coffey to make up for the fact the only thing your candidate Leon Garcia can do is smile and show up at meetings. Garcia has not shown in the last 4 years that he is capable of doing a city council job let alone the job of a Mayor. He does not negotiate anything for City American Canyon and excepts every little bone Napa is willing to throw at us. His heart has always been in Napa and always will be.
People support Coffey because of her knowledge about the issues we face in American Canyon. The feedback from those who actual even read the register is; it was a biased artical from Eagle writer Korrena who has continually written opposing views against Coffey. So what is the problem here, that people are not fazed by the rhetoric by Leon Garcia, The Eagle, and the small Impact 94503 group that changes their name as it suits themselves?
These are the facts, your group wants to discredit Coffey to make up for the fact the only thing your candidate Leon Garcia can do is smile and show up at meetings. Garcia has not shown in the last 4 years that he is capable of doing a city council job let alone the job of a Mayor. He does not negotiate anything for City American Canyon and excepts every little bone Napa is willing to throw at us. His heart has always been in Napa and always will be.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:40 pm
MCB- I did not work for the County at the time. It was 16 years ago. My wife carried our medical insurance and when DEY labs laid her off, we lost her coverage so I assumed coverage from my employer at that time, Mervyns. Problem was that they would not cover pre-existing conditions. My wife was already pregnant and became ill and had our child 10 weeks pre-mature. The child spent 8 weeks in ICU in an incubator. The child weighted about 2 pounds, had undeveloped lungs. They developed her lungs with an experimental steroid that had never been used in California. We fought with creidtors over bills, who was going to pay what, once the insurance demanded documentation of care and the Hospital said sure, at $1.20 a page and they fought over the $20K bill just for copies. I was a renter then, did not own a house, had no choice. We robbed Peter to pay Paul for a while and then had to give up. The medical companies suggested I quit working and the State would pay it. I refused.
Also, I "re-affirmed" almost every debtor I don't remember exactly, it has been 16 years. Re-affirming means you make a new agreement to pay. It took integrity to re-affirm when I did not have too. Re-affirmation is after the process and not ordered. We could have just re-affirmed our cars and moved on. In fact it was investigated when I cleared a background at my current job.
16 years later I have excellent credit, a house, a good bank account. So before you asusme that I had good Government UNION coverage I did not. Now tell me again how I am anti-working man and family?
I have lived through life's ups and downs. This was reported about me in the last race in May 2006 and now again. I am not proud of it, I wish I had been better prepared at the time, but I am who I am.
Last campaign I received "annonymous" info about one candidiate's residency. I never used it in that campaign. Now I have received annonymous info regarding criminal histories! Even out of state issues.
Someone is doing their home work. I have no idea who. I have refused to use the info in this race.
I have never publicly issued any political mail or advertisments critisizing anyone. I have never initiated a negative or pointed response here on hate.com, until someone goes to far and crosses a line and makes rediculous accusations, abuse of inmates, anti-working man, anti-family? DO you know how insulting calling me anti-family man is? I have done a damn fine job of building, raising and maintaining a family through good and bad times and to call me anti-familiy was low and desperate. I know what it takes to maintain a family and will defend that and protect that WHEN I AM ELECTED.
I called Cindy a liar on Thursday because Cindy lied in her paper and hid behind the by line of STAFF WRITER about me being anti-family and anti-working man. Either she and/or JT Miller lied about his "Governor appointment", he is a civil service employee. I called her a liar because she mis-represented and changed the context of my and her's conversation during lunch on Sept 29. I accused her of having a lack of integrity, because I have pulled the 460 forms and see that none of the candidiates declared her as givng them a gift for the free ads that she gave, them. One candidiate never authorized the ad she ran for him at all.
This is not mud slinging, it is fact versus fiction. It is raising the bar by requiring the substantiation of rhetoric. When rhetoric is not sustainable, it is a lie.
MCB if you are going to atack, have the right info available.
