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Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:23 pm
by ac94503
If you read the Eagle today I'm sure you noticed the article about the $10K that was approved to be sent to our adopted city "Abbeville" after Hurricane Katrina. Well, it has not ever left AC coffers...I have a few questions...Did the uniform and new backpack that I purchased get to a child in need? Did the clothes for larger women get to LA? And most importantly, why did the Vice-Mayor not know (according to this article) that the City's donation of $10K never was sent? I usually don't lose track of $10K! I find this very disturbing. Any comments?

Another embarrassing night for the city council

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:29 am
by Paul Maguire
Of course the Vice Mayor Leon Garcia didnt know anything about the 10k approved over 1 year ago still sitting in the city account! But he should have!!!!

This is just another example of the ineptness he has shown on this city council, and the inability to get things done!!!!

Project after project takes FOREVER to get done, or never gets done at all.

And it does NOT surprise me that Shaver knew, because he seems to be the one who reads the packets, and actually knows what is going on. He is as well the one who asks specific pointed questions based on the material.

The bottom line is that this is another example of many that this council has shown in having little or no experience in getting things done or in royally messing things up!!

This council with Garcia and Coffey, fired the city manager, and look at the results- 10k for a town in the worse of the worse condition with people who have lost everything, no plan of action, no one running the city, and desperately needed funds just sitting there-CHAOS, thats what it is. ( OH and lets not forget the meanness and lack of compassion shown by Garcia in being the sole NO VOTE against helping his fellow man in the worse disasters this country has EVER SEEN!)

Ac94503- your right, it is very troublesome, and I would guarantee you it is just the tip of the iceburg with these two.

Look at tonights council meeting: As I understand it, the deadline is the 15th of September to meet the low income housing requirements, and here we are on the 5th, 10 days before the deadline, working past 11 pm, trying to put something together to meet the requirements:

THis is Planning?????

NO, this is COPING, this is Emergency type action, this is the insanity of disorganization that this city deals with time and time again.

You have developers there tonight shaking their heads in disbelief at this council and the lack of understanding of what they are doing.

This is a major issue that will effect the look of American Canyon for years and years to come.It is an important issue for those who want to live work and stay in American Canyon but need affordable homes . But it effects everyone in this town.

But they are going to try to decide it under pressure, under the gun, because Garcia and Coffey who claim to be leaders on this council, dont have it together at all. No, they have been toooo tooo busy jockeying for the Mayor position to put them in striking range of the real goal: becoming a Napa County Supervisor with a big fat government salary and retirement!!!!( Garcia lost an election twice up valley, so came down here to position himself)

This council believes that highway 29, a Commercial Corridor, is best suited for LOW INCOME HOUSING! instead of tax revenue in the millions we should be getting over the next 20 years plus, by developing the commercial corridor with commercial businesses.

They wish to treat those who need low income housing as second class citizens, because believe me, these two would never live on Highway 29 with all the traffic, noise, pollution, accidents, emergency sirens and the like. And neither should those who are less fortunate financially than these two.

Face it, they have NO PLAN, they have NO LEADERSHIP,and they have NO IDEA WHAT THEIR DOINGin this regard!!! This is Much too important an issue to be doing last minute, but they are. You have Coffey complaining tonight about the other council members being 4-1 against her.

That says it all- this council just does not agree, and has no agenda on what they want to do. Instead, they just waste time and energy fighting amongst themselves, then make rash quick, not well thought out decisions, at the expense of our residents.

Is it up to the voters to decide if they want a hodge podge of a city put together with no plan, with development planning the city, by two council members specifically who have been reckless in some case with managing the city . losing important key employees, firing the city manager last year with no plan( and results like todays article and tonights city council meeting), OR actually having representation that will be effective, get things done, and actually planning what is going on in this city, which as Mayor, I would do.

Because the RECORD, like todays paper, shows these two have not gotten it done for American Canyon.

Look, I like both Garcia and Coffey personally, but politically, the record and the hard truth is they are not getting in done here in American Canyon, and will not make a difference in the Mayor position. We need leadership not infighting and bickering.

The fact is that these two along with the rest of the council have not even decided what the Mayors powers will or wont be!! How ridiculous is THAT! We vote for an elected Mayor in 8 weeks and they again, HAVE NO PLAN , NO DECISION, NO DIRECTION.

