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Vote of Preferred Rec Projects

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:57 pm
by a/c resident
We have all heard it before. The PC&S Commisision creates a plan, the developers do what they want, and the city spends no money. Let's face it Recreation in this community is awful. So what I am proposing is to take a vote on what you want and like and then at the end of August we can forward it to the council, city staff and appropriate commissions.

1. A 9 or 18 hole golf course.
2. A driving range
3. City owned horse stables with a riding ring
4. Integrated horse trails
5. Integrated bike trails
6. More things for kids ages 2 - 6
7. Better playing fields
8. Lighted playing fields
9. Another pool on the East side of American Canyon Road
10. Adult softball league
11. Adult volleyball league
12. More adult focus recreational clubs
13. Owner and Dog events
14. A city sponsored health challenge for weight loss.
15. Polo field
16. Field Hockey field
17. Bowling Alley
18. Skating rink
19. Family movie night
20. Batting cages
21. Walking trails made with soft material for low impact.

Ok you vote for which item and why. This way whether you show up or not your voice will be heard.


Wish List

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:03 pm
by Guest
Even though I find your wish list fun I really believe a priority list (based on immediate need) would be useful. It seems we have too many projects with nothing getting done. From what I have heard, more kids play soccer than ever before and I would vote for the consultant to be on board immediately and no quick fix...fix it right the first time...

Re: Vote of Preferred Rec Projects

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:02 pm
by mindingcitybiz
a/c resident wrote:
1. Kimberley Field - the playing field needs to be revamped, a bigger parking lot. parking on the right side of Kimberely only, a snack shack with bathrooms, lights, audo system, a play ground and bleachers for each soccer play area.

2. Walking trails - connected through am can.

3. Playground built at Montevino - don't live there but they have been waiting for 3 years.

4. The waterway - boat access, bbq and picnic area, playground, access to the walking paths.

5. Dog Park - I don't own a dog, but I am sick and tired of hearing my neighbors dogs barking all the time, so maybe this would burn some energy out of the dogs in the evening.

6. A family fun center: driving range, video game center, party room, go-carts, minature golf, batting cages. That land where the rodeo's used to be would be a great location for this.

7. An actual gymnastics center.

8. More family events: Movie nite at the gym, pioneer park in novato, offers movies in the park every Friday night from June to September its a lot of fun. 5k walks are great family fun. Family sporting events Or kids against the parents (the laugh is always good).

9. Adult atheletics - Egads! were tipping the scales from sitting on our rump watching our kids play all those sports.

10. Esquerian Center- Got to love those horsies. LOL A lot of people have horses but no place to train, store, or ride them.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:47 pm
by Issa
I would like to see a possible movie theatre in our town and more recreation instead of sales offices. Less parks, I think we have enough. A bowling ally could be nice, arcade, batting cages would be cool too. When I was kid in AmCan I remember there was a lot to do, then when I became a teen then adult there was nothing to do. A public track would be cool too, I dont recall there being one.

non starter in my view

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:11 pm
by Paul Maguire
Although your list is useful, your suggestion of giving it to the council and city staff to get it done is a non starter.

Both the city staff and council have been unable to finish projects on the board for years.

They can't even get their act together enough to fix potholes all over town that are a road hazard.

Why would you give even more ideas and suggestions to a very slow moving and time proven track record of minimal results , if any.

What you really need to do is put together a list of who the hell we are going to elect to jump start this city and get it moving in the right directions, who would have some accountability. Councilmembers who will actually have a plan of action and implement it over a 4 year term.

Then we can all vote online and see who we should put our support behind.


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:27 am
by mindingcitybiz
Don't be so negative... Keep the faith man. We just need to keep encouraging people to writer letters, file complaints when their cars our out of line, ensure that people in all positions are qualified for their jobs, and we have an opt-out clause for all the people who don't fullfill their obligations.

Maguire's reply

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:00 pm
by Guest
Maguire, don't get me started. How do you expect the council to react if the only people there are the same five from start to finish?

It seems the people spoke in the last election, Coffey = Recreational focus, city owned police department and school district. Luporini = new high school and bigger post office.

The people spoke and they voted. Whenever Coffey sticks up for more for recreation, the majority of the council doesn't listen. Luporini speaks up for action on high school the majority of the council doesn't listen.

One person's vote is a conviction to be honored.
Two people voting is a request for support.
Three people voting to get the above right?.......priceless.

At least until the next election, this time more people will speak and louder.


