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Beautiful New Grammar School in AC

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:43 pm
by Guest
I took a ride today to the Vintage Ranch area...I was so suprised to see the new grammar school so far along...It looks beautiful and my first thought was how jealous Donaldson Way and Napa Junction parents will be when they see it. The east area of American Canyon is certainly something to be jealous of if you live on the west side of 29. If you have young children I suggest you take a ride to the east side...What will be the new boundries in order for your kids to attend and will they bus???

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:06 pm
by Melissa
Well, I wouldn't go as far as Jealous... I will however be so happy when that school opens. Then, the congestion, the terrible congestion will be relieved at Donaldson and Napa Junction. I actually drove by today showing my Mom the new houses and how horribly close they are to each other! I am glad my kids are at Donaldson, wouldn't trade the fab teachers for ANY new school.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:07 pm
by Guest
The school may look nice, but those houses are far too close together. It looks like San Francisco. There is no reason to be jealous of the east side, might as well live in an apartment.

school boundries to change

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:03 am
by guest
If you have kids, you may want to read the Napa Register article Jan 15th.
edition re: Redistricting boundries for new AC Elementary School. A meeting is scheduled this coming Thursday evening to discuss new boundries for redistricting all three AC Elementary Schools. Will your kids get on the bus to be transported to a school out of your neighborhood? Don't be surprised!

new boundaries

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:32 pm
by guest
Croonism and taxpayer waste at it's best! How about the so called "unpublicized" public meeting held last Wednesday at Donaldson Way in the library to discuss the new boundaries. Once again "secret" meetings that will effect the members of the community held in secret and just to a priviliged few.

NVUSD had made some bad decisions on the cutoffs for the boundaries. What would happen if the 300-400 people that are unsatisfied with the new changes held out kids out of school until we got this fixed. The $40.00 per day revenue that is lost because of a child being absent would add up quickly and $$$$$$$'s speak volumes.

Be at the meeting, voice your outrage. Get the Council involved. Don't allow John Glasser to screw up American Canyon schools! Are his kids 20 plus minutes late every day to school because of busing and traffic? and this is before Napa Junction phase 1 and II are at full speed for construction

Cindy Coffeys idea of branching out from under NVUSD is looking pretty good now.

districting meeting

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 8:36 am
by Guest
I don't know who schedules these meetings, but Thurs. at 7 is a half an hour before the city council meeting. Wouldn't you think that the citizens would like the council members to hear their concerns on new boundries?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:23 pm
by Melissa
Absolutely! I moved into a neighborhood just so that my daughters could attend Donaldson Way. I only moved a mile. I also am furious that only a select few "volunteers" were able to attend this meeting. Had I known, I would have gone. You can bet I will be at the meeting on Thursday. Our City Council members should also be at it. We need to keep them involved in everything that goes on here.
It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to assign students to schools. In the article that the poster above refered to, she looks right at the new school but will be assigned to Napa Junction. That is wrong to me.
I kind of like the idea of holding out, but that isn't the way to go. We all as a community need to be involved in this issue. This one is huge.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:09 pm
by Guest
Be at the meeting, voice your outrage. Get the Council involved. Don't allow John Glasser to screw up American Canyon schools! Are his kids 20 plus minutes late every day to school because of busing and traffic? and this is before Napa Junction phase 1 and II are at full speed for construction
Actually thats a lie. Im a student at Vintage and we get there the Half and hour early...where do you get your information?


Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:18 pm
by Mad as............
What a political scam...........................Glasser and his so called "we'll fix AmCan schools". We purchased a home in Montevino after calling the school district back in March of 03 and spoke with multiple sources including Dominique of the school board , our Realtor and Richmond America that the busing over to Napa Junction was temporary until the new school opened on our side of the tracks. We have been told this over and over again. What a surprise to see that nothing has changed. Secret meetings, bad decisions. Like others I can see the new school from my home. What about neighborhood schools. Is that for only the priviliged few of AmCan....................................................we need to change the time of that meeting to Wednesday or Friday. the Council needs to be involved and others want to attend both.

Janis Sparks the principal at Donaldson Way and others need to be scolded for allowing there "unpublicized" public meeting to happen. We are all taxpayers and pay for her position.

Get your facts straight......................please

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 5:19 pm
by Guest
I get my information from the fact that my kids are on the bus going to Napa Junction along with others. They are 20 minutes late to NAPA JUNCTION, not Vintage.......if you'd been at the meeting 6 plus weeks ago you could have been in some of the heated discussions about this matter. Glasser admits that the kids are late at Napa Junction and he does not have a solution.

Schools boundaries

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:50 am
by concerned mom
I can understand the fustration and it was unfair that they did have it on a thursday so that we were all at the a meeting. I would have liked to be involved so that I was informed about the boundaries. My child when old enough will be able to go to Donaldson and I just live down the street. I do believe that it is unfair to the people that live across the street of the new school should be allowed to go to the new school including montivino, who I think is being bussed to Napa Junction is unfair or the other subdivision out the should be the ones that go to the new school as it is closer for them and the children to be closer to home than across the highway if the dont have too. This would ease the congestion on the schools and the busses and then the children would not be late all the time there would be no excuses because it just right acroos the street. Can anybody tell me what the boundaries are? Yes I agree we do need to speak up at the council meeting this thursday and let them know about this and yes they will listen and hopefully they can do something about this. Please we need to do it the nice way anger will get you know where.
we need to work as a community on this

meeting tomorrow night?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:16 pm
by guest
Is the meeting still scheduled for tomorrow night at 7 P.M. for school redistricting or has it been changed?


Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:57 am
by guest
When does dentist information become more important than where your kids will be going to school, supporting your troops or a local kid gets stabbed?

Something is very wrong with this on-line community...

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:54 pm
by Guest
I get my information from the fact that my kids are on the bus going to Napa Junction along with others. They are 20 minutes late to NAPA JUNCTION, not Vintage.......if you'd been at the meeting 6 plus weeks ago you could have been in some of the heated discussions about this matter. Glasser admits that the kids are late at Napa Junction and he does not have a solution.

My mistake! i just here so much about the high school students getting bussed up there. Im sorry!


Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:20 pm
by Guest
Sorry to the above guest about seeming so harsh. It is just so fraustrating at times. I am tired of all this bussing. I've bussed a few kids myself up to the high school and now to Napa Junction. The busses that the elementary kids take over to Napa Junction were built before 2000/2001 and so they do not have seat belts. These are little kids not buckled in. I know some say it's just 3 miles but it's along a stretch of highway that can be dangerous at times. The law doesn't even allow newborns to leave the hispital without some kind of car seat buckled in but Napa Valley School Board allows are children to be transported without belts.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:44 pm
by Guest
they do say that most accidents happen with in 15 miles of your home.