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4th of July Ideas?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:48 pm
by ac94503
I'm very pleased to hear that the 4th of July committee is being reorganized with new members and ideas. Remember some of the past ideas worked and some didn't. Many of the newer residents may have suggestions that worked in their home towns. Keep an open mind.

I would like to start a new topic of "What Would You Like To See As Part Of The 4th of July Celebration In 2007?"

This celebration use to be the best day in AC since the Lyon's initially organized this event. Thank you Jack and Emma!!! The Lyon's are the first to create a wonderful opportunity for individuals to be creative in providing fun and food to the public.

As the City has grown so should this event. I would suggest that the prices be reviewed to make it affordable for individuals to participate again. Granted, non-profits and service organizations should come first on their desire to sell or provide entertainment but I hope you will not give away opportunities for individuals to participate.

Also, the event really is about families having a day of fun in the sun. In all fairness to the vendors I do not think all of the kid's games should be pulled out of the vendor's area but interspersed throughout the vendor's venue if possible. This keeps the kids and parents in the vendors territory which should help with their sales.

After last year's 4th, VicRiv suggested an "Old Time" theme and I think this is very acheivable and just what we is needed to bring this community together for a day of relaxation and fun.

Please stop the backbitting before it begins and work together to provide an event all residents will enjoy and be proud of!!!

That said: Any ideas of "What You Would Like To See At The 4th of July 2007?" I look forward to your suggestions...

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:24 pm
by Mel
Great topic! I am a part of the committee this year and am very excited! I would love to see a neighborhood float contest. I have spoken to about 11 people who live in different parts of town and they loved this idea. All it takes is a few neighbors, a bbq, a truck and an idea.


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:23 pm
by mindingcitybiz
I would like to see the fireworks improved. I am not sure what happened last year, they just seemed to repeat themselves and did not go as high as they have in the past.

Community and family events are good. Good luck Mel.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:04 am
by M Plate
The height of the fireworks is determined by the size of shells used and the size of area used to shoot off the fireworks (and for debris to land) is a consideration for this. Currently we are limited as to the fireworks used by the park being closed in by residences and the schools. If we have the desire and resources for a more impressive fireworks show in the future we could consider launching fireworks from another location, such as the closed landfill or Clarke Ranch. This would also probably also necessitate moving the event.

Mathew Plate


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:17 am
by mindingcitybiz
Thanks Matt for the information.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:59 am
by ACPD Brownlee
I have one. Combine the festival in the park with a chili or maybe a Bar-B-Que cook off.

A few years ago Yountville had a chili cook off and it was a good family day.

Assemble a panel of judges, have a taste-off then announce a winner, The award could be on display at city hall with their teams name on the base and year they won or a prize can be given away and it can be something donated by someone like the Chamber of Comm, winery or chocolate company. Anyway, just an idea.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:02 am
by Mel
Officer Brownlee, If I understand it correctly, Sindy Bederman (forgive me if I spell her last name wrong) suggested a chili cook off between I think it was the fire station and police station. I hope it comes to light, that would be a fun competition!

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:48 am
by ACPD Brownlee
Why limit it to just two entries? I feel this is something that should be open to the entire community and even surrounding communities. If it is open to all, then you have more people at the festival


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:35 pm
by mindingcitybiz
I heard there was going to be a bake off for pies, jams and jellies and other desserts and an arts display. I think that is a great idea.

4th of July

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:09 am
by ac94503
I have mentioned before that the schools in the area put on several different events during the school year. The PTA's or PTO's already have many of the games that the kids seem to enjoy. Regardless that it is summer, I think the new boards that are elected prior to school letting out could use the 4th of July as an early membership drive for their organizations while providing some type of activity for the kids.

I like the cook-off idea...How about an egg toss or water balloon toss. Someone could run a cake walk which has always been popular at the school events.

Another idea would be to have the Sheriff's Dept. be available with their packet to fingerprint the kids. (It use to be called Child Find).

Just a few suggestions.