Heck, they had the 4th reading of the sign ordinance AGAIN!!!

Indecisive, lack of a plan, no concensus, last minute emergency(tuesday night) meetings late into the night, problems unsolved, projects un done, school children put at risk by sidewalks that stop in the street, crosswalks that don't work, unmarked faded crosswalks, dangerous intersections(donaldson) never fixed, employees being lost regularly, mismanagement or no management of key positions.....

Regretfully, his IS the record of my opponents running for Mayor. American Canyon deserves better, and will get better, with new blood in this election.

Speaking of Records..

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:20 am
by VicRiv
From Poor Magazine On Line:

And Mr. Maguire is SO concerned about the little people. Here is a perfect example of the Character he displayed:

Tenant Victory In Oakland
Eviction for Profit System Exposed

Lynda Carson
Tuesday, July 31, 2001;

Oakland,Ca Late last week, details started to emerge regarding a law suit that involved a number of African American renters of Oakland being evicted, only to be quickly replaced by Spanish speaking immigrants being charged double the rents. A jury trial decided in favor of the African Americans who fought the evictions, and that it was the opinion of the jury that the evictions were discriminatory and unlawful.

During the past year a landlord by name of Paul Maguire bought up a number of properties in Oakland totaling around 155-180 rental units, many of which fall under local rent laws. Oakland has a Rent Arbitration Program meant to provide a system that decides whether or not landlords are allowed to raise the rents above the 3% annual cap on rent increases. Allegedly to avoid Oakland’s rent control laws, Mr. Maguire chose to evict the renters rather than to allow them to fight the desired rent increases through a hearing process of the Rent Board. Apparently it was African Americans who were the victims of Mr. Maguire’s criminal activities. At least 24 units were involved in the suit. Oakland does not have a Just Cause Eviction Ordinance in place, which means that landlords may evict for almost any or no reason at all. However, evictions that are retaliatory in nature or based upon discrimination are unlawful.

Ken Greenstein, a local tenant activist attorney with an office in San Francisco, is very excited about the jury decision protecting the renters’ rights. Calls to Phil Rapier and Bob Salinas, who represented the victims, confirmed the jury decision. A press release may soon be forthcoming with more details.

When I asked Phil Rapier why landlords of Oakland believe that they can get away with evicting for profit in Oakland, Rapier replied that it is because THEY CAN! The jury’s decision that this was a case of discrimination certainly puts a different light on the situation in Oakland. Still, as known by tenant activists involved in Oakland’s rental battles, this is something that has going on a long time. Landlord tenant disputes continue to erupt throughout the city as the landlords try to raise the rents to heights unknown in Oakland’s history.


WOW I really want YOU to represnt me and MY City! Ughhh...NOT!

Clarification for this Posting

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:26 am
by VicRiv
Cindy, Leon and others worked to ensure that all the donated items were delivered to the residents of Abbeville.

So your backpack and clothing should have been appreciated by someone who needed them.

One year later-there are still needs and that is why some AC residents continue the donations and collecting.

The donation of 10,000- Most people in town who I spoke with were against sending TAX dollars OUT of TOWN, as were many posters according to what I recall reading on this forum.

Was the flooding devestating? Yes.
Did they need help? Yes -but the money was useless-because THERE WEREN'T ANY STORES to go SPEND it!


Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:31 pm
by George
Mr. Maguire I am concerned that you are referencing a newspaper article for your "first hand" information as well as what you "heard" from the last council meeting. I think that if you actually attended these meetings you could be better informed. Instead you choose to lash out with misinformation and supposition in an attempt to sway voters without actually investing the time but instead investing your money.

Mr. Garcia and Mrs. Coffey have both clearly demonstrated they have the time to serve. As for wanting to move up to supervisor who really cares? I would be more concerned over a governmental official remaining in a position for years over comfort rather than moving up to better my community's position.

During the last election you publically stated that the newspaper articles written about you were not factual and yet you use the same technique for personal gain.

Mr. Maguire I think you can convince voters with your own merit, achievements and experience without negativity and rudeness. This city and the voters are not interested in mud slinging.

In an Echo article from last year it was stated that the council decided by majority to hold the 10k as asked to do so by the City Attorney and then City Manager, Mark Joseph. Apparently the individual who was supervising the fund had some legal issues that both were concerned over. That is why the money was withheld it was not out of disorganization or lack of follow through as you have implied.