Ed West
Also, I "re-affirmed" almost every debtor I don't remember exactly, it has been 16 years. Re-affirming means you make a new agreement to pay. It took integrity to re-affirm when I did not have too. Re-affirmation is after the process and not ordered. We could have just re-affirmed our cars and moved on. In fact it was investigated when I cleared a background at my current job.
16 years later I have excellent credit, a house, a good bank account. So before you asusme that I had good Government UNION coverage I did not. Now tell me again how I am anti-working man and family?
I have lived through life's ups and downs. This was reported about me in the last race in May 2006 and now again. I am not proud of it, I wish I had been better prepared at the time, but I am who I am.
Last campaign I received "annonymous" info about one candidiate's residency. I never used it in that campaign. Now I have received annonymous info regarding criminal histories! Even out of state issues.
Someone is doing their home work. I have no idea who. I have refused to use the info in this race.
I have never publicly issued any political mail or advertisments critisizing anyone. I have never initiated a negative or pointed response here on hate.com, until someone goes to far and crosses a line and makes rediculous accusations, abuse of inmates, anti-working man, anti-family? DO you know how insulting calling me anti-family man is? I have done a damn fine job of building, raising and maintaining a family through good and bad times and to call me anti-familiy was low and desperate. I know what it takes to maintain a family and will defend that and protect that WHEN I AM ELECTED.
I called Cindy a liar on Thursday because Cindy lied in her paper and hid behind the by line of STAFF WRITER about me being anti-family and anti-working man. Either she and/or JT Miller lied about his "Governor appointment", he is a civil service employee. I called her a liar because she mis-represented and changed the context of my and her's conversation during lunch on Sept 29. I accused her of having a lack of integrity, because I have pulled the 460 forms and see that none of the candidiates declared her as givng them a gift for the free ads that she gave, them. One candidiate never authorized the ad she ran for him at all.
This is not mud slinging, it is fact versus fiction. It is raising the bar by requiring the substantiation of rhetoric. When rhetoric is not sustainable, it is a lie.
MCB if you are going to atack, have the right info available.
Ed West
I just heard about checks that weren't any good in San Antonio, a Civil Judgement in Napa with an Ambulance Company(I'm sure is a medical situation, a civil Judgement in San Rafael, more in Vallejo and then.... A payment just recently rejected, we will have to see if they put it back through or do they think they are the only ones? What in the name of this City do you all think is happening here? We need to audit the books and do it now, i implore you all to call for the receipts of payment with our public funds, our funds we hope aren't bouncing. Call to the Public, we need proof, we need to know that our money is safe and we as citizens deserve it. Ask....what in the heck they want from us, free dinner, free lunch and attention...please not on our money!! Call to ask for our information needed.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Mr. West
Mr. West,
Just for the record my question about yours and Mr. Millers was not an attack it just was proving that the Eagle is always biased when it comes to Cindy.
As far as the Post report from staff writer I believe if you reread it without any bias toward Cindy the article was speaking of all the union workers that live here in American Canyon. Whom you discredited when you spoke against their Unions who endorsed her. Many of my neighbors work for government and other jobs and are a part of a union. As you know Leon was at the same Union meeting that Cindy was and they chose her over Leon after meeting him. I would also like to add $1500 is just a drop in the bucket when your side has continually assaulted her.
Fortunately between the precint walking, community mixer's, Cindy's ability not only listen to the needs of our community, but respond efficiently and effectively will lead her to the Mayoral Position on November 7th.
Just for the record my question about yours and Mr. Millers was not an attack it just was proving that the Eagle is always biased when it comes to Cindy.
As far as the Post report from staff writer I believe if you reread it without any bias toward Cindy the article was speaking of all the union workers that live here in American Canyon. Whom you discredited when you spoke against their Unions who endorsed her. Many of my neighbors work for government and other jobs and are a part of a union. As you know Leon was at the same Union meeting that Cindy was and they chose her over Leon after meeting him. I would also like to add $1500 is just a drop in the bucket when your side has continually assaulted her.
