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Stolen vehicle / Traffic info
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:26 am
by ACPDWarrington
Hello to everyone, I wanted to post a few things in this forum that I thought were very important.
1. I have been working traffic at or around the schools mainly Napa Junction elementry a few days every week or more. I have noticed a lot of car seat violations with parents picking up or dropping off there kids. there will be younger siblings in the vehicle without a car seat, or without the proper type of seat.
If anyone is confused all children under 6 years old or under 60 lbs have to be in the proper child safety seat. If you still have questions our CSO Kathy Hess has been seat belt certified.
2. There have been some cars stolen out of people driveways or from in front of there homes during the last 6 months. I know that there were a bunch that had the keys in the ignition and were warming up without anyone in the car.

I saw one this morning before 8;00 am. that was all warmed up nice and unattended. This is way to much temptation for some of our's and Vallejo's young adults.
Don't leave your car warming up in front of your house unattended. It only takes someone a few seconds to drive it away locked or unlocked.

Q & A
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:19 pm
by Guest
Dear Officer,
Thanks for the warnings and safety issues. I do have one question regarding the use of car seats. Is the law that a child must be six and weigh 60 lbs or is the law a child can be six or 60 lbs. And is there a lower number for age. Let's say you had a 60lb three year old?
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:16 pm
by Guest
Dear Officer,
Thanks for the warnings and safety issues. I do have one question regarding the use of car seats. Is the law that a child must be six and weigh 60 lbs or is the law a child can be six or 60 lbs. And is there a lower number for age. Let's say you had a 60lb three year old?
The law is 6 OR 60 so the legally the 60lb 3 year old is OK. I would error on the side of caution and continue using a booster seat.
The seat belts fit much better when a booster seat is used. A 6 year old that weighs 45 lbs. is very likely to sustain injury while only wearing a regular seat belt. As the driver you would not be in violation of any laws but I know I would feel like a heal if my child was injured while in a regular seat belt.
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:34 pm
by Guest
Well, I agree that even if your child is 6 years old, they should be in a booster. My daughter is 6 1/2, weighs 63lbs, and seems tall enough. Some say she is tall for her age, but that seat belt cuts right over her cheek when she is just sitting. I ALWAYS put her in the booster. She hates it because she thinks she's old and tall enough. But the car does not move till she's in the booster AND belted in! I, like the last poster would just die if anything happened when it could have been avoided. Boosters are very inexpensive - some are only $14.00 at Target and other stores. There is no excuse for not making sure your children are as safe as possible.
Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:29 pm
by Guest
Officer Warrington,
Another question. My children along with 5-6 f others from the neighborhoods all walk home from ACMS and the Elementary school daily .They need to cross Hwy 29 at American Canyon Road. Is there anyway to get a traffic policeman or guard at the intersection to help them. They range in ages from8 -14 and are usually in one big group.
Kids crossing 29
Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:07 pm
by Guest
I have a suggestion for the guest with children crossing 29 and Am Can Rd. (I don't think as an adult I'm comfortable crossing at that intersection or any other intersection in Am Can that crosses 29.) What I suggest is speak to the schools to see if there is another family in your area that you could arrange carpooling for your children. Ask the PTA to start a list of people willing to help commute kids. If you can't or don't drive maybe you could exchange childcare or gas money for your children's safety.
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 11:33 am
by ACPD Warrington
Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 Post subject: Questions
Officer Warrington,
Another question. My children along with 5-6 f others from the neighborhoods all walk home from ACMS and the Elementary school daily .They need to cross Hwy 29 at American Canyon Road. Is there anyway to get a traffic policeman or guard at the intersection to help them. They range in ages from8 -14 and are usually in one big group.
I think the school has buses for all students who live on the east side of SR-29. I would check with the appropriate people at the schools or the School District.