I hope this is not an indication of how you intend on running your campaign by mean spirited barbs. This will not fool the voters when they decide who has the most experience and proven dedicated leadership with city issues this election.

Attempting to second guess govenment is your first mistake and not running for council to learn how it operates was your second.

In your commercial you are now claiming to be a doctor, what kind of doctor are you? As a doctor aren't you suppose to have some kind of ethics or am I confused with law enforcement?

Last June you came to my home while I was working the the yard. You shared quite a bit of information with me about how you are a developer which would give you experience with the land issues, how you sold the card room and other business endeavors you engaged in. We talked for quite awhile. I remember thinking to myself that this fellow is all over the charts with his interests how the heck does he have the time to get all that accomplished? I was impressed. So impressed I actually voted for you.

I was unhappy to see you not running for a council seat as I am sure many others are. It doesn't mean we are supporting you for Mayor on the contrary it shows me that you are not interested in the best interest of the city but instead you are interested in the title and position. I am sure others would agree. I appreciate you taking the time to get involved but you have missed your mark with this one.

I am urging everyone who reads this forum to not waste thier vote with you. Which will not be a hard position to validate with your sarcastic comments and misinformation.

Once again I am sure you will exhibit "status quo" and be critical of my opinions as you have with so many others on this web site.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:01 pm
by Mel

I just wanted to let you know, that Cindy Coffey, Stacy Su , myself, the Burrs and many other volunteers spent hours upon hours seperating, packaging and shipping many thousands of items to Abbieville. I am sure that other residents of American Canyon did as well. We continue to recieve donations to this day. The people of Abbieville have been able to help many many residents with our donations.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:06 pm
by Paul Maguire
WOW, Theres a change of subject-

I am SURE you would rather talk about what went on in Oakland 5 years ago than what your candidate garcia has not done or gotten done in the last 4 years on the city council:

He has introduce little legislation!

He has been a socialite politician, seen everywhere, but has been an ineffective council member

NO. you just wont talk about your candidates lack of progress,

your candidates involvement with the FIRING of hte city manager, and the resulting CHAOS that has occured in this city as a result of the lack of staffing

You wont talk about all the problems in this city that your candidate has not addressed in 4 years-

NO, you want to talk about litigation in Oakland 5 years ago: something you know little or nothing about, nor the circumstances of what occured, like a store owner being beat to death by a tenant I was trying to evict, whos eviction was delayed time and time again with frivilous motions by a defense attorney looking to sue for money, by the drug dealing in the property that I was trying to eliminate, by the work with the local police department and undercover agents to remove inherited tenants involved in illegal activity, nor the fact that the building was purchased by what was named "one of the ten worse landlords" by the paper- nor that I was Renovating the building, as I did for years in Oakland- trying to provide better quality housing, nor that some tenants in Oakland through their opportunistic Attorneys attempting to be paid thousands of dollars to move out their tenant/clients even though they are not paying rent, that I refused to pay thousands of dollars to tenants: that I instead stood up to some tenants and went to trial to evict, that I was suing them, not the other way around, until after they got a defense verdict, which has much more in it that what this article was a regretful verdict, and I should have been more sensitive to the feelings of the African American tenants that were being evicted, so I take responsibility for that problem, I learned from it, I should have done a better.

You post a article which is a press release by a defense attorney who was seeking million dollars in a civil lawsuit that on the advice of my attorneys and the demand of my insurance, I settled. The terms of that settlement are confidential. Your posted article is inaccurate.

Litigation is part of business today, and as a property owner in Oakland, a common occurance.

AMERICAN CANYON has had discrimination claims, your candidate Garcia just hired and fired the only African American department head in the history of American Canyon after just one year.

Your candidate fired City Manager Mark Joseph who second to Councilmember Ben Anderson and our Fire Chief Caldwell, was the longest standing civil servant to our city! This council hid behind this so called "resignation", but disrespected Mr Joseph in many peoples view, and worse, HAD NO PLAN AT ALL on what to do next! Your candidate. like it or not, has been a party for FOUR YEARS to the mismanagement of this city, the lack of leadership, and has done little as a councilmember to provide his own input.

This just demonstrates the lack of real life experience that your candidate has in firing, hiring, business, and other aspects necessary to be an effective decision maker and leader of a city.