Fortunately between the precint walking, community mixer's, Cindy's ability not only listen to the needs of our community, but respond efficiently and effectively will lead her to the Mayoral Position on November 7th.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:40 pm
I also interviewed
I also interviewed with the unions. I am not anti-union, I was Vice President of a union. I have worked on Joint Labor Management committees from the Labor side and sat on two negotiation committees in actual negotiations all on LABOR's side. I am being attacked as anti-union because:
I am against unions trying to buy local elections. These two candidiates have received over $20K in donations- what do they owe for those donations? After talking to many LOCAL union members, postal, fire, grocery, trades workers, they all said- My union does not represent me, I never voted on endorsing anyone? My neighbor 27 years as a retail clerk's union member- unemployed, not due to Wal-Mart, due to her own UNION pricing her out of a job. To state that 15,000 union workers voted against me, is rediculous. 8 did. The Fire Union is controled by Kurt Heinke in the Vallejo Union- do you really want him in our back yard, owning our politicians, that is who endorsed JT Miller. My mail man confirmed that the Postal Unions do not endorse local candiidates. I have countered JT Miller's lies about unions with facts- $17K in donations all from labor union PACs', none from private citizens. Cindy, ALL union money. Who do they owe? Why would a unions endorse these two so strongly when they both claim to be interested in slowing growth? That is what the building trades unions want is less building!
Here is a question for Cindy and you to ponder- How did Cindy get her tri-fold handouts printed with "Cindy Coffey elected as new 2007 4th of July Committee Chair" and still deliver them three days after she was selected? She had two business days to get them printed and ready to go. She was selected on a Wednesday and the following Saturday morning these were being delivered to my door? They had to be pre-printed!
Pretty presumtuous.
I am not against unions, I am against unions in my politics- someone owes someone something!
Ed west
I am against unions trying to buy local elections. These two candidiates have received over $20K in donations- what do they owe for those donations? After talking to many LOCAL union members, postal, fire, grocery, trades workers, they all said- My union does not represent me, I never voted on endorsing anyone? My neighbor 27 years as a retail clerk's union member- unemployed, not due to Wal-Mart, due to her own UNION pricing her out of a job. To state that 15,000 union workers voted against me, is rediculous. 8 did. The Fire Union is controled by Kurt Heinke in the Vallejo Union- do you really want him in our back yard, owning our politicians, that is who endorsed JT Miller. My mail man confirmed that the Postal Unions do not endorse local candiidates. I have countered JT Miller's lies about unions with facts- $17K in donations all from labor union PACs', none from private citizens. Cindy, ALL union money. Who do they owe? Why would a unions endorse these two so strongly when they both claim to be interested in slowing growth? That is what the building trades unions want is less building!
Here is a question for Cindy and you to ponder- How did Cindy get her tri-fold handouts printed with "Cindy Coffey elected as new 2007 4th of July Committee Chair" and still deliver them three days after she was selected? She had two business days to get them printed and ready to go. She was selected on a Wednesday and the following Saturday morning these were being delivered to my door? They had to be pre-printed!
Pretty presumtuous.
I am not against unions, I am against unions in my politics- someone owes someone something!
Ed west
"Pretty presumtuous." Yes, that is... of you- We are looking at the flyer right now and it is VERY obvious that it was an add on at the last minute. She used a local printer, has a graphic artist on staff and everything was done by email. Very easy to get this done in a day or three... Ask your bud Don how easy it is. Take HIS word for it.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:40 pm
Frankie G
What local printer" Does her 460 show teh Sonoma Blvd Printer?
Maybe we should exmaine her receipts and find the dates of the order and who she paid locally
Maybe we should exmaine her receipts and find the dates of the order and who she paid locally
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Re: Mayor for American Canyon
Well I could tell you a lie like she knows that you have been stalking her, but the truth is, it needs a new transmission. She doesn't have time to deal with it due to City Council Commitments, the Election and her paper. So she is driving her other car and deal with after the election.mookienunu wrote:What happened to her Mercedes Benz Sports Utility vehicle all of a sudden?
