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Note: For general inquires, comments, and suggestions regarding anything on this site please use the "Got Feedback?" link at the top of every page.
Our Goal
Founded in December of 1999, by a now former resident, American Canyon Online has become the largest online resource for the citizens of American Canyon. We are a site run by the citizens, independent from the city, striving at creating a gathering place for each and every current or future resident in the area. In essence, an online community for all of us in American Canyon. It is the number one place to be updated on the latest local news and events, to discuss issues with other residents, and to contribute. Our goal is to make this website a supplement to what our city provides with an emphasis in bringing together our community, and to honor a freedom of speech other mediums do not provide. Let your voice be heard!
"Two years ago when you would search for American Canyon nothing would show up. I wanted to create a place where eventually people could interact with each other. I wanted to create an online community for the city." - Issa, Founder, 2-18-2002
If you're a current citizen or just stopping by, there are many things to do. We provide numerous links and information about American Canyon, including: news, photos, maps, police & fire reports, events - just about anything else you will ever need! The American Canyon Online Forums provide citizens a place to interact and communicate with each other. You may also register as a user on this site to submit events, and other information to be posted. This is your website!
We are always looking for additions to our staff, if your eager to be a volunteer to the community, please email us!
If you own a non-profit organization or work for a school, we can provide you web space or advertising at no charge. We understand the value that you bring to our society and will work with you as best as we can. This can be a great way to let the community know about your services. If you're a citizen that wants to advertise a local non profit event in the area, we will be happy to post your information as well.
In other words, non profits can get anything we offer to businesses for no fee! Donations are welcomed.
Without a doubt, American Canyon Online is the largest website on the internet dedicated solely to American Canyon. Check the online ratings and you will see we get the most traffic out of any other independent American Canyon related site. If you have a company, own a web page, or want to use our site as a tool or investment, there are plenty of opportunities for you. If you feel that our site is the right place for you to advertise or become a partner with, we will gladly accept propositions and review all of them carefully. We are a growing community and are expanding daily. We receive thousands of unique visitors (a visitor within 24 hours) to the front page each month according to our collected data - this number does not include the amount of page hits we receive among the entire site, only front page visits. We are also ranked in the top 10 on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. We get an increase of 30% of visitors each year based on yearly trends, and 60% of our visitors live in the American Canyon area based on IP address data. However, unlike the majority of websites, we do limit the amount of advertising that we will allow so we will turn down offers.
What we offer:
- Text or image advertising anywhere on the website - contact us for a quote.
- Premium listing in our directory with a link to your website. A cheap and quick way to promote your website!
- Web space for your new business with your own FTP username and account in the form of "YOU.AmericanCanyon.com" - contact us for a quote depending on the amount of space/bandwidth you need.
- Rates that are minimal compared to other online sites and local methods ideal for local start ups or solo parties. Don't underestimate the power of online advertising, your ad wont be read once then thrown away such as a newspaper - its up 24 hours a day! The next time somebody uses Google to search for a business in American Canyon, be sure your ad is on our site so they can see it!
- Payments for services can be made via Check or online via PayPal (small surcharge added for using PayPal) and there are a variety of contracts, back by a full refund guarantee for any unused periods.
Here is a collection of people and/or companies who have mentioned or wrote about our site.
Visitors who visit the site may have their IP, Browser/Operating System information, and pages visited, logged into a database for no more than 365 days. We use this information for statistical purposes ONLY, and to implement the use of the site as best as we can. This information will never be provided for outside persons unless it is to be needed to solve a criminal act. Search terms and referring information may also be saved. Again, we do not sell or use the data for anything other than helping solve a crime or statistical purposes.
Please do not post any personal information on the message boards unless you feel that it is necessary. We do monitor the boards from time to time, but we are by no means able to prevent everything a visitor types on a page. Please use caution. Children 13 and under may not post any personal information at any time.
Our partners & advertisers may request additional information from you at some point, the use of the information is solely up to the partner. You should read their privacy policy before submitting any information. A "cookie" may also be copied to your computer, this is only used for website functionality and does not contain any tracking information. External sites are not required to adhere to our policy so please read their policies before using their site.
Hacking attempts or other breaches of security will be taken seriously, and all file transfers are logged, and can be reported. They may also be reported by our Hosting Company independent from us.
Database backups are run every two weeks and your information may be copied to an external storage location for backup purposes only.
All passwords are encrypted and cannot be undone by any tools we have in our possession, nor would we attempt too. For security purposes we recommend that you use a separate password for all activities on the site just in case.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We respect privacy and take great lengths to protect and secure it.
Information provided by the site and its affiliated partners are subject to misinformation. We are not responsible for information that is incorrect, but we have done our best to make sure it is as accurate as possible. Information provided by external persons, such as on the forums, are the opinion of that person and that person alone.
If you find a practice that we are doing in violation of anything please let us know. We will be happy in updating the site to meet any guidelines that are needed.
You may not post any information from this site anywhere at anytime unless you ask for permission first. Some pictures and content are part of the public domain and are copyrighted by their respected owners. In addition, some source code is copyrighted by the Open Source community. If you would like to post part of this site please let us know so that you do not get in trouble and are happy to help.
Feel free to link to us!
Mr. Issa Salameh is the Founder and Webmaster of American Canyon Online, and native AmCan'yoneer, from 1985 through 2000, who created this website at eighteen years of age on December 14th of 1999. Although he doesnt reside in American Canyon at this time, he still loves the city and tries his best to maintain the site for the rest of the citizens.
Nemo is the Public Relations Consultant and Adviser for the website. All business relations must be approved by him. He holds a BA in Psychology at Kitty University and lived in American Canyon for his entire life. Currently he resides in kitty Heaven and occasionally haunts our old house where we lived. When he's not playing games and chatting on MySpace he reads articles about American Canyon.