But lets remember your candidate spent his career at Napa State Psychiatric Hospital, a hospital that has had citations for all sorts of problems with patients, including civil litigation for forced admissions of patients without consent, damage from drugs forced on patients, and a variety of other problems- Your candidate worked there during these troubling events on patients! I think it best we not go there huh.

Your candidate wont debate these issues, because your candidate cannot possibly stand on the 4 years of lack of doingness and original ideas he has had as a council member-

No, you want to talk about Oakland 5 years ago, not Garcias record for the last 4 years in American Canyon:

Not the lack of accountability during his tenure as a city council member

Not his numerous failings I brought up in my post

I will attack Garcias record, because his record deserves to be attacked, and I will debate him on the issues and on his record as a councilmember, because the fact is that he has not solved the issues facing American Canyon and will not as Mayor!

He uses political operatives like some on this forum to speak for him, to make claims like I dont live in American Canyon, or claims like I am violating the sign ordiance, and other dirty politics and whispering campaigns! Can he even speak for himself? At least Coffey, West, Callison, Walker and myself will put ourselves our there and take a position. Agree or disagree, we will do it. Your candidate wont. He wont do it here, and he hardly ever does it in council.

And as Mayor, you need to be able to take a position, and not be pandering all the time.

YOur candidate works to change the sign ordinance in the middle of an election in an attempt to quiet other candidates to improve his own chances-

Talk all you want about Oakland 5 years ago, but you can count on this:
It wont hide the lousy record of your candidate Garcia for the last 4 years!

Another Twist-They must ALL have it OUT for YOU!!

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:58 pm
by VicRiv
San Francisco Chronicle
Jury says landlord guilty of race bias
Black tenants plan discrimination suit

Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer

Friday, August 31, 2001

* Printable Version
* Email This Article

(08-31) 04:00 PDT Oakland -- The landlord of an Oakland apartment complex has been found guilty by an Alameda County jury of discriminating against African American tenants, and they now intend to file suit against him, their attorney said yesterday.

Paul J. Maguire, 37, of San Ramon had a pattern and practice of violating Oakland's rent ordinance by evicting African American tenants with 30-day notices and then increasing rent for incoming Latino tenants, the jury found.

The panel deliberated for several hours at the end of a weeklong trial in July before Alameda County Superior Court Judge Richard Hodge, who along with jurors visited the apartments at 7985 and 8005 MacArthur Blvd. The court case was initiated by Maguire as an eviction action.

Oakland attorneys Robert Salinas and Philip Rapier, the tenants' attorneys, said they plan to file a lawsuit next week in Alameda County Superior Court in Oakland, accusing Maguire of race discrimination, unlawful business practices and infliction of emotional distress, among other allegations.

"I think this case is important on a broader level," Salinas said. "Tenants' rights groups have been advocating for several years now that 30-day notices are being disproportionately served by landlords just for the purpose of clearing buildings so that the rent can be unlawfully increased."

Many of the incoming Latino tenants did not know their legal rights and spoke little English, Salinas said.

Maguire's attorney, James Margolis of Oakland, said yesterday that he intends to appeal the verdict.

Margolis said his client has rented to African Americans in other communities and does not engage in any "discriminatory screening."

Maguire evicted the African American tenants, not on the basis of their race, but to "substantially rehabilitate" the units, his attorney said.

The tenants, Kiki Williams, 20, and Andrea Martin, 21, said all tenants received notices from Maguire in December -- when he bought the 24-unit complex -- stating that their rent would increase from about $475 a month to $575 in February, with another increase to $635 in March.

Williams and a third tenant filed rent-increase complaints with the Oakland rent board, which prompted Maguire to issue 30-day notices to the African American tenants, their attorneys said.

Those who left were replaced by Latinos who paid substantially more for units that were not substantially renovated, the jury found. The panel also concluded that Maguire retaliated against Williams for filing the Oakland rent board complaint.

Rapier said Oakland rent law prohibits a rent increase for two years after a landlord issues a 30-day eviction notice.

"It's rare that we can actually catch a landlord as red-handed as we caught Mr. Maguire," Salinas sai


I know what I read and I'm glad I don't know you better. My eyes don't deceive me. Retaliation, Breaking the Law--at least you're consistent.