Quit trying to sensationalize everything and do yourself a favor stick to the issues and quit grasping at straws.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Re: Frankie G
amcannative wrote:What local printer" Does her 460 show teh Sonoma Blvd Printer?
Maybe we should exmaine her receipts and find the dates of the order and who she paid locally
Why would her 460 have to show a Sonoma Blvd printer your presuming again? As for your second comment Ed it is quite evident from your statement you know little about business.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:40 pm
She has to show all expenses or donations or gifts of $100 or more- Sonoma Printers is the standard UNION printer used locally. And since Cindy is so civicly minded she would keep her dollars local and union. Regardless, let's see who she used? Then lets see the answer-
I heard the rumor that MCB is Miranda Baily, connected with Brett Jolley and the retail clerks unions, just look up Chico and Wal-MArt and Brett Jolley you will see that he represnets them there also and the anti-Wal-Mart suit- you must be the person in the pictures that were sent to me to prove that there are update meetings occuring. You know everyting about her and where she does her business and what's on her 460's. You are quite close to her.
She must have had them printed for a cost over $100, or a donation over $100, and since they were issued before the 22nd, they have to be declared on the 460's due Thursday.
You're making me curious- I may just check. You know if you just quit attacking and start staying on issues people will not dig so deep. You started this thred with your attacks on me and by bringing my name into the issues with Cindy and Leon.
Cindy is not running against me, but her side insists on pulling my name into the fraucus. Evident look back at your posting about me. I had been quiet for weeks. Mayor candidates should challenge Mayor candidiates and leave others out of it.
I heard the rumor that MCB is Miranda Baily, connected with Brett Jolley and the retail clerks unions, just look up Chico and Wal-MArt and Brett Jolley you will see that he represnets them there also and the anti-Wal-Mart suit- you must be the person in the pictures that were sent to me to prove that there are update meetings occuring. You know everyting about her and where she does her business and what's on her 460's. You are quite close to her.
She must have had them printed for a cost over $100, or a donation over $100, and since they were issued before the 22nd, they have to be declared on the 460's due Thursday.
You're making me curious- I may just check. You know if you just quit attacking and start staying on issues people will not dig so deep. You started this thred with your attacks on me and by bringing my name into the issues with Cindy and Leon.
Cindy is not running against me, but her side insists on pulling my name into the fraucus. Evident look back at your posting about me. I had been quiet for weeks. Mayor candidates should challenge Mayor candidiates and leave others out of it.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Ed West
460's are a matter of public record
Knowing Cindy she probably called around to the numerous printers to see who could get her the best price and the most reasonable turn around time. Hello! And let's not forget the big important one, make sure that information wouldn't be leaked to Garcia so he could try and use it as his own. Garcia totally took information from Cindy as he does with other Council Members and trys to make it look like his own with his infamous re-phrasing. LOL

We know she is from San Antonio and it is very easy to check on ones less than perfect history as it is a public record. The power of the internet allows one to check on candidate’s background and their possible criminal history. If you attack others and hurt our town, you can expect others to expose your past history.
You see the last run for council we were trying to figure out what she had against Wal-Mart. We can only wonder if she has a personal issue vs. a city one, only because she was dragging the city down to prove a point with a law suit instead of facts, she did not get the vote she wanted so can we expect more of this?
Now with the law suits flying, she took an oath to protect our city from such law suits, will we find the status quo that she may be in connection with the parties suing? They are doing the law suit to stall the Napa Junction project, we need commercial not residential right now, do you get it? We, the citizens do. We want Cindy to stand up and be counted and accountable and respectable. She probably knows that the information is on the internet and we now can find it faster. What a joke, check it yourself, do you know who she is, REALLY?
Google her, and all of her names and then lets talk. I will be travelling to Texas for business i will see what else comes up.
I'll be back on Monday.Maybe someone can go to San Ramon and check on the other candidate. The amazing fact is that Leon is here and locatable.
