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Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:37 am
by Issa
Man, I checked my mail yesterday and saw my vehicle registration from the DMV, I was shocked, $175 for my 2006 Mazda for next year? What the heck! I just had to rant, thats crazy, I dont even have special plates! Nothing worse than spending over $1500 on my old Mazda to pass smog check though. Stupid democrats! :P

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:04 pm
by mindingcitybiz
I decided that I want to be able to vote for whoever is the best candidate so left and went independant. It is appaulling the amount of money that these parties waste and have no problem asking we the tax payers to pony up more. So we get the pleasure of working harder to pay for their messes. ](*,)