Candidates Continued

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:15 pm
by VicRiv
Since the Abbeville thread turned into a mud-slinging political discussion. I decided to start a new thread.

Maguire just continues to demonstrate how thin skinned he is and how untolerant he is of the "the little people".

So Paul-let me ask you. What have YOU done for American Canyon? You bought the card room for your girlfriend, you have money to Jessica. Other than that what else have you done which had benefitted American Canyon.
The last two election results demonstrate the (non) acceptance of your appeal to the voters in town. You spent, according to public records +/- $50,00 combined in your last two efforts.

I don't know what you mean about whispering campaigns, but you repeatedly use that phrase. Paranoia will destroy Ya. There is nothing I write here that isn't factual.

I know that Cindy and Leon are much better qualified than your sorry butt. They are in town-working to make a difference. You are simply trying to buy a position, I agree with George on that point. Even the young Mr. Walker, who knocked on my door this past weekend has demonstrated a more comprehensive understanding of vital issues.

Sorry, you weren't hugged enough as a child and need affirmation. But maybe you can buy yourself more toys to make you feel better. OR you could spread some money or time around the community and try to make a difference.

You've unloaded both barrels on Leon. This year alone his contributions to AmCan include $100,000 for the Family Resource Center, participation in the AmCanFund. He brought Filipino and Mexican Dancers to AmCan to demonstrate some community pride for the diverse population in town. He gives from his heart and everyone knows his intentions are for the betterment of the city.

The COUNCIL voted to terminate the City Manager and the Planning Director. So they are all guilty of your accusations. While the terminations were supposed to be public-the town isn't that big. "Hostile work environment" was the phrase used to remove Barry from his position. When the entire department wants to leave if he remains in his position-that's an issue. The Council voted to remove Joseph from his position. Both are decision we all must live with-for the better or worse. You make it seem like it's some sort of consipracy. It's the normal attrition and problems facing ANY workforce in ANY environment.

Nuff said. I try so hard to remain open-minded and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you continue to use this forum, as you did the last issue of the POST of how shallow you can really be. Why don't you spend some of your money and buy a friggen CLUE.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:33 pm
by Paul Maguire
Victor if you cared about American Canyon as much as you claim. you would run for office as I and others have. Instead you are out in the bleachers complaining.

Thanks for all your personal insults, as you have a history of doing, with many other insults you have directed at others.

The fact remains, your candidate Garcia has a problem after problem with his record as a council member. Unfortunately, your going to have to face that fact sooner or later.

Spending money on campaigns is a fact of life, and doing so puts the issues in front of the voters. It is the commitment to American Canyon that causes candidates to spend money and run for office. It is a major commitment.

Your childless insults are a direct reflection of your candidate ,Garcia ,whos campaign you are working on and ruining.

Paul, Paul, Paul,

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:52 pm
by VicRiv
uff said. I try so hard to remain open-minded and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you continue to use this forum, as you did the last issue of the POST of how shallow you can really be. Why don't you spend some of your money and buy a friggen CLUE.

I am helping many of the candidates who I feel are worthy of my support. As you can clearly see, NOT yours. Your former campaign manager says you "stiffed him on the outstanding bills, because you lost". and you WHISPER dirty secrets about Cindy, her family, her husband's family, yet you have thw gall the talk about "whispering campaigns".

I will run for office, eventually. And if/when I do it will be base on CHARACTER, ACHIEVEMENTS, PROGRESSIVE THINKING, SOLUTIONS- all of which YOU CAN NOT.

As always, you take the "spoiled, rich kid, approach" and "take your ball and go home to snicker at the peons, from your hilltop perch". As I said before- Spend some of your money and buy a clue. Your can continue to try to denegrate me-but based on MY record- and your can YOU-have no ammunition.
I will gladly debate YOU regarding each of our contributions- name the place and the time.

And if you want to intelligently discuss our differences, (707) 647-1792 daytine hours or email me at

I spent today working on CITY issues, Measure G, Am Can Fund, Youth Programs in the evening , and on my way to watch my youngest kick butt on a local b-ball team, which I sponsored- what did YOU do today to make AmCan a better place to live?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:08 pm
by Paul Maguire
Yada yada yada....


Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:21 pm
by VicRiv
At least we can see the depth of your intelligence and HOW MUCH of a response all you $$ can offer when called to the carpet..