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:39 pm
by guest, too
This forum should be turned into "". So much negativity.

There are only 56 registered users, so you hardly represent a majority in the city. Very vocal, but not a majority.

The intent of this site was to voice opionions and offer suggestions to make this city a better place to live. Instead it's turned into a site for festering hate and negativity. The likes of which I have never seen before in ALL my life.

It's no wonder people hid behing "guest" log ins. It's the only way to protect one's opinion and voice.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:50 pm
by Paul Maguire
Nothing negative about my comments at all. The track record speaks for itself.

The city manager controls the agenda for the most part, and therefor runs the city for the most part.

His priorities of what is important will be the matters the council acts upon for the most part.

If you want something done around here, you are much better off getting in the ear of the city manager than griping about it before the council or some commission. In my view, the city manager, who has been around longer than some on the council, has a tight grip on what goes on around here, and the council has no intention of doing anything about it. In fact, I would say the majority are fine with his work.

Thus, unless you see changes at teh council level with individuals that are more willing to tangle with the city staff and city manager, more active and aggressive in demanding things done, or who are willing to work with the city mananger to create a focused planned for overall city improvement and work to implement it, the city manager will run the show.

That is just the way our city is set up. Mark understands that, and despite the criticism of him here, a good number of people do not believe he is the problem. He certainly got on a number of projects from last year that were a priority. One thing Mark is not is naive to politics, and he is not about to run over by what, in my view, he percieves to be temporary political elected council members whom he will outlast.

Therefor, giving the committee a bunch of ideas, or giving it to the council really is a non starter. The powerhead in this city is the city manager, by design.
Thus, it is a non starter.

what projects

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:22 am
by guest
You speak of projects that are a priority that the city manager has accomplished without the council by what do you mean?

The "created" economic report that he engineered to get the Wal-Mart in behind closed doors?

Or the wastewater treatment plant that didn't open on time costing the city thousands?

How about neglecting the cross overs for the mobile home parks.

Here is a good one how about supporting and pushing the 1/2 cent sales tax every chance he gets to council to pay for the traffic his supercenter is going to create.

Spending countless dollars on consultants that the city doesn't use the material from or how about that last round of software the city doesn't need. That wasn't budgeted either. Could of used that 46k for the parks.

I think if you run for office Paul, as you have stated on this site many times you need to get the facts straight before you speak. You never seem to take a side on an issue, when you do come out we can always wait a couple of days and you will swing to the opposite on your opinion.

Maybe you should read all of your postings and read about the city manager and what you wrote, I did.

Anyway this thread is for improvement and assistance to the powers that be so they can have another vehicle to know what the public wants- limited or not.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:19 pm
by Paul Maguire
What I mean is the council gives input, but for the most part( not all hte time for most of the time) the city manager puts together the agenda- thus controls the topics of discussion. I did not say that the city manager accomplishes projects without the council- I said the city manager has incredible powers in setting the agendas.

You rant and rant about the city managers actions- fine, that does not change the fact that ( as I wrote before) the city manager is the most powerful person in AC city government in moving along agendas and in setting priorities, by design.

Clearly you are displeased with the actions of the city manager. Ok. My post was not about that.

As for your accusations as a "guest" what else is new. This allegation that you claim is unsubstantiated, you have no specifics because they are none, and I do have my facts straight, but unfortunately, you misduplicated my post. So get YOUR facts straight!

Take for example my position on the basketball courts. Was it the city that did something about it in Vintage Ranch? No. Because it is not a priority. But it did become a priority with Standard Pacific, as they saw all the clutter of basketball courts in their new neighborhood- so they added to the CCRS language about the courts. Result- most are gone now.

Take my position on vicious dogs- has the city done anything about it? No, but "guests" rant and rave about "you cant ban dogs or do this or that" meanwhile some woman gets mauled while pushing her baby in stroller- and a town in Colorado passes a ordiance banning pitbulls.

As for running for city council, thats a longs ways off and is probably not that relevant. It depend on who runs, as to whether or not I run. If there are some quality people in there, I may just support them. There are 3 seats up for re election so we will see. I have not totally decided yet.

ranting & raving

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:53 pm
by mindingcitybiz
We can complain all we want here, but unless we come up with ideas and take the information to City Council or Parks & Recs, its nothing but a bunch of ranting and raving with 56 pots calling the kettle black!

Lets get these forums back on track to resolving the issues ensure everyone takes them to the city council meetings.