I suggest you talk with Ms. Wisecarver-Miller-Coffey after you check and you may find what you find. The facts, Just the facts.
If you were truly Minding City Bus. You would know all of this already, do you want law suits against our town, or do we change out the candidate and get our financial picture back in shape, did she cause tention about others to keep us off her, if so she did a great job up till now. Facts, get the facts. Integrity, Honesty, good sence of judgement, does she have it? Nope.
We should Vote Leon, a man with great respect and now known for COURAGE. Try to google him too, who knows, we might not have anybody to vote for, but the man believes in the citizens enough to at least put himself out there.
We know she is from San Antonio and it is very easy to check on ones less than perfect history as it is a public record. The power of the internet allows one to check on candidate’s background and their possible criminal history. If you attack others and hurt our town, you can expect others to expose your past history.
You see the last run for council we were trying to figure out what she had against Wal-Mart. We can only wonder if she has a personal issue vs. a city one, only because she was dragging the city down to prove a point with a law suit instead of facts, she did not get the vote she wanted so can we expect more of this?
Now with the law suits flying, she took an oath to protect our city from such law suits, will we find the status quo that she may be in connection with the parties suing? They are doing the law suit to stall the Napa Junction project, we need commercial not residential right now, do you get it? We, the citizens do. We want Cindy to stand up and be counted and accountable and respectable. She probably knows that the information is on the internet and we now can find it faster. What a joke, check it yourself, do you know who she is, REALLY?
Google her, and all of her names and then lets talk. I will be travelling to Texas for business i will see what else comes up.
I'll be back on Monday.Maybe someone can go to San Ramon and check on the other candidate. The amazing fact is that Leon is here and locatable.
I suggest you talk with Ms. Wisecarver-Miller-Coffey after you check and you may find what you find. The facts, Just the facts.
If you were truly Minding City Bus. You would know all of this already, do you want law suits against our town, or do we change out the candidate and get our financial picture back in shape, did she cause tention about others to keep us off her, if so she did a great job up till now. Facts, get the facts. Integrity, Honesty, good sence of judgement, does she have it? Nope.
We should Vote Leon, a man with great respect and now known for COURAGE. Try to google him too, who knows, we might not have anybody to vote for, but the man believes in the citizens enough to at least put himself out there.
Last Nights Mayoral Forum
Did anyone attend last night's mayoral forum? I was very disappointed and concerned by the lack of attendance, both in candidates and in the public. It was nice to hear from Mr. Garcia. However, I really wanted to hear what the other candidates had to say. Does anyone realize how important electing our mayor is?
- V.I.P.
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The Mayoral Forum
All Star 4- Thanks for attending. I was amazed that only Leon attended. However, there were well over 50 people when I was there. perhaps some left when they saw there was only one candidiate.
I do thank you for coming.
Everyone should know there will be another forum tonight same time and place for the City Council candidates.
Ed West
I do thank you for coming.
Everyone should know there will be another forum tonight same time and place for the City Council candidates.
Ed West
- V.I.P.
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I have said it before and I will it again all you guys can do is attack people when they ask questions regarding Leon Garcia. It is quite evident your accusations are due to your ill informed information and your candidates inability to stand on the issues.mookienunu wrote:We all know what MCB stands for. It is Morally Corrupt Buffoon. This is a person who is aware of what is going on, but does not care.
All you have to do is read City Council Minutes and Packets (they are posted online) if you want to know where the City funds have been spent. But of course it is easier for you to attack people than do your research. Your incomptency of the issues is just mind boggling. When your ready to deal with the hard questions regarding American Canyon and will finally answer them please let the community know.
P.S. Mr. West you made a comment that I began the thread attacking you. Please show me where I attacked you. I have continually asked questions regarding your candidate Leon Garcia, only to receive smear tactics back about another candidate, stated I want differing views on my City Council and questioned why Eagle reporter would go so indepth about one candidate and neglected to go indepth about two others. If you find that offensive how are you going to handle residents opposing views if you were on City Council?