L-O-S-E-R as the ballots, will once again prove you to be.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:27 am
by Paul Maguire
Dirty Campaign Tactic By Garcia and Friends

It is unfortunate that your candidate Garcia and his campaign for which you work will use you to make personal attacks on people, like you have on me, and others on this forum.

Your candidate refuses to discuss the issues, as do you. Instead, you call people names like a child bully in a school yard.

I understand. What else can your campaign do. Your negative and vicious attacks on PERSONS, rather than ISSUES, is child like and immature. Its unacceptable.


Having been critical of this council on solving the issues of this city, I will commend them on one important decision:

Not allowing Garcia to serve as Mayor.

This council would not vote to to select your candidate to be Mayor, it is why your candidate, L-o-s-e-r a term you used: lost twice in an election in Napa and came down here for better luck.

Well, I don't think your candidate is a loser as a person, as you so intended to insult me, but rather, a loser on his lack of initiative and poor record as a councilmember in bringing new ideas to the table and most important, implementing solutions to those ideas.

I do think your candidate hoped to make a difference, and does try. But clearly the record shows he has not been effective as a councilmember.

Take as a comparative example someone like MayorCecil Shaver. Shaver reads the packets, asked pointed questions, and is detailed in his understanding of the the discussion at hand. That is why he has been re elected before, and why he was nominated again to serve as Mayor by his peers on council.

CIty Lost 4 Years with Your Candidate, who lost 2 Elections!

Your candidate does not grasp the issues, which is a reason why he would not be an effective Mayor. Your candidate deserves credit for his participation in social events, and I am sure your candidate cares about the city, but which one, as he has run for city council in two cities, in spite of losing, still trying by coming to American Canyon.

Others such as Don Callison have lost and still will try again, and unlike you and your campaign, I and others respect those who lose and will try again. In fact, Mayor Shaver lost twice before becoming a councilmember.

I and many others see those who are willing to get into the political arena as WINNERS, regardless of the result on election day.

Entire Council Does Not Believe Garcia Would Be A Good Mayor

The Mayor's position as an elected official requires much more leadership and decisiveness than your candidate has demonstrated, and that has not been much, as your candidate does not have what it takes to be an effect negotiator for the city nor representative .


THese are elected councilmembers who worked with your candidate, and who know your candidate, probably better than you, because they serve with him and are in closed session with him.

Conflict of Interest with Napa

Garcia has a conflict of interest with the county, he is not willing to make waves with the county in the interest of American Canyon, because he wants to be a County Supervisor. I have not conflict with Napa at all.

Attacking People

I called for your resignation from the Parks Department on this thread, because of your attacks on Paulette Griffin which were inappropriate and disrespectful. Obviously, you dont like me very much for that, although you have NEVER MET ME.

Your belief is that because someone is running for office, or because they are a public person like Paulette, you can say whatever you want about them personally, you can disrespect them personally, or you can attempt to degrade them as you have tried to do to me.

This is the campaign of Garcia, degrading people through you, making false claims that are not true, instead of what an upstanding campaign would do, which is fight on ISSUES adn Record, not the social backrounds, wealth or lack thereof, body parts, or other topics you have chosen to go after people on.

The issue is the poor performance of your candidates record, not his money, not his gender, not his backround, not his wealth, not his religion, but rather, his poor record and performance on this council.

Your insults do spur me on though, and voters as well, to ensure that this city is not subject to years of people who will take the low blows that you have demonstrated here on attacking people, rather than attacking issues, problems and solving them.

Like the firing of a City Manager that your candidate participated in, leaving the city with no management and lack of direction in many departments with disasterous results.

I am done responding to your attacks on this forum!

My campaign has long begun. While your candidate is off have in San Diego I will be here in American Canyon working for the residents to win this election for them, to provide them the new ideas, the new blood, the new experience and leadership they so desperately want to see in this city. As Mayor I will work hard at ending meetings with workable solutions, that will be implemented, not putting them off like your candidate did in the last city council meeting on Tuesday. Of course, he wasn t at tonights council meeting, and , it was VERY PRODUCTIVE, and was over by 8:30 pm. Hum. Good bye.

To Quote YOU

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:12 pm
by VicRiv

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:46 pm
by Betty
Children, Children... You two behave or you will be sent to your rooms without getting to vote....

thanks Betty!

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:57 pm
by VicRiv
You are right.