- V.I.P.
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- V.I.P.
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Where you attacked me
Below I have quoted where you called me a liar here, you lied about where I worked at the time and you imply that I had special treatment- That is an attack. I had nothing to do with the article, nor the information nor any attacks on Cindy. I was scrutinized in June and they probably figured why re-hash it, or maybe they are a little more in tune and realize that Cindy is in the Mayoral race not the council race. I do not think this came out in the 2004 race on Cindy. Just don't attack me. Attack Kerana, the Eagle, the Register go to the source, I did nothing. If you see a lie that I made, then call me on it like I did on JT or if you think I am passing out mis-information then name it like I did Cindy, I understand that.
But the issue is that none of us ever printed a paper claiming to be journalism, then attacked Cindy, Paul or anyone and then sent it to every home in the City packed full of lies. Even this on-line venue reaches very few people.
Also I do not work for the Sheriff's Office I work for the Napa County Dept of Corrections, we are not the Sheriff. The Sheriff does not run the jail. I am cross trained with and part of the Sheriff's Hostage and Crisis Team.
Here is your quote-
"I noticed you don't mention that both Ed West and JT Miller have filed bankruptcy. They both "Claimed" it was due to medical, but doesn't one work for the Sheriff's dept and the other for the State where they both have excellent medical benefits. Hmmm! So who is really lying here"
Ed West
But the issue is that none of us ever printed a paper claiming to be journalism, then attacked Cindy, Paul or anyone and then sent it to every home in the City packed full of lies. Even this on-line venue reaches very few people.
Also I do not work for the Sheriff's Office I work for the Napa County Dept of Corrections, we are not the Sheriff. The Sheriff does not run the jail. I am cross trained with and part of the Sheriff's Hostage and Crisis Team.
Here is your quote-
"I noticed you don't mention that both Ed West and JT Miller have filed bankruptcy. They both "Claimed" it was due to medical, but doesn't one work for the Sheriff's dept and the other for the State where they both have excellent medical benefits. Hmmm! So who is really lying here"
Ed West
Am Can Native,
Yes, my family and I plan to be there tonight. I hope that there is a better turn out by the candidates than last night. You and Don already have our support and are very visable in the community. I really want to hear from the other candidates who I have not heard much from, especially Kim Gilson. Good luck tonight!
Yes, my family and I plan to be there tonight. I hope that there is a better turn out by the candidates than last night. You and Don already have our support and are very visable in the community. I really want to hear from the other candidates who I have not heard much from, especially Kim Gilson. Good luck tonight!
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Re: Where you attacked me
I beg to differ...Even this on-line venue reaches very few people.
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- V.I.P.
- Posts: 254
- Joined: Mon May 16, 2005 3:30 pm
Paul Maguire on Disc!
Well, did anyone else get a surprise in their mailbox today?
A DVD by Paul Maguire...I will say it is a very novel idea and his presentation was interesting.
A DVD by Paul Maguire...I will say it is a very novel idea and his presentation was interesting.
"Below I have quoted where you called me a liar here, you lied about where I worked at the time and you imply that I had special treatment- That is an attack." Ed West
How is that any different then you lying about MCB being Maranda Bailey and working for a PR firm? That was a total lie. You're just making things up there.
You accused MCB of being someone they are not and working someplace they do not. That's not an attack? How is that ANY different then what you called an attack on you?
How is that any different then you lying about MCB being Maranda Bailey and working for a PR firm? That was a total lie. You're just making things up there.
You accused MCB of being someone they are not and working someplace they do not. That's not an attack? How is that ANY different then what you called an attack on you?
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:40 pm
Cindy Cindy Cindy
Calling MCB Miranda Bailey is not an attack because she has anonymity. You can't have an attack on an unknown entity? I can say anything I want about a moniker and it is not anything. It is just my opinion on a non-entity.
As an example today I was advised by a pretty reliable source that Frankie G is Cindy Wisecarver-Coffey- now i sthat the truth or an attack is the victim Cindy or Frankie?
Cindy I really wish you would learn to just stick to the issues, rather than sling mud!
Some people have said that this is part of politics. I disagree. If you allow cheap shots in football, they will tak ethme. if you fine them and censor them, they will stop.
You came on defender yourself a while back and i had never commented about you or used your name, I did use a moniker and defended myself against that moniker, you immediately defended yourself.
I do not care what Issa says people use multi-user ID's and you are one of them Frankie G
Ed West (no moniker here)
Calling MCB Miranda Bailey is not an attack because she has anonymity. You can't have an attack on an unknown entity? I can say anything I want about a moniker and it is not anything. It is just my opinion on a non-entity.
As an example today I was advised by a pretty reliable source that Frankie G is Cindy Wisecarver-Coffey- now i sthat the truth or an attack is the victim Cindy or Frankie?
Cindy I really wish you would learn to just stick to the issues, rather than sling mud!
Some people have said that this is part of politics. I disagree. If you allow cheap shots in football, they will tak ethme. if you fine them and censor them, they will stop.
You came on defender yourself a while back and i had never commented about you or used your name, I did use a moniker and defended myself against that moniker, you immediately defended yourself.
I do not care what Issa says people use multi-user ID's and you are one of them Frankie G
Ed West (no moniker here)
Coverage of Debates?
Maybe I misunderstood but I thought both debates were to be televised?
I hope people that were present tonight will give the highlights.
I understand that last night was a one candidate debate from the article in a local newspaper.
I hope people that were present tonight will give the highlights.
I understand that last night was a one candidate debate from the article in a local newspaper.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:40 pm
Last night no one showed up except Leon, so it was not a forum.
Tonight we had a forum, only Kym Gilson did not show up.
It will be televised next week on Channel 28, you will have to check the diretcory for Channel 28.
As far as the content, I will not be weighing in on that, leave that to the people that were there.
Tonight we had a forum, only Kym Gilson did not show up.
It will be televised next week on Channel 28, you will have to check the diretcory for Channel 28.
As far as the content, I will not be weighing in on that, leave that to the people that were there.
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.Ed, I am not Cindy COFFEY. I am sure that Issa will set you straight as he has stated that he reads all posts that appear on this site. You are wrong again
That person isnt posting under the same IP address as what I see Cindy posting as. Thank you.
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The Forum!
Yes the forum I think went well. Please watch it on channel 28 next week when it airs. For those who missed it tonight you will see what happened because alot went on.
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Ed, if you feel somebody is using two usernames please message me so I can double check. Last week I went through and removed some names, I could have missed some, but I'm pretty sure I didnt.I do not care what Issa says people use multi-user ID's and you are one of them Frankie G
Every single user must have a unique email address and I constantly send email to verify they all still exist. Other checks including making sure an email address doesnt bounce back when a person registers, and also that the IP they register from has never been used. I also ensure randomly by looking at posts and verifying two names arent posting under the same address. I also check other small things if I have reason to believe two names are the same such as the encrypted password hash key, most people will use the same password for both names if they have them, also checking the browser they use and computer name. Theres lots of other ways I use too so dont worry, I have a degree in computer science, I know all the tricks. Every person who posts also has a unique log from the computer they posted from, including you. For example, here is mine:
IP address for this post [ 1 Post ] [ Look up IP address ]
Users posting from this IP address
Issa [ 1 Post ]
Other IP addresses this user has posted from [ 80 Posts ] [ Look up IP address ]
Again, if anybody has an issue with how the site is run please message me or call me personally and I'll be happy to listen to you. If there is something to be done better I'll try my best. I looked up Frankie G, they posted all from the same subnet class. They posted 12 posts total, and looking up all posts using their ip address, it also only matched against 12 posts, which means it all added up as one person. Thank you.
- V.I.P.
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:40 pm
None are televised live. They are shown over a perid of time on channel 